

04 Apr

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We have far, far more moderators than CMs (Seriously- About - Lost Ark Forums), so I am not sure why it is assumed I removed it. I have no problem with players discussing skins so long as it doesn’t slip into toxic or rule-breaking territory, or isn’t intentionally baiting those kinds of conversations. The removed post may have been headed down that path, but this thread has been totally fine so far so feel free to carry on.

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It’s tricky when it comes to things being leaked or shared before they are ready, but Arcana will still arrive, and I apologize to anyone who feels disappointed in the wait!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

No plans on shifting the classes in this roadmap – part of the reason we took so long to get it out was to ensure we wouldn’t have to make many changes, though I apologize the previous “leak” got out before it was ready to cause some of the disappointed-ness. Rest assured, Arcana will still be making its way to our version of the game :slight_smile:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Destroyer is coming in May? We announced this in the article, this isn’t planned to swap with another class. It took us a long time to lock down because we wanted to avoid content shifts of announced info

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I hear this, but it takes time to implement some of these things (especially new QoL changes) in game build. As more bits and pieces are added into a build, it takes more time to implement/adjust/test/bug fix, even if they already exist in some capacity in other regions. We want to make sure some of these things come in quickly, but at the same time, we do not want the teams to have to crunch/overload/break things because we are moving too fast

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There should be a character slot increase coming soon – don’t have exact timing, but it’s on the list

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Posts that aged well :slight_smile:

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Call it what ya want, but better to release a fan favorite early than spend time changing a bunch of names back, I think? :slight_smile:

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We will be adding new character slots in the near future; the roadmap is not exhaustive of every single change or patch note we will make

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There was never a statement made that 2 classes would be released per month; Gold River mentioned on the Ark Week interview that new classes would come approximately every 2 - 3 months, but it was mistranslated. Regardless, we only shared a 2 month look as we expect things to change and grow and be reevaluated as we move ahead with the game

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This roadmap only addresses April and May and is not necessarily a template for what every content update will look like in the future – just like we did after the March update, we fully expect to continue to learn and adjust as things continue to roll out

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Héroes de Arkesia:

En marzo, el equipo de Smilegate RPG vino hasta nuestro estudio de Seattle para echar un vistazo al calendario de contenido, mejorar las operaciones y herramientas y continuar colaborando en todo lo relacionado con el lanzamiento occidental de Lost Ark. Si aún no la habéis leído, pasaos por la carta para la comunidad , que contiene todos los detalles sobre nuestro enfoque para el contenido posterior a la actualización de marzo. En lo que concierne a la hoja de ruta de abril y mayo, vamos a comenzar repitiendo cierta información de dicha carta.

En el futuro cerca...

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Héros d’Archésia,

Au mois de mars, Smilegate RPG se sont rendus à notre studio de Seattle pour consulter la feuille de route de contenu, améliorer nos opérations et nos outils, et continuer notre collaboration sur la version occidentale de Lost Ark. Si vous ne l’avez pas encore fait, pensez à lire notre lettre à la communauté, qui explique notre approche de la publication de contenu après la mise à jour de mars. Dans la cadre de la feuille de route pour avril et mai, nous allons commencer par répéter quelques éléments de cette lettre.

Nous voulons consacrer le futur proche au c...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Helden von Arkesia!

Im März kam Smilegate RPG zu uns ins Studio in Seattle, um einen Blick auf die Content-Roadmap zu werfen, Abläufe und Tools zu verbessern und die Zusammenarbeit in Bezug auf die westliche Veröffentlichung von Lost Ark fortzusetzen. Falls du es noch nicht gelesen hast, ließ unsere Nachricht an die Community, in der wir unser Konzept für die Inhalte erläutern, die nach dem März-Update veröffentlicht werden. Im Hinblick auf die Roadmap für April und Mai werden wir zunächst einige Punkte aus dieser Nachricht wiederholen.

Wir möchten uns in nächster Zeit auf...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heroes of Arkesia,

In March, Smilegate RPG joined us in our Seattle studio to take a look at the content roadmap, improve operations & tools, and continue collaboration on all things related to the western release of Lost Ark. If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to read our letter to the community that details our approach to content coming after the March Update. For the purposes of the April & May roadmap, we’ll start off by reiterating a few things from that letter.

We’re going to keep the near future focused on horizontal content and giving players clear paths for progression without fee...

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This is not up for discussion. Report folks here, and not through the forums: Report a Player or Guild - Support | Amazon Games

As to why naming and shaming is not allowed, we don’t need to start witch hunts in the community over folks who can just be easily and straightforwardly through support. We don’t need to open up discussions for how people may be cheating or being awful to show off rule-breaking behavior. And while some cases may be obvious, other reports may not be (or may even be fabricated) which could lead to targeting of players that have not actually broken any rul...

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Please don’t report players through the forums – you can use this link: Report a Player or Guild - Support | Amazon Games

The reason for this is so that our agents can properly evaluate and action, however player bans and reports are not a topic for discussion here

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This has definitely been flagged as a bug with the system, so it will need to be fixed and patched. I don’t have an ETA quite yet, but will share when I can. Appreciate all your reports in helping us pinpoint this

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Login bonuses run through the period listed in-game, and will reset with the next content patch.

We intentionally offer this amount of rewards and do not plan on changing this to hit every day. While it’s great that you may be able to play every day, we understand that not everyone can, which is why things like this are limited and is also why we have systems in place like the Rest Bonus

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The team is absolutely cracking down on folks who break the forum rules (for your review: FAQ - Lost Ark Forums) which is why you might see more threads being removed than usual. I understand threads can sometimes start with healthy discussions, but once they spiral beyond the point of no return it becomes a waste of moderator time to continue to prune posts one by one.

Please be aware of this and continue to abide by the forum rules and moderator direction. No one is trying to “censor” any specific conversations, but if discussion does not follow our rules, it will be actioned against no matter what the topic is.