

16 Apr

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Pet ranch won’t be in the April content update, but it will come in a future update :slight_smile:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

To confirm, our patch will happen the night/morning of the 21st (depending on your timezone), so you’ll want to use them before servers go down

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Definitely report 'em. Even if people chalk it up to “standard gamer behavior” it goes against our code of conduct and it’s definitely actionable.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is a cute idea! I’m a big fan of the mount designs myself. Will pass along as always.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do what you gotta do – pieces of the game design, like the rest bonus, are actually in place because it’s only realistic that people have lives and other things to do.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Feiton power pass will indeed bring you to item level 960, as previously mentioned, and will bring you up to the point in the game where the main Feiton story quest is completed.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hot take: You don’t need to know ANYONE as a Lost Ark player, unless you enjoy the kind of content they make. Even in the case of helpful guides and such, there are lots of different sources for them and ways to consume & learn. If you like Asmon’s content, then sure! But if it’s not for you, that’s all good too – it’s true with anything. You shouldn’t feel like you’re missing out when it comes to things you don’t enjoy.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Jokes aside, I have seen minimal reports about the Auction House in the past week (aside from some store/AH disconnects on Europe servers on and off) so if this a different issue details are appreciated

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Feedback is always good to hear, but the game is specifically created to function in an isometric space/view, so unfortunately this one is not likely to ever happen.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

They will arrive before the update with the downtime announcement, however we’re also facing a long holiday weekend that means they might not be out quite as soon as some folks are hoping.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please keep in mind that PTR changes are not yet finalized! When things get updated we will eventually get them rolled out in this version, however these changes in KR are still very much in a feedback/testing state so I wouldn’t say they are locked in yet

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

no thanks, we will pass on this one!!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re actually working through these systems now to try and improve this sort of situation for players – more should be coming next week

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Glaivier is scheduled for April Content Update and Destroyer is scheduled for May content update. This has not changed.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is a player experience team that absolutely works on things like surveys! I’m not 100% sure on their full plans and distributions, etc but it does exist!! I can see if I can track down more to share.

15 Apr

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ultimately we do want to make sure that enough players (not most but more than “the 1%” to use a common phrase) are able to access new content when it comes out – there’s a balance to strike here to be sure, but we’re looking at that 1415 item level for Valtan/May, and April is going to be too soon for a vast majority of our active players.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate this note – I think some of the future power pass options and events will help make this process a little bit better in unique ways, but I know it’s something not all players are a fan of.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

La primavera ya está aquí, y el evento “Al rojo vivo” vuelve este fin de semana con una nueva tanda de recompensas.

A partir del 16 de abril a las 12:00pm CEST / 3:00am PT un personaje en el elenco de cada jugador podrá reclamar los siguientes objetos con el botón de “al rojo vivo”:

  • [Obra maestra] Tortilla jugosa de maestro (ligada) x3
  • Cofre de monedas de la luz de Regulus x3
  • Pluma de fénix x10

Estos objetos podrán reclamarse una vez cada sábado y cada domingo entre las 12:01pm CET / 3:01am PT y las 11:59am CET / 2:59am PT, cuando el reloj del evento se reiniciará. Este evento tendrá lugar cada fin de semana hasta mediados de mayo, así que estad atentos y conseguid todas las recompensas.

¡Nos vemos en Arkesia!

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Le Printemps est arrivé et l’événement Happy Hour revient ce week-end avec un nouveau lot de récompenses !

À partir du 16 avril à 12h (CEST), un personnage de l’expédition d’un joueur pourra réclamer les objets suivants via le bouton “Happy Hour” :

  • [Chef-d’œuvre] Omelette baveuse de maître (liée) x3
  • Coffre de monnaie de lumière de Regulus x3
  • Plume de phénix x10

Ces objets peuvent être réclamés une fois le samedi et une fois le dimanche entre 12h01 et 11h59, heure à laquelle le minuteur de l’événement sera réinitialisé. Cet événement se déroulera chaque week-end jusqu’à la mi-mai, alors n’oubliez pas de récupérer vos cadeaux de printemps tant que vous le pouvez !

Rendez-vous en Archésia !

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Auf den Winter kommt der Frühling und bringt dieses Wochenende das Fever Time Event mit neuen Belohnungen zurück!
Ab dem 16. April um 12:00 könnt ihr mit einem eurer Charaktere über die Schaltfläche “Fieberzeit” die folgenden Gegenstände erhalten:

  • [Meisterwerk] Saftiges Experten-Omelette (Gebunden)
  • Licht-Währungstruhe des Regulus x 3
  • Phönixflaum x 10

Wenn die Event-Uhr zurückgesetzt wird, können diese Gegenstände jeweils einmal am Samstag und einmal am Sonntag zwischen 12:01 und 11:59 eingefordert werden. Dieses Event läuft jedes Wochenende bis Mitte Mai, also schnapp dir deine Frühlingsgeschenke, solange du noch kannst!

Wir sehen uns in Arkesia!