

18 Oct

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Héroes de Arkesia:

Todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark se desconectarán para el mantenimiento y actualización semanal el miércoles 19 de octubre, a las 9:00 AM CEST. El mantenimiento durará unas 4 horas e incluye los siguientes arreglos:

  • Los textos de las recompensas para quienes se inician en el juego o están de regreso ya se han traducido y localizado al alemán, francés y español. No obstante, si has activado este evento antes de la actualización, el texto del evento no se actualizará retroactivamente.
  • Corregido el icono para la Piedra de salto de honor (ligada) [30] a la venta en la tienda secreta de Mari.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia, ¡nos vemos pronto en Arkesia!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heroes of Arkesia,

All Lost Ark servers and regions will be taken offline on Wednesday, October 19th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our weekly maintenance. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours, and will include the following changes.

  • Text for the New User and Returning User login rewards has been appropriately translated and localized in-game for German, Spanish, and French; however, if you have activated this event prior to the update, the event text will not retroactively update.
  • Corrected the icon shown for the Honor Leapstone (Bound) [30] offer within Mari’s Secret Shop.

Thanks for your patience, and we’ll see you in Arkesia soon!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

It can definitely be challenging to get people in to fill lower level content – we’ve pitched the idea of raising incentives to encourage higher level players to go back and play/help newer folks through some of the lower level content to help improve the experience when playing through the earlier portions of the game. Will let folks know if this comes to fruition!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh yes, we’ve heard quite a few requests for these :smiley: hopefully they will be incoming sooner rather than later!!

17 Oct

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate these reports – the AH and Shop on EUC was down for a brief time a few hours ago, but since has recovered. If this issue arises again, please let me know!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will be locking this thread so it does not turn into a witch hunt in and of itself, but you are welcome to DM me with additional details if you have any concerns.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Confirming what a few other folks have correctly stated, that this will indeed be the new updated system.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will be locking this post after the original poster removed the topic name and contents themself, and reverting their edits that claim otherwise as they are inaccurate and untrue. Additionally, as this thread has become a point of discussion based on the original post which was directly flaming a player for their in-game build choices, a friendly reminder that it is not ok to attack or berate others either in-game or on the forums. The Code of Conduct can be reviewed here.

If you are concerned that a player is performing poorly, I suggest offering advice or ...

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are still actively pushing back against bots and banning a significant number of accounts per day, but most botters have recently changed their patterns and strategies, which means there are new tactics we need to pivot on.

Unfortunately Captcha has not been finalized for a live release state, and we are re-assessing whether this is the correct path in terms of being an effective tool against bots.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is something that the team is aware of and looking for feasible assistance and solutions are, which is challenging due to the design of a player-run economy. I know it is a frustrating and difficult situation for players. Unfortunately I do not have any solutions readily available to share at this time, but we will let you know when any conclusions are reached.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone! Thanks for these reports – it looks like this has recovered as of a couple hours ago, so please let me know if any AH or shop issues spin back up again

14 Oct

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this post, I really appreciate it! It was super exciting to get to work on such a unique project for the game and really play into some of the story and settings. I’m glad folks enjoyed it! :yellow_heart:

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

When did this occur? It generally takes up to 24 hours to get a re-entry ticket delivered

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This would also potentially be a rad change to see!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t believe the way islands are instanced allows any room for cross-region play right now, but I definitely appreciate this feedback and the breakdown you’ve done here! There’s a lot to be said for encouraging folks to help new players with content as well as providing paths to do so, so I’m happy to pass this along even if not all suggestions are technically possible – it’s got some great ideas

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are some crazy good tracks with Kakul-Saydon and this is a rad performance, but the masks on these guys are definitely going to haunt me a little bit

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now this isn’t something that is technically possible within the game, as the tech to combine multiple server regions does not exist. It may be investigated for the future, but at this point in time it is too early to say if it might be doable

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We definitely got a lot of feedback about the leveling system early on in game. It’s a lengthy process for sure, but there is a desire from the dev team for players to go through it at least once so they can understand the world and story of Arkesia. But once this is complete, that’s why there are options like powerpasses and Knowledge Transfers to get other alts up to speed.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for calling this out! Let me see if I can flag this and we can make it happen

13 Oct

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone, thank you for continuing to share these reports. With the most recent updates, we’ve seen the issue clear up for some players, begin for others, and have no change for another group – definitely a frustrating situation all around. Some folks have had luck resolving this by replacing their modems with their internet providers, but we fully understand this is not a feasible option for everyone and still have engineers working on a resolution for this issue.