

30 Mar

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Moving this to support so you can get it addressed with CS. I’m going to guess this agent doesn’t quite know who I am (which is fair :sweat_smile: ) but to be clear I do not have the ability to look into any player accounts or tickets, nor do I have the tools to solve customer support requests

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just updated the patch notes with this as well, but…

Players that have already kicked off their Competitive Proving Grounds season will see a positive adjustment made to their MMR. This bump of 250 will close the gap for players who started their season at 1250 MMR instead of the updated 1500 MMR. Players who are just beginning their season will now start at 1500.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I am definitely continuing to pass this feedback along, but also sharing the context I have around the current situation. While I play messenger here, I also want players to know that it is extremely valuable to get additional feedback from players that also directly addresses said context to help facilitate these conversations. These kinds of posts are much appreciated.

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We are indeed adding an MMR bump for players across the board to compensate for this not being in place at Season start. This will happen tonight.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is out for a fix with tonight’s patch as well

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If you haven’t seen this letter, it provides a lot of insight on the topics you are speculating on: Amazon Games & Smilegate RPG Message From the Team - News | Lost Ark - Free to Play MMO Action RPG

At no point have honing changes been pulled from the game, they were not in our build in the first place. There was a moment where faster honing rates were incorrectly published in patch notes prior to launch and corrected, but this was just a case of incorrect information being delivered to us and not the build itself changing.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Smilegate absolutely does not just patch based on our requests – they are still fully the game developers and designers for Lost Ark.

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I think you have this backwards – we are not delaying classes, there is just a release cadence that they will be made available at. Some skins need to be rigged for new classes so that we avoid only having skins that are not useable for wide amounts of players, but that slows skin release and does not play into class placing.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have a fix for this that should be timed fairly close to the patch, but we want to widely verify on live servers before we completely mark it as solved

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is in the patch notes for tonight as something that is being fixed: Lost Ark Weekly Update - 3/31 @ 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CET

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This should have a fix soon as well… timing will be close to the patch, but we want to verify it on live before we announce it as solved.

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Regular weekly updates will always be scheduled for bug fixes and maintenance. This serves a different purpose than larger or more significant monthly content updates. New content will not come to the game every single week

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Locking this and removing personal information because it is not a constructive conversation and this is not a place to debate these topics.

This Lost Ark Discord is not an official Amazon Games space, however we do not condone this behavior in any of our spaces, and will action against it. You can review the forum rules here: FAQ - Lost Ark Forums

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Das wöchentliche Update für Lost Ark wird am 31. März um 9:00 Uhr durchgeführt. Die voraussichtliche Ausfallzeit wird ca. 5 Stunden für alle Server und Regionen dauern. Dieses Update behebt folgenden Probleme:

  • Behebt den Fehler, durch das Spieler auf dem Bronze-Rang anstatt auf dem Silber-Rang (1500 MMR) in die kompetetive Kampfarena starten konnten. Bei Spielern, die ihre Saison auf der kompetetiven Kampfarena bereits angefangen haben, wird eine positive Anpassung ihrer MMR vorgenommen. Die Erhöhung um 250 Punkte wird die Lücke für Jene schließen, die ihre Saison mit 1250 MMR statt mit den aktualisierten 1500 MMR angefangen haben. Spieler, die ihre Saison gerade erst anfangen, starten automatisch bei 1500.
  • Behebt den Fehler, dass der OT-Timer während PvP-Kämpfen nicht angezeigt wird.
  • Behebt den Fehler, bei dem der Chat-Text unpassend verändert oder außerhalb des Chat-Feldes angezeigt wird.
  • Ausserdem wird das [Wöchentliche] Kampfgegenstandsbün...
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El mantenimiento semanal de Lost Ark tendrá lugar el 31 de marzo a las 9am CET / 12am PT y esperamos que todas las regiones y servidores estén desconectados durante 5 horas. Esta actualización incluirá lo siguiente:

  • Se ha solucionado un error por el que los jugadores comenzaban en el rango Bronce en lugar de Plata (1500 MMR) en los campos de pruebas competitivos. Los jugadores que ya hayan comenzado su participación en la temporada de campos de prueba competitivos recibirán un ajuste positivo en su MMR. Estos 250 puntos adicionales eliminarán la diferencia entre aquellos que comenzaron la temporada con un MMR de 1250 y aquellos que comiencen a participar en el PvP competitivo tras el mantenimiento, que empezarán con un MMR de 1500.
  • Se ha solucionado un error por el que el reloj de tiempo adicional no aparecía durante enfrentamientos Jugador contra Jugador.
  • Se ha solucionado un error por el que el texto del chat podía ser alterado o mostrado de forma no...
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La mise à jour hebdomadaire de Lost Ark aura lieu le 31 mars à 9h CET. Tous les serveurs et toutes les régions seront indisponibles pendant 5 heures. Cette mise à jour inclut les corrections suivantes :

  • Correction d’un problème où les joueurs commençaient au rang bronze au lieu du rang argent (cote de 1500) dans l’Ordalie compétitive. Les joueurs qui ont déjà commencé leur saison sur l’Ordalie compétitive verront un ajustement positif de leur cote. Cette augmentation de 250 permettra de combler l’écart pour les joueurs qui ont commencé leur saison à 1250 et non pas à 1500 comme c’est le cas depuis la mise à jour. Les joueurs qui viennent de commencer leur saison commenceront automatiquement à 1500.
  • Correction d’un problème où le chronomètre de temps supplémentaire n’apparaissait pas pendant les matchs JcJ.
  • Correction d’un problème où le texte de discussion pouvait apparaître altéré ou affiché en dehors de la boîte de discussion.
  • Amélioration d...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Lost Ark’s weekly update will take place March 31st at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CET with an expected downtime of 5 hours for all servers and regions. This update includes the following fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where players were starting at Bronze Rank instead of Silver Rank (1500 MMR) in the Competitive Proving Grounds. Players that have already kicked off their Competitive Proving Grounds season will see a positive adjustment made to their MMR. This bump of 250 will close the gap for players who started their season at 1250 MMR instead of the updated 1500 MMR. Players who are just beginning their season will automatically start at 1500.

  • Fixed an issue where the OT timer was not appearing during PvP matches.

  • Fixed an issue where chat text could be unsuitably altered or displayed outside of the chat box.

  • Improved the [Weekly] Battle Item Bundle so that players can now select their preferred battle item chests inst...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just wanted pass along this post I made some time ago that provides further insight as to why this isn’t a feasible solution:

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ah, I understand the confusion – it will be back this weekend, and we’ll have an additional type of this event with a few changes to follow it, at least!! And I do hope you’re feeling better!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yup, downtime will be the usual at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CET. Patch notes will be up shortly, it’s a relatively small one