

06 Apr

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Héroes de Arkesia,

Todos los servidores de Lost Ark en todas las regiones serán desconectados el 7 de abril a las 9am CEST / 12am PT para el mantenimiento semanal. Estimamos que los servidores estarán desconectados 4 horas y además del mantenimiento habitual este parche incluirá los siguientes cambios:

  • Hemos solucionado un problema que impedía a los jugadores conectarse a Elveria Antigua durante la misión de afinidad de Ealyn “Hora de sanar”

  • Hemos arreglado un problema que causaba que todos los tomos de Metalúrgia y Sastrería aparecieran marcados como Tier 3 al interactuar con Mio [intercambiador de fichas de ilusión de invierno] .

  • Hemos arreglado un problema que causaba que caracteres no deseados pudieran ser usados en el chat.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia. Actualizaremos este hilo cuando los servidores estén disponibles de nuevo.

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Héros d’Archésia,

Tous les serveurs et régions de Lost Ark seront indisponibles le 7 avril à 9h00 CEST pour notre maintenance et notre mise à jour hebdomadaire. L’indisponibilité des serveurs devrait durer environ 4 heures et ce patch comprendra les changements suivants :

  • Correction d’un problème qui empêchait les joueurs de se rendre dans les ruines d’Elveria pendant la quête d’affinité d’Ealyn “Le temps de la guérison”.
  • Correction d’un problème où tous les livres de métallurgie et de couture étaient indiqués comme étant de palier 3 lors des échanges avec Mio, l’Échangeur de trophée de l’hiver illusoire.
  • Correction d’un problème où des caractères non approuvés pouvaient être utilisés dans la fenêtre de discussion.

Nous vous remercions de votre patience et nous vous tiendrons informés lorsque les serveurs seront de nouveau en ligne.

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Helden von Arkesia,

am 07. April um 09:00 werden alle Lost Ark Server in sämtlichen Regionen für unser regelmäßiges, wöchentliches Update heruntergefahren. Die Wartungszeit wird voraussichtlich bis zu 4 Stunden dauern. Der Patch beinhaltet folgende Änderungen:

  • Behebt das Problem, welches dazu führte, dass Spieler während Ealyns Rapport-Quest “Zeit zum Heilen” nicht nach das alte Elveria laden konnten.
  • Behebt das Problem bei dem alle Metallurgi und Schneidereibücher beim Tausch mit Winterillusion als Tier 3 markiert waren.
  • Behebt das Problem bei dem unbeabsichtigte Zeichen im Chat verwendet werden konnten.

Danke für eure Geduld. Wir informieren euch, sobald die Server wieder online sind.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heroes of Arkesia,

All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming down on April 7th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our regular weekly maintenance and update. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours, and this patch will include the following changes:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from loading into Ancient Elveria during Ealyn’s “Time to Heal” rapport quest
  • Fixed an issue where all Metallurgy and Tailoring books were marked as Tier 3 when exchanging with Winter Illusion vendor Mio
  • Fixed an issue where unintended characters could be used in chat

We appreciate your patience, and we’ll let you know when servers are back online.

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I hear ya, but unfortunately it’s not on the table – we don’t want to end up in a situation where we have to delay the class or content because we are changing a bunch of names in the backend.

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Boosteroid is a third party application that is not officially supported on our end, which means that unfortunately there is not a fix that we will be putting out for this (and since we aren’t affiliated with the program at all, it may introduce other risks through use)

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I don’t know who this person is, but in general I would be highly skeptical of individuals that claim they RMT’ed and barely (or didn’t) get punished for it. Also, people who RMT totally don’t get to keep the gold so they are basically throwing money straight into in the garbage and will have their account actioned against; they’re functionally paying for their own bans, so. Not recommended regardless of what you might hear.

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Though we’re experimenting with server transfers, specific roster transfers like this aren’t currently on the table unfortunately

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At the moment there are not plans for it, but we will monitor and make that decision in the future if needed

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FWIW, players will earn the power pass in-game

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it free, as in not costing money, but you’ll have to earn it like you did with the others

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Just going to lock this thread and redirect it here as it already has healthy discussion/debate about the topic ongoing: Lost Ark is NOT P2W [Proof]

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This is a tricky topic – the biggest concern with RMT (in my opinion) is the money transaction portion of it, because it introduces a ton of risk for real-world scamming, encourages botting in the game, and involves a ton of liability all around. Streamers/well-known players can get advantages in the form of gifts, and this is ultimately a form of emergent gameplay tied to their popularity. While I understand it can feel unfair, it is a lot less risky and damaging than RMT since it doesn’t involve unregulated cash transactions, and we don’t want to restrict who can and can’t trade because of who they are so long as they are using the game systems within their designed scope.

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A specific buff is not currently planned as we continue to work through balancing the system with mats and resources, however we are still monitoring data and further adjustments aren’t completely off the table. If this is something that is adjusted further, it will happen in a patch, and wasn’t included as part of the content roadmap as it isn’t planned to be specifically tied to either of our content updates and instead is more of a “living” situation

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Appreciate folks for linking my posts here, I am not always lingering in the support section so I apologize. I can’t speak for every person in this thread, but it does seem like this may be caused by EAC for some folks – the teams (EAC included) are aware of this impact and are working through updates to try to resolve. The reports are appreciated and seen/monitored even if there is not always a response present. Thanks!!

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Thanks for resurfacing this! This was flagged a while ago by another colleague so I will try to follow up.

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Hey there! Thanks for continuing to report, we have folks monitoring this thread regardless of whether I’m replying though I apologize for not hopping in for a few days. We are still rolling out updates to this system, and we have flagged with both our devs and program devs that players are continuing to have these issues, so I wanted to confirm we are still aware and working through updates

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Sorry that this happened and for the confusion, but they will absolutely be usable when we release more slots, so hold on to them! As linked above, they are coming soon since we’ll be releasing more classes :slight_smile:

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We definitely don’t directly control SGR’s decisions, but we do provide feedback and have discussions and come to decisions together. This happens primarily for this version of the game but also a bit for the bigger picture (like when it comes to future content like this, and we provide feedback that players want class gender locks to be gone)! It’s a partnership rather than one entity controlling another :slight_smile:

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Gender locked classes is something we’ve seen a ton of feedback on – SGR is indeed working to make opposite gendered class counterparts, but this is something that will take a lot of time. At their LOA ON event they announced female berserker would be next up and she looks super cool

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