

13 Oct

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Thanks for reporting this! It looks like it may be an issue with the worlds that were merged; I will make sure it is flagged to the team.

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I appreciate that you want to see Lost Ark at shows in South America, and I can definitely pass this along to our events team. However, please keep in mind that a large portion of the team is based in Southern California, meaning many of us were able to drive to the show each day and even stay at home, versus the travel expenses of sending staff to a different country.

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We appreciate this feedback and thread, and know that the impacts with bots and RMT are much bigger than just “cheating.” The team is highly aware of the state of the economy in-game and is looking for solutions to improve this. As a small start, this week the item prices in Mari’s Secret Shop were adjusted to account for inflation. We know that is only a tiny adjustment, but hopefully it will be the first.

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It’s likely a bug with the icon. We’ll let the team know.

12 Oct

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Yes, it is the same statement because it is the exact same case that has been occurring with the weapon skins and is a result of those classes not yet being implemented. There is not currently functionality that will allow us to “tag” these for future classes as you requested – I understand the class exists in other versions of the game, but it does not in this version yet. We are not a copy and paste of the KR/RU/JP clients, so just because something exists in one of those does not mean it is ready to be fully functional in our build as well.

Additionally, I am not sure how this could be considered a “money grab” when these skins are not available for use on future classes, since that actually limits the amount of characters that can use them? Certainly selling skins that would be completely unusable for an unknown amount of time would be the “money grab” move, and it would be even more “player-unfriendly” to sell things that don’t yet work with no date available as to when ...

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Our client does not have all future content implemented and playable, no. We receive weekly and monthly builds that include updates with new content that we then have to test and deploy – there is definitely not Elgacia content in any of the current builds that is playable.

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Exact dates will come in each month the content is set to drop, as we still have to work through finalizing, receiving, and testing builds. We do hope to get the monthly updates out before the major holidays in each month though.

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Idk, I know someone that runs Necromancer on his Artillerist and just has the absolute time of his LIFE running around with his little minions and big guns without caring at all that he’s not OP (and before I hear any sassy comments, he plays in groups with friends and not public lobbies, so no need to flame). Games will always have their metas, but I don’t think that makes the rest of the content useless – if there was only one strict build or path to follow, I think it would take out a lot of the excitement of making progress to optimize those builds or the satisfaction when you get to where you want to be. In any case, it’s a game, it is there for you to enjoy in whatever way makes you happiest.

11 Oct

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We won’t be able to extend, and I apologize for the frustration – we’ll have a new reward track kicking off tonight after the maintenance

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The Artist does not currently exist in our version of the game, so the functionality for the skins that are coming out now will not work on content that is not available and not yet in the code of the game. It is possible that we could re-run skins in the future when more classes come out to make them available.

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If you earn the skin through the Ark Pass or purchase it from the shop at this time, you will not be able to save it for the Artist class.

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It’s just a regular weekly update with merges and Ark Pass! The full October Update with the roadmap content will be later this month.

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Aquellos jugadores nuevos, o que vuelven al juego (aquellos jugadores que no se han conectado en 30 días), que empiecen su aventura antes del 26 de octubre también recibirán las siguientes recompensas de inicio de sesión diarias durante los primeros 30 días tras empezar su aventura o volver al juego:

Día 1 - Pluma de fénix x20
Día 2 - Cofre de monedas de la luz de Regulus x5
Día 3 - Cofre de objetos de combate de curación x10
Día 4 - Morral de selección de piedras de guardián x10
Día 5 - Cofre de objetos de combate ofensivos x10
Bonificación por 5 días - Cofre de mejora de barcos x2
Día 6 - Morral de selección de piedras de destrucción x5
Día 7 - Cofre de objetos de combate de utilidad x20
Día 8 - Elixir de recuperación de aura de resonancia (14 días) x3
Día 9 - Cofre de selección de receta de grabado poco común (exclusivo de clase) x20
Día 10 - (Diaria) Pase de encargo de Una completado al instante x5
Bonificación ...

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Durant les 30 premiers jours suivant le début ou le retour au jeu, les nouveaux utilisateurs et les utilisateurs de retour (joueurs qui n’ont pas été en ligne depuis 30 jours) au jeu pourront également recevoir les récompenses de connexion quotidiennes suivantes :

Jour 1 - Plume de phénix x20
Jour 2 - Coffre de monnaie de lumière de Regulus x5
Jour 3 - Coffre d’objet de combat médical x20
Jour 4 - Besace de sélection de pierre de gardien x10
Jour 5 - Coffre d’objet de combat offensif x20
Bonus 5 jours - Coffre de perfectionnement de navire x2
Jour 6 - Besace de sélection de pierre de destruction x5
Jour 7 - Coffre d’objet de combat utilitaire x20
Jour 8 - Élixir de récupération d’aura d’écho (14 j) x3
Jour 9 - Coffre de sélection de recette de gravure inhabituelle (spécifique à la classe) x20
Jour 10 - Pass de validation instantanée de tâche d’Una [quotidienne] x5
Bonus 10 jours - Coffre de sélection de perfectionnement d...

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Neue Nutzer und Wiedereinsteiger (spieler, die seit 30 Tagen nicht mehr online waren) , die ihre abenteuer vor dem 26. Oktober beginnen, können innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Start oder Wiedereinstieg in das Spiel außerdem folgende tägliche Login-Belohnungen erhalten:

Tag 1: Phönixfeder x20
Tag 2: Licht-Währungstruhe des Regulus x5
Tag 3: Kampfgegenstandstruhe (Heilung) x20
Tag 4: Wächterstein-Auswahlbeutel x10
Tag 5: Kampfgegenstandstruhe (Offensive) x20
5 Tage Bonus - Schiffsverstärkungsstruhe x2
Tag 6: Auswahlbeutel: Zerstörungsstein x5
Tag 7: Kampfgegenstandstruhe (Nützlichkeit) x20
Tag 8: Aura-der-Resonanz-Regenerationselixier (14 Tage) x3
Tag 9: Ungewöhnliche Auswahltruhe: Gravuranleitung (Klassenexklusiv) x20
Tag 10: [Täglich] Unas Aufgabe – Sofortabschlussticket x5
10 Tage Bonus - Ungewöhnliche Auswahltruhe: Schiffsverstärkung x2
Tag 11: Verstärken-Auswahltruhe (Unterstützung) x5
Tag 12: Epische Auswahltruh...

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New Users and returning users (players that have not been online in 30 days) that start their adventures before October 26th will also be eligible to receive the following daily login rewards within their first 30 days of starting or returning to the game:

Day 1 - Phoenix Plumes x20
Day 2 - Regulus’ Light Currency Chest x5
Day 3 - Healing Battle Item Chest x20
Day 4 - Guardian Stone Selection Pouch x10
Day 5 - Offensive Battle Item Chest x20
5 Day Bonus - Ship Enhancement Chest x2
Day 6 - Destruction Stone Selection Pouch x5
Day 7 - Utility Battle Item Chest x20
Day 8 - Aura of Resonance Recovery Elixir (14 days) x3
Day 9 - Uncommon Engraving Recipe Selection Chest (Class Exclusive) x20
Day 10 - [Daily] Una Instant Complete Ticket x5
10 Day Bonus - Uncommon Ship Enhancement Selection Chest x2
Day 11 - Honing Support Selection Chest x5
Day 12 - Epic Rapport Selection Chest x10
Day 13 - Honing Leapstone Sele...

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Héros d’Archésia,

Tous les serveurs et toutes les régions de Lost Ark seront hors ligne le mercredi 12 octobre à 9 h HNEC pour notre maintenance hebdomadaire. Le temps d’arrêt est estimé à 4 heures et comprendra les correctifs suivants :

  • La saison 2 du pass Arche arrive ! À partir du 12 octobre, les joueurs pourront remplir des missions en jeu pour gagner des récompenses telles que des coffres de sélection de matériau d’affinage, des doublons de pirate et des phéons ! Les joueurs pourront également échanger des cristaux royaux pour obtenir le pass Arche premium qui comprendra des récompenses supplémentaires comme le coffre de sélection Cerf fleur de glace, ou le pass Arche super premium qui comprendra l’ensemble d’apparences de la gloire et de la paix.
  • Correction d’un problème qui faisait que la valeur du bonus de repos de Donjon du chaos était définie sur un nombre invalide pour certains personnages. Dans les cas où cela s’est produit, le bonus de repos...
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Helden von Arkesia,

alle Lost Ark Server und Regionen werden am Mittwoch, den 12. Oktober um 9:00 Uhr für unser wöchentliches Update offline gehen. Die Wartungspause wird schätzungsweise bis zu 4 Stunden dauern und folgende Änderungen beinhalten:

  • Ark-Pass Saison 2 ist da! Ab dem 12. Oktober könnt ihr In-Game Missionen abschließen, um Belohnungen zu erhalten. Es gibt zum Beispiel Verstärkungsmaterial-Auswahltruhen, Piratenmünzen und Pheons! Außerdem könnt ihr königliche Kristalle gegen den Premium-Ark-Pass eintauschen, welcher zusätzliche Belohnungen wie die “Eisblumen-Hirsch-Auswahltruhe” enthält, oder den Superpremium-Ark-Pass, der das “Ruhm-und-Rast-Skin-Set” enthält.
  • Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu geführt hat, dass der Wert für den Ruhebonus im Chaos-Dungeon bei einigen Charakteren auf eine ungültige Zahl gesetzt wurde. Für alle, bei denen das der Fall war, wurde der Ruhebonus auf die nächste 10 aufgerundet.
  • “Einbehaltenes“ Gold, das ...
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Héroes de Arkesia:

Todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark se desconectarán para el mantenimiento y actualización semanal el miércoles 12 de octubre, a las 9:00 AM CEST. El mantenimiento durará unas 4 horas e incluye los siguientes arreglos:

  • ¡La temporada 2 del pase de Arca ya está aquí! A partir del 12 de octubre, podéis completar misiones en el juego para conseguir recompensas que incluyen cofres de selección de materiales de acabado, monedas piratas, y pheon. También se pueden intercambiar cristales reales por el pase de Arca premium, que incluirá recompensas adicionales como el cofre de selección de ciervos de flor helada, o por el pase de Arca superpremium, que incluye el cofre de selección de apariencias de gloria y reparación.
  • Hemos solucionado el problema con la bonificación de descanso de mazmorra del caos que aparecía con un número no válido en algunos personajes. En los casos en los que ha ocurrido esto, la bonificación de descanso se ha r...
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Heroes of Arkesia,

All Lost Ark servers and regions will be taken offline on Wednesday, October 12th at 12 AM PT / 7 AM UTC / 9 AM CEST for our scheduled weekly maintenance. Downtime is estimated to last up to 4 hours and includes the following fixes:

  • Ark Pass Season 2 is arriving! Beginning on October 12th, players can complete missions in-game to earn rewards including honing material selection chests, pirate coins, and pheons! Players can also exchange Royal Crystals for the Premium Ark Pass, which will include additional rewards such as the Icebloom Deer Selection Chest, or the Super Premium Ark Pass, which includes the Respite and Glory Skin Set.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Chaos Dungeon Rest Bonus value to be set to an invalid number on some characters. In cases where this is occurring, the Rest Bonus has been rounded up to the nearest 10.
  • Withheld gold spent to craft items in the Stronghold will now be refunded as withheld gold if crafting...
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