If you’re comfortable, can you DM me your ISP name and potentially your public IP address so I can raise to the team? Thanks!
If you’re comfortable, can you DM me your ISP name and potentially your public IP address so I can raise to the team? Thanks!
I am locking this thread because there is a lot of back and forth arguing between players which is starting to get attack-y and isn’t helpful or productive.
Free power passes always have an expiration date, as stated in the patch notes and in-game. I see that players were confused by the “no limit” text that was appearing, and I will work to re-escalate this issue in hopes of cutting down on confusion for future passes, as it has appeared in several free passes so far.
They are not yet present in our version of the game – disabling this content happened globally, so this content is currently down in other regions and the full list made its way into our post. But it is indeed something you can expect in the future (December)!
From the patch notes:
Competitive Play ratings have been compressed and adjusted based on performance from previous seasons.
This season, we’ve analyzed past Competitive Play ratings and adjusted various scoring criteria to help you achieve a rank that better matches your ability. Season 2 New MMR Ranks:
Artist class was always set to release after we made it through the releases of the earlier classes – now that those will finish coming out in December, you can expect to see the Artist class sometime next year, but it is too soon for us to share a date.
The ban waves are constant and consistent at this point; we ban massive amounts of bot accounts daily, but we do not announce it as widely anymore as these bans have not felt as impactful with the amount of bots that are joining the game just as consistently.
Hey there! Unfortunately the weapon skin will not be available for use on the Summoner class.
Hey there! We’ll lock that date and share it closer to the next update once we’re in November, as our focus right now is getting the October update out the door and into everyone’s hands. But as a few other folks have mentioned, we are currently aiming to have them happen before the monthly major holidays for both November and December
Hey there, thanks for the bump – I don’t believe this content will be coming to the game since it’s now been removed/gone from all other versions, but maybe we can repurpose the mounts for something else in the future.
Thanks for this! We’ve seen it happen a bit with merged servers and it is something the team is aware of
Please see the following post regarding RMT penalties:
Read moreGood morning! I want to circle back on this to see if folks are still having issues. Thank you for all of your private messages with info from Friday as well – if so, I’ll use these to pass along to the team.
Good morning! I want to circle back on this to see if folks are still having issues.
La actualización de octubre, «Miedo místico», llega mañana a Arkesia. Los servidores se desconectarán el día 26 de octubre a las 09:00 CEST (07:00 UTC) y esperamos que el mantenimiento dure 4 horas. Celebrad el otoño y la época de los sustos con nuevos disfraces, un festival de la cosecha y una terrorífica serie de enemigos poderosos. Si buscáis un reto, tendréis tres nuevos asaltos en los que podréis ir preparando vuestro trabajo en equipo y habilidades para dominar mecánicas nunca vistas mientras ganáis recompensas. Encontraréis la lista completa de nuevo contenido, asaltos, elementos cosméticos y otros cambios a continuación.
Read moreLa mise à jour d’octobre intitulée « Mystiques et chaos » sort demain en Archésia. L’opération de maintenance pour la mise à jour commencera le 26 octobre à 9 h HAEC (7 h UTC) et devrait durer 4 heures. Célébrez l’automne et la saison de l’effroi avec de nouveaux costumes, un nouvel événement du Festival de la moisson et un effroyable défi plein d’ennemis puissants. Pour toutes celles et tous ceux qui recherchent un défi à relever, trois raids arrivent pour affiner votre travail d’équipe et votre capacité à surmonter des mécaniques uniques, tout en gagnant des récompenses. Découvrez la liste complète des contenus et mises à jour ci-dessous.
Read moreDas Oktober-Update „Mystiker und Verwüstung“ kommt morgen nach Arkesia. Die Unterbrechung für das Update beginnt am 26. Oktober um 9:00 Uhr MESZ (7:00 Uhr UTC) und wird voraussichtlich 4 Stunden dauern. Feiere den Frühling und die gruselige Jahreszeit mit neuen Kostümen, einem neuen Erntefest-Event und einem entsetzlichen Spießrutenlauf mächtiger Gegner. Für diejenigen, die auf der Suche nach einer Herausforderung sind, wird es drei Events geben, in denen ihr euer Teamwork und eure Fähigkeiten, einzigartige Mechaniken zu überwinden, verbessern könnt, und nebenbei noch Belohnungen einsammelt. Nachfolgend findet ihr die vollständige Liste der neuen Inhalte, Raids, kosmetischen Gegenstände, und andere Updates.
Read moreThe October “Mystics and Mayhem” Update arrives in Arkesia tomorrow. Downtime for the update will begin on October 26 at 12AM PDT (7AM UTC) and is expected to last 4 hours.
Celebrate Autumn and the scary season with new costumes, a new Harvest Festival event, and a horrifying gauntlet of powerful enemies. For those looking for a challenge, three raids arrive to hone your teamwork skills and ability to overcome unique mechanics, all while earning rewards. Find the full list of new content, raids, cosmetics, and other updates below.
Read moreThis has resolved for most players! Let us know if you continue to have issues.
If you are experiencing this issue and are comfortable private messaging me your public IP address it would be much appreciated. Thank you
We’ve made a potential fix – please let me know if this issue has cleared up or you are still experiencing it.