We’ll share some articles and social posts on the class once we start rolling into November and get that release date available to share
We’ll share some articles and social posts on the class once we start rolling into November and get that release date available to share
It will always be challenging to find a time that is ideal for everyone, but definitely open to feedback if there are more folks that feel this way.
Sorry for the confusion about this – while we won’t be re-instating the October Powerpass that excpired, we are discussing options for the next class releases and will let players know where that lands
The change was made for unclaimed items, we’re looking into seeing if we can apply this retroactively as well – will keep y’all posted.
Como compensación por el último mantenimiento y por el tiempo que el cubo, la avalancha de jefes y el Campo de platino no estuvieron disponibles, todos los jugadores recibirán los siguientes objetos:
Este paquete de compensación se entregará automáticamente en tu inventario de productos cuando inicies sesión antes del 5 de noviembre, a las 9 AM CEST.
¡Gracias por vuestra paciencia y nos vemos pronto en Arkesia!
En guise de compensation pour le temps où le contenu Gisement de platine, Assaut de boss et Cube était indisponible dans le jeu, tous les joueurs recevront les objets suivants :
Ce pack sera automatiquement livré à votre inventaire avant le 5 novembre à 9 h HNEC.
Merci de votre patience et bon week-end en Archésia !
Als Entschädigung für den gestrigen Hotfix und die Zeit, in der die Inhalte von Würfel, Boss-Rausch und Platinfeld im Spiel nicht verfügbar waren, bekommen alle Spieler die folgenden Gegenstände:
Dieses Entschädigungspaket wird automatisch in euer Produktinventar geliefert, wenn ihr euch vor dem 5. November, 9:00 Uhr einloggt.
Danke für eure Geduld, und wir sehen uns in Arkesia!
As compensation for last night’s hotfix and the time that Cube, Boss Rush, Platinum Field content was unavailable in the game, all players will receive the following items:
This compensation package will be delivered automatically to your Product Inventory when you log in before 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC on November 5th.
Thank you for your patience, and enjoy your weekend in Arkesia!
The quantities are a bit wonky, so we called this out with the team to see if it was intended or an error – we’ll let you know as soon as we find out!
This information will most likely be included within the update patch notes
Definitely November as a small hint, we are trying to get this out the door ahead of the holiday
At this point in time, it is correct that we do not officially support Proton, Linux, or Steam Deck. We are not currently working on implementing this support, but if that changes in the future we will let players know.
As a reminder, trying to appeal or attain information on a suspension or ban within the forums is not effective, as forum staff does not have the tools required to look into player accounts, bans, or appeals, and therefore cannot assist or investigate. Please reach out to Customer Support to for more details on the status of an account or ban.
We do not officially support Linux, and are not planning to add in that support at this time.
We haven’t made on a decision on if/when/how these will be released into the game, so despite that tab being in the market there is still a lot up in the air – when it comes to that time, we’ll be sure to share our plan.
Forums is best! Starting a megathread and what not so we can track it and all team members can view is the most helpful Very glad to hear it’s working!!
All Lost Ark servers and regions will be coming down for a hotfix tonight, beginning on October 28th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST. Expected downtime is approximately 4 hours, and will address the following issues:
We’ve identified a known issue:
Thank you for your ...
Read moreAlle Lost Ark Server und -Regionen werden am 28. Oktober um 9:00 Uhr für einen Hotfix heruntergefahren. Die Wartungspause wird schätzungsweise bis zu 4 Stunden dauern und folgende Probleme beheben:
Danke für eure Geduld, wir sehen uns in Arkesia!
Tous les serveurs et toutes les régions de Lost Ark seront hors ligne le 28 octobre à 9 h HNEC. Le temps d’arrêt prévu est d’environ 4 heures et permettra de régler les problèmes suivants :
Merci de votre patience et à bientôt en Archésia !
Habrá una desconexión de todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark para realizar un mantenimiento que comenzará el 28 de octubre a las 9 AM CEST. Prevemos que la desconexión durará unas 4 horas aproximadamente. Este parche incluirá los siguientes arreglos:
¡Gracias por vuestra paciencia y nos vemos pronto en Arkesia!