

21 Oct

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I spent longer trying to make these aesthetic than I care to admit.

My headpiece is currently dyed to go with my Alar skin set, but I like this skin better and this is still my favorite headpiece so I may re-dye it… :thinking:

LA Screenshot 21920×1080 250 KB
LA Screenshot 11920×1080 274 KB

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Thanks for these reports, passing them onto the team now!

20 Oct

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That’s a rad idea for the Captcha system – will definitely share with the team

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This has been fixed – you will need to restart the survey in order to see the changes. Appreciate the reports so we could get it resolved quickly!

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Thank you for this! I’ve let the Research team know

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RMT gold is removed alongside bans; this does happen. Most people don’t get back into their accounts to see their removed gold, because they are banned.

We do not control the Lost Ark Reddit; the Lost Ark Reddit is run entirely by the community, and we do not have an active presence there. Reddit mods are not a part of Amazon Games, nor do we elect, monitor, or interact with them.

The number of false bans we’ve seen related to RMT has been extremely, extremely small. But of course false bans are always a possibility, no ban system in any game operates with a 100% perfect rate, which is why we (and most game companies) do our due diligence to investigate and have a ban appeals page open

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Most of these bans were several years long, so those folks aren’t back in the game

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Calling all heroes of Arkesia —

You’re invited to participate again in our player survey about Lost Ark! This survey is an opportunity for you to provide feedback about your experiences with Lost Ark both inside and outside of the game, and will help our team better understand our players.

To participate in the survey, please click here.

This survey is available in all languages that Lost Ark is available in, including English, German, Spanish, and French, and all of your responses will be completely anonymous. Responses will be collected through Monday, October 24th at 11:59 PM PT, so be sure to...

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An alle Helden von Arkesia!

Ihr seid wieder dazu eingeladen, an unserer Spielerumfrage zu Lost Ark teilzunehmen! Diese Umfrage gibt euch die Möglichkeit, uns eure Erfahrungen mit Lost Ark innerhalb und außerhalb des Spiels mitzuteilen. So kann unser Team unsere Spieler besser verstehen.

Hier geht’s zur Teilnahme hier klicken.

Die Umfrage ist in allen Sprachen verfügbar, in denen Lost Ark erhältlich ist, einschließlich Englisch, Deutsch, Spanisch und Französisch, und alle Antworten werden anonym behandelt. Die Einsendungen werden bis Montag, den 25. Oktober um 08:59 Uhr entgegengenommen, also mach...

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Appel à tous les héros d’Archésia,

Nous vous invitons à nouveau à participer à notre sondage ! Ce sondage est l’occasion pour vous de fournir des commentaires sur vos expériences en jeu et en dehors du jeu. Cela aidera notre équipe à mieux comprendre les joueurs.

Pour participer au sondage, veuillez cliquer ici : lien

Ce sondage est disponible dans toutes les langues supportées par le jeu (anglais, allemand, espagnol et français) et toutes vos réponses seront complètement anonymes. Les réponses seront recueillies jusqu’au mardi 25 octobre à 8 h 59 HNEC, alors participez-y avant qu’il ne soit trop...

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¡Llamando a todos los héroes de Arkesia!

Os invitamos a participar de nuevo en la encuesta a jugadores de Lost Ark. Esta encuesta es una oportunidad de darnos tu opinión sobre tu experiencia con Lost Ark, tanto dentro como fuera del juego, y así poder ayudar a nuestro equipo de desarrollo a entender mejor a los jugadores.

Para participar en la encuesta, por favor haz click aquí.

Esta encuesta se puede realizar en todos los idiomas en los que Lost Ark está disponible, incluyendo inglés, alemán, francés y español. Todas las respuestas serán completamente anónimas.

Podéis completar la encuest...

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Lost Ark has been out since 2019, and is a global game developed by Smilegate RPG; we are only responsible for publishing it in the West. While we work closely with Smilegate and always appreciate feedback and pass it along to help make improvements wherever possible, we are not the developers or designers of the game.

It also seems like (most of) the bulleted list in the original post indicates that you are not a fan of the core gameplay loops and systems within Lost Ark, which make up a large portion of the game, and are what makes Lost Ark, Lost Ark – if this is the case, regardless of feedback, I would not expect such dramatic changes to be made to alter the entire identity of the game.

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Kind of confused by the “out of anger” comment – would you not just open it on the character you wanted it on if you saw it was character bound, even if you were annoyed? Regardless, if you opened it on the wrong character you can try to reach out to support and see if they can offer any assistance.

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Folks participating in RMT are absolutely banned. We don’t have a wall of shame or names because encouraging witch hunts or potential attacking of users, even if they’ve cheated, isn’t something we can get behind. But if folks don’t think bans are happening for RMT I’d definitely encourage them to think back on all of the threads that have spun up with people claiming they were banned without reason – without pointing anyone out directly, almost every single person calling false ban for RMT that had an investigation escalated was, in fact, proven to have RMTed and had been actioned against.

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I usually dye my skins, but honestly I really like the default coloring on these… all black everything :point_right: :point_left:

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I am locking this thread now because there’s already some back and forth happening, and whether or not toxicity is ok or “justified” is absolutely not a discussion to be had. I’m sorry this is being experienced, and if you run into toxic players in game please report them so they can be actioned against. We do not tolerate that kind of behavior, and it should not be perpetuated.

The Amazon Games Code of Conduct can be reviewed here.

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I hear y’all on wanting monthly updates to come earlier – September and early October were very loaded for the team in between the base build in early September, September content update, and the two rounds of server merges (with the latest one finishing just last week). We have already adjusted our November and December updates to come out prior to the holidays, but it takes time to build these things and we need to maintain realistic timelines that do not put extreme pressure on the teams.

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October Update is next week on the 26th and will include both seasonal events and Halloween skins & items

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Good news! We will be switching this to make it roster bound in the next update, as it was not intended. Thanks for the reports.

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Good news! This is not intended, and will be fixed in the update next week :slight_smile: