

15 Apr

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Spring has sprung, and the Fever Time event is returning this weekend with a new batch of rewards!

Starting on April 16th at 3 AM PT / 10 AM UTC one character on a player’s Roster will be able to claim the following items through the “Fever Time” button:

  • [Masterwork] Master’s Moist Omelet (Bound) x3
  • Regulus’ Light Currency Chest x3
  • Phoenix Plume x10

These items can be claimed once on Saturday and once on Sunday between 3:01 AM PT / 10:01 AM UTC and 2:59 AM PT / 9:59AM UTC, when the event clock will reset. This event will run each weekend through mid-May, so be sure to grab your spring gifts while you can!

See you in Arkesia!

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Our content roadmap primarily focuses game content and a few QoL fixes, but should not be looked at as exhaustive or inclusive of every change or fix players will see in the next coming months. Regardless, 32:9 is not something that is being worked on for the next patch. Feedback has been passed along, and if it is going to be enacted upon at any point we will let players know.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This was always intended to be published before the patch as a marketing update to the website – I understand the verbiage is a bit ambiguous, as the page’s lifespan will be both before and after the update, and I can pass that feedback along.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

These changes are currently on the test server in the region and have not yet been finalized. Smilegate is still testing the tweaks and taking feedback in the early stages before locking things in.

The goal is to release the classes as up to date as possible, which means you should generally not expect “new” content in the Western version of the game to have “old” balance patches when it comes out. When it comes to updating, these things will have to be patched in when they are polished in ready.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report – sorry you experienced this, but I wanted to confirm it is an issue that the team is aware of and looking into

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I believe this is tied to some of the ongoing bumpiness with EAC. The teams (EAC team included) are still working to getting things up to snuff. The reports are definitely appreciated in the meantime

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is indeed the confirmed date for the April content update. The build passed inspection last night and is in a good place for release next week – as soon as we locked that in, we were able to share.

14 Apr

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is the intention, but I can let them know the language is confusing to some folks to clear things up for future releases

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No plans on extending it further, as the reward NPC will disappear when the event ends and the content is tied to the current build (and is not a part of the April update build)

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hype marketing. ™

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Let me check back in on this – I believe part of the challenge was the multiple time zones across Europe and settling on one server time for all, but lets see if there’s more insight I can share.

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Glaivier and the April content update are coming 4/21

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I know this has been a pain for a long time, but it is flagged as a bug and is awaiting development so it is slated to be fixed.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Looked into this as well, it doesn’t appear to be bugged which means there might be some unluckiness going on. Apologies!!

13 Apr

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Normally weekly maintenances are shorter, but the last couple of updates have required extensive backend changes. This week’s in particular will lay the groundwork for the April update, so while it is a bit crazy, it is important.

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I shared this because I was confident (it was planned for earlier this week), but it slipped due to unexpected issues with the build. I know “soon” drives people crazy, but ultimately this is why sharing even general timeframes can also be an issue – were going to see what other information we can provide to players in the interim between updates (even when there aren’t dates) so that players can at least feel like they are better being kept in the loop.

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It looks like a lot of players are pointing to the same thing, so I am going to reshare this comment here –

We had planned the announcement for the date of the update which was going to be shared before this week’s patch, and would have made it clear this week’s patch was not the April update. Ultimately that had to be pushed back because of the problems we are working through with the update build. Now that it is Wednesday, which is patch announcement time for Thursday, and weren’t able to pivot on that message beforehand it looks like the message that the content update wasn’t coming this week was withheld where instead it just slipped too far. I hope the context helps, but I don’t mean to make any excuses – it was not ideal, it can be improved on in the future and we can put contingencies in place in case something like this happens again.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

What message were you reading that you felt wasn’t clear? I am happy to try and clear it up if something was confusing.

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The update is necessary to lay the groundwork for the April content update, even if you do not see immediate changes. Without it, upcoming content would not be able to function.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Events are running past tomorrow, which was why the Grand Prix was previously extended. Skins and such will come with the April Content update. For the May update, I do not yet have timing on that.