

19 Apr

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Héros d’Archésia,

Nous savons à quel point il peut être frustrant pour les joueurs de ne pas pouvoir compléter des activités limitées dans le temps ou nécessitant de dépenser un ticket d’entrée lorsqu’un serveur de jeu tombe en panne ou perd sa stabilité. Comme certains joueurs l’ont peut-être déjà constaté, nous avons mis en place un système qui permet de regagner un accès aux activités du jeu qui ont une limite journalière ou hebdomadaire, qui nécessitent des tickets d’entrée ou consomment un bonus quotidien (aura d’écho) lorsqu’un plantage ou une panne de serveur survient pendant la participation du joueur.

Gardez à l’esprit que le système actuel ne permet de rétablir un accès que pour les joueurs qui subissent un crash ou une panne vérifiée du côté du serveur de jeu ; cela ne couvre donc pas les problèmes d’Internet locaux ou d’autres causes potentielles de déconnexion. De plus, la remise de votre accés hebdomadaire de rechange peut ne pas être immédiate. En effet,...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Helden von Arkesia!

Wir wissen wie frustrierend es für Spieler*innen ist, wenn man aus zeitlich begrenzten oder Ticket basierten Aktivitäten wegen eines Spielserverproblems oder anderer unvorhergesehener Probleme ausgeschlossen wird. Wie ihr vielleicht schon gemerkt habt, gibt es ab sofort ein neue Lösung um auf diese begrenzten Aktivitäten nachträglich zu zugreifen. Dies gilt für alle Aktivitäten, die wöchentliche Lockout Timer haben, Tickets benötigen, oder eine täglichen Bonus (Aura der Resonanz) beinhalten und während einer Störung für euch sonst nicht verfügbar wären.

Denkt aber bitte daran dass diese Lösung nur dann greift, wenn es eine nachgewiesene Beinträchtigung des Spielservers gibt, und nicht bei Problemen mit dem lokalen Internet oder anderen Verbindungstörungen. Es kann bis zu einem Tag dauern, bis ihr euer wöchentliches Re-entry Ticket in eurer Spielmailbox habt.

Wir hoffen, dass euch mit dieser Lösung geholfen ist!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heroes of Arkesia,

We know how frustrating it is for players to be locked out of timed or ticketed activities when a game server unexpectedly crashes or loses stability. As a few players may have already seen, in an effort to help improve these less than ideal experiences we now have a system in place that will re-grant access to activities in-game that have weekly lockout timers, utilize tickets, or consume a daily bonus (Aura of Resonance) when a game server crash or outage occurs during player participation.

Please keep in mind that the current system will only allow for access to be re-granted for players who experience a verified crash or outage issue on the game server side; this will not cover local internet issues or other potential causes of disconnects. Additionally, receiving your replacement weekly entry may not be immediate — delivery could take up to a day, and the appropriate ticket will be delivered to your in-game mailbox when it arrives.

We hop...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Patch notes will be out on 4/20

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ll bring more events and such in to make sure there’s a nice flow of these more fun types of things :slight_smile:

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Removing screenshots just because we can’t take action from here, but reporting in the game is the way to go. If you want/need to report outside of game, you can also do so here: Report a Player or Guild - Support | Amazon Games

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There are a lot of different skins that players want, sexy or not. Ultimately the issue here is that players want more skins released more frequently; while we aren’t censoring skins, the lack of selection in the game leads people to believe that so-and-so skin or type of skin is being specifically withheld. In reality, skins are just coming to the game much more slowly than what most folks want. (I also know this has been an ongoing piece of feedback surrounding skin cadence, and we are continuing to share it.)

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Definitely not something that’s even remotely on our radar haha

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Appreciate this feedback! Will pass it to the devs. There are definitely a ton of currencies in the game, even moreso with all the events.

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It’s not the plan, no

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

No one is censoring any player skins, they just aren’t being released as quickly as players would prefer

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No statement yet, as a path forward has not yet been put in place. We are watching pops and feedback and will provide an update when we have one

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They are the Ark Pass skins that have been paired with the Pass in other regions – that said, keep an eye out for the Glaivier skin too, it’s pretty sick

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Unfortunately it disappears when the patch goes, so this week is the last refresh

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Nope, her model hasn’t been changed. As others have stated this is a different form.

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Can I just say yes? I will say yes

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You will be able to purchase the battlepass skin and a glaivier specific skin

18 Apr

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Hi – I’ve finally tracked down more info about this, sorry for the delay.

Currently, we can’t add additional slots to include more facial presets in the game due to the limitations of the character customization’s available slots; if we are able to expand the amount of presets in the future we would love to bring some back, but it’s not currently a priority feature that’s being worked on.