

11 Feb

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Though I like this idea of limited invites, there is no such function that exists to do this within the game, so it not something we will be able to implement for launch.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Die Lost-Ark-Server werden am 11/2 um 2PM UHR für einen Hotfix offline genommen. Die Unterbrechung wird voraussichtlich 4 Stunden dauern.

Dieser Hotfix behebt folgende Probleme:

  • Der Gebietschat wurde korrigiert, sodass nun alle Spieler mit anderen Spielern in einem bestimmten Gebiet sprechen können.
  • Belohnungen der Willkommen-Herausforderung wurden erhöht, um den Spielerfortschritt zu erleichtern.
  • Maries Geheimladen zeigt nun die regionale Serverzeit an anstatt UTC.
  • Die Questdialog-UI wurde korrigiert, um Überschneidungen von Texten zu vermeiden.
  • Im Charakterauswahlbildschirm gibt es jetzt eine Option für Sprachausgabe.
  • Welt-Bosse lassen nun die korrekte Ausrüstung für Kampfkünstlerin-Klassen fallen.
  • Die Wörter “Royal Crystals” und “Crystalline Aura” werden jetzt in nicht-englischen Sprachen im Steam-Overlay angezeigt, wenn eine Transaktion abgeschlossen wird
  • Der Titel “Nightmare” wurde behoben,...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bonjour, aventuriers !

Les serveurs de Lost Ark seront arrêtés aujourd’hui 11 février à 14:00 CET pour un correctif. La durée de l’arrêt est estimée à 4 heures.

Les problèmes traités dans ce correctif sont les suivants :

  • Correction de la discussion chat de zone, qui permet désormais à tous les joueurs de parler aux autres joueurs dans une zone donnée.
  • Les récompenses du défi de bienvenue ont été améliorées pour mieux soutenir la progression des joueurs.
  • La boutique secrète de Mari affiche désormais l’heure du serveur régional au lieu de l’heure UTC.
  • Correction de l’interface du dialogue de quête pour éviter tout chevauchement de textes.
  • Ajout d’une option de voix-off sur l’écran de sélection des personnages.
  • Les boss de monde lâchent désormais le bon équipement pour les classes de martialiste.
  • Les mots “Cristaux royaux” et “Aura cristalline” s’affichent désormais en langues non anglophones dans l’...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

¡Saludos, aventureros!

Vamos a desconectar los servidores de Lost Ark a las 14:00 CET del 11/02 para aplicar un parche urgente. Estimamos que la inactividad podría durar hasta 4 horas.

Estos son los problemas que queremos corregir:

  • El chat de zona permitirá hablar a todos los jugadores con quien esté en la zona.
  • Las recompensas del desafío de bienvenida se han aumentado para ayudar en la progresión de los jugadores.
  • La tienda secreta de Mari muestra ahora la hora regional del servidor en lugar de la hora UTC.
  • Se ha corregido la interfaz de las misiones para evitar solapamientos de texto.
  • Hemos añadido una opción de voz a la pantalla Selección de personaje.
  • Los jefes de mundo sueltan el equipo correcto para las clases de artista marcial.
  • Las palabras “Cristales reales” y “Aura cristalina” aparecerán en el idioma correcto en el overlay de Steam al finalizar una transacción.
  • Se ha c...
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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

During the Head Start period for Lost Ark, a massive number of heroes arrived in Arkesia. While we are thrilled to have so many players joining us, we also recognize that this has brought about large queues on our more popular servers, leading to a less than ideal experience for these players.

In an effort to improve the player experience for those who have faced queues, we will be taking several steps to put preventative measures in place ahead of our full launch tomorrow morning, in addition to addressing some of the outstanding issues surrounding Founder’s Pack claims.

Founder’s Pack Redemptions

Players have let us know one of the reasons they are reluctant to switch to lower population servers is because many of...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

More information will be available tonight.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings, heroes! We have an update to share on what happens to character names after a character is deleted.

When a character that is Level 10 or lower is deleted, that character’s name will be available for reuse right away. If a character is Level or 11 or higher, when they are deleted their name will be recycled for reuse after a 60 day period passes.

We hope this makes things a bit easier when it comes to naming your character in Arkesia!

10 Feb

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports, will make sure this is escalated with the team

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now, server transfers do not currently permanently exist in any version of Lost Ark, so we will have to work through any of those possibilities with Smilegate RPG. We definitely understand that they are an important feature.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are literally over 1.5 million of you and Founder’s Packs aren’t off sale yet, so also potentially a problem…

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are aware of this issue, and are working on steps to help address it. Please expect more news later today.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please contact Steam support for a refund. Our community managers cannot issue refunds or help with transactions.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please note that we have additional steps being put in place that we will share later today that will further address the issues and situations surrounding queues

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Totally! Wanted to respond prior to update just to make it clear since I can do this more quickly :smiley:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This has been updated, it is not a bug. An update is being prepped, but uh, busy day and other topics have taken precedence.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t think this has been shared here, but in case you haven’t seen it, we have put steps in place to prevent queues from increasing immediately: Character Creation Limits and Additional Servers

We will also have additional information to share on this topic later today (currently finalizing, which is why it is not right now) which should help to address some player concerns.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are not banning anyone, but we will be revoking items that were claimed in this way

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The post is explicit and correct

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We definitely hear and understand the requests for a server transfer feature. However, as the feature does not currently permanently exist in any version of Lost Ark, this is not something we have the ability to implement immediately and we will have to work through possibilities for with Smilegate RPG.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I definitely understand that it is not ideal to not be able to join a friend’s server. We have more details to share on our plan to deal with queues that will be available later today, that we hope will help folks further.

It is important to keep in mind that servers are experiencing queues 6 - 8 hours during our paid launch – when the game goes free-to-play tomorrow, allowing players to continue to create characters on these servers would only create substantially larger queues on highly populated servers, which will prevent many, many more players from being able to get in game and effectively locking even more players out of the server (including those who have already been playing on it).