

06 Sep

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Das erste September-Update kommt morgen nach Arkesia! Die Unterbrechung beginnt am 7. September um 9:00 Uhr MESZ (7:00 Uhr UTC) und wird voraussichtlich 4 Stunden dauern.

Dieses Upgrade enthält jede Menge Komfort-Updates, große Neuerungen bei Festungen, einen Balance-Patch und Änderungen im Back-End, die die erste Runde an Serverzusammenlegungen später in diesem Monat ermöglichen. Die Liste mit allen Neuerungen, neuen Einstellungen, Änderungen der Spielbalance und Fehlerbehebungen gibt es hier.

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The first of the September updates arrives in Arkesia tomorrow! Downtime will begin on September 7 at 12AM PT (7AM UTC) and is expected to last 4 hours.

This update is packed full of quality of life updates, major Stronghold updates, a balance patch and includes back-end tech changes that will allow the first round of server merges to take place later this month. Find the full list of updates, new settings, balance changes, and bug fixes below.

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    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Captcha system wasn’t ready to be released, but we are looking into continuing to polish it and see if it is a viable tool to implement

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In response to the original post, you are correct that bots upgrade quickly; sometimes banning them is like chopping off the heads of a hydra, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to stop clearing them out and making things more difficult for the people that run the programs.

When it comes to RMT bans, besides the fact that RMT is against the code of conduct, it directly relates to the bot issue – RMT buyers are purchasing bot gold 100% of the time, which means they are directly feeding into and encouraging botters to continue on in the game. Banning them is a significant part of pushing back against this cycle.

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Thanks for the feedback – patch notes are compiled ahead of time, but we also need time to get feedback and additional changes in from SGR as well as to localize them. We would rather post them couple of hours later than usual on the same day we always do than share incorrect or missing information with players.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for sharing this feedback!! Appreciate it, and we’ll have more surveys in the future :slight_smile:

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I can confirm you can do this :slight_smile:

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Yesterday was a holiday, with a ton of us traveling over the weekend which means loooots of catch up this morning. Patch notes will be here in a few hours!

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They’ll be here in a couple of hours – these are some long ones, so it’s taking some extra time to clean up that localization!

02 Sep

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Unfortunately weapon skins are not available for future classes, but definitely appreciate the feedback about getting these in game once more advanced classes release and I’ll be sure to share it with the team.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moved to the Customer Support section of the forums so that an agent can hopefully take a look into your issue! Unfortunately I don’t have the ability to assist with issues like this as I’m not part of the customer service team and don’t have the tools to look into player accounts.

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Locking this thread because a lot of toxic arguments have been scrubbed from it.

If you do not log into Lost Ark for 10 days and are a guild leader, ownership will be passed down to the deputy. This is how the system is built to function.

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I hear you, and definitely understand where you’re coming from. This is the answer I received from the dev team when putting out the question, so I’m just here to deliver that information and I definitely will push for these weapons to make a comeback

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If a (body) skin is tied to a base class, it will work on future advanced classes of that same base class. If they are just for different advanced classes, and that advanced class is not available when the skin is being sold in game, it won’t work on it when it comes out. This is also true of weapon skins – for example, you can’t save a purchased weapon skin selection chest for summoner because it is not out.

I think it would be great to bring previous skin/weapon chests back once all of the advanced classes are available in the game.

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We have some balance changes coming in next week, but it’s not exhaustive of all of the changes that have come into the game yet. It will take time to get them completely implemented.

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If your Steam account was hacked, you will need to reach out to Steam Support for assistance. You can find them here: Steam Support

Steam accounts are a part of the Steam platform, and although Lost Ark is playable through Steam these accounts are not something that Amazon has any access to as we are not a part of Valve. I am locking this thread as our Customer Support cannot assist with Steam account issues and you will have to reach out to Valve directly.

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This is not a bug, but was indeed a localization change. A handful of Martial Artist skills were renamed to be more in line with the Martial Arts theme

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I do not know that we’ll be nerfing Kakul-Saydon, as it does not feel necessary at this time. We can monitor to make sure enough players are able to complete the content and make sure nothing feels weird or unbalanced, but I am not certain that will be a path we have to take.

However, I think this thread illustrates well one of the major reasons we were not comfortable implementing the system of Yoz’s Jar; if it feels (whether or not it is) necessary to have this damage buff that can only be gained through purchasing a specific expensive skin set through an RNG system, it is not something we want to push players into feeling required or pressured to do.

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Thanks for the continued reports on this – while the bug has been fixed in game, I understand players that previously experienced it did not get a retroactive fix and are still experiencing eyebrow weirdnesses. It has been flagged to the team to see what else we can do to resolve this issue for the folks that are still being affected, and I will let you know when there is an update.