Tripod update is indeed next week, confirmed as a part of the November Update
Tripod update is indeed next week, confirmed as a part of the November Update
We are going to work to get a notice out in-game to let players know this change is coming ahead of time. Appreciate everyone who leaves notes and feedback as always.
The Tripod System update has been confirmed for the November Update since the last roadmap No change here, full details in patch notes.
I’ll definitely put in a request with the team to see if this is something that we can at least make happen.
As far as I am aware, when it is implemented with the update next week this system will function exactly as the swap over did in Korea.
Full dates and details for these events will be included in next week’s patch notes
Information about the Tripod Update will come next week in the patch notes; I understand players wanted to see this sooner because of the impact that some of these changes will have, but unfortunately this has not been possible.
It is done:
Read moreLa clase avanzada parca llega a Arkesia el 16 de noviembre. En este capítulo de La Academia de Lost Ark tenéis toda la información para descubrir si puede ser vuestra próxima clase favorita y ayudaros a planificar las habilidad y los grabados más interesantes para causar el mayor impacto en el campo de batalla.
Read moreLe 16 novembre, la classe avancée de la Faucheuse arrivera en Archésia. Cette édition de l’académie Lost Ark vous permettra de déterminer si la faucheuse est faite pour vous. Si c’est le cas, cet article vous aidera à décider quelles compétences et gravures vous seront utiles pour amplifier votre impact sur le champ de bataille.
Read moreAm 16. November kommt die fortgeschrittene Klasse Schnitterin nach Arkesia! Hier in der Lost Ark-Akademie findet ihr heraus, ob die Schnitterin die richtige Klasse für euch ist – und falls dies der Fall ist, findet ihr hier Informationen, um schon mal zu planen, mit welchen Fertigkeiten und Gravuren ihr eure Wirkung auf dem Schlachtfeld verbessern wollt.
Read moreOn November 16, the Reaper Advanced Class will arrive in Arkesia. In this Lost Ark Academy, you’ll find information to see if the Reaper is the class for you— and if so, help you start planning the skills and engravings you’re interested in using to enhance your impact on the battlefield.
Read moreReaper is not coming tomorrow, as the weekly patch notes for tomorrow’s update are already out
Yes, this will be fixed! Please let me know if you continue to experience any issues after the update.
Tripods have already been confirmed for the November update as far back as the previous roadmap. This has not changed, but full details on the system will be a part of the November update patch notes. Regardless, you can expect the system to be the same as the updated system in Korea.
Yes, more news should roll out later today
Patch notes always come out at 9 AM PT the day prior to an update, 15 hours before the update. This has been consistent for several months and you can continue to expect this cadence to continue for the months to come.
We have weekly patch notes every week that are generally pretty standard – these always go out regardless of whatever other news or announcements might be on the way
UPDATE Today’s maintenance will be extended for an additional hour as we work to get the game back up and running. The new estimated end time is 5 AM PT / 2 PM CET. We apologize for the continued delays.
Heroes of Arkesia,
All Lost Ark servers and regions will be taken offline on Wednesday, November 9th at 12 AM PT / 8 AM UTC / 9 AM CET for our weekly maintenance. Downtime is estimated to last up to 3 hours.
Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you in Arke...
Read moreHelden von Arkesia,
alle Lost Ark Server und Regionen werden am Mittwoch, den 9. November um 9:00 Uhr für unser wöchentliches Update offline gehen. Die Wartungspause wird schätzungsweise bis zu 3 Stunden dauern.
Danke für eure Geduld, wir sehen uns in Arkesia!