

22 Aug

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let me see what I can do – if you could DM me a screenshot of the winning email and any additional information here on the forums it would be super helpful. Thanks!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saludos, héroes:

Estamos al tanto de los problemas que está habiendo con lags en el juego y con desconexiones de servidores en todas las regiones. En estos momentos estamos investigando la situación. Os agradecemos los comentarios al respecto y os mantendremos al corriente de cualquier novedad.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héros d’Archésia,

L’équipe est au courant des problèmes actuels liés au décalage en jeu et aux déconnexions de serveurs dans toutes les régions. Elle enquête actuellement sur cette situation. Nous apprécions vos rapports et nous vous tiendrons au courant à mesure que les choses progressent.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Helden von Arkesia,

das Team weiß über die Probleme mit Spielverzögerungen und Serverunterbrechungen (in allen Regionen) bescheid und ist schon dabei, die Situation zu untersuchen. Wir sind dankbar für euer Feedback und werden euch auf dem Laufenden halten.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Heroes,

The team is aware of the current issues involving in-game lag and server disconnects across all regions, and is currently investigating this situation. We appreciate the reports, and will keep players updated as things progress.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this report – it looks like these reports are rolling in and we have escalated to the team.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for these reports! Something seems to be going sideways with servers, and it has been escalated to the team.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for these reports over the weekend everyone. The team has determined the cause and is working through the potential implementation of a fix. Will let you know when this happens!

19 Aug

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tricks and workarounds are great, but I definitely appreciate the note of quality of life feedback as well!

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Paid Powerpasses will be re-enabled on August 24th alongside the new game update! Stay tuned for more information as well as details on a limited-time 25% off sale on Paid Powerpasses when they return!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Kaufbare Powerpässe werden am 24. August mit dem neuen Update wieder aktiviert! Weitere Infos und Details zu einer Sonderaktion von 25 % Rabatt (nur für begrenzte Zeit) auf kostenpflichtige Powerpässe, gibt es sobald diese wieder verfügbar sind.

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Les croissances express payantes seront réactivées le 24 août avec la nouvelle mise à jour du jeu ! Restez à l’affût pour obtenir plus d’informations ainsi que des détails sur une réduction de 25 % sur les croissances express payantes à leur retour !

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Los pases de poder de pago se volverán a habilitar el 24 de agosto con la nueva actualización. Pronto compartiremos más información al respecto y todos los detalles sobre el descuento por tiempo limitado del 25% en los pases de poder de pago.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

The purchase will fail if you attempt to complete it; you will not be able to purchase a paid powerpass until 8/24.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you’re not enjoying something anymore, you shouldn’t force yourself to do it. Take a break, reassess, refresh and decide whether you want to come back or move on. I think that’s just true of anything in life.

Some people will love certain things, others will not. Some people will burn out, and of those folks some will come back, some will move on. It’s not just about Lost Ark or even video games; do what makes you happy in general. Life is too short to be spent on things that don’t bring you joy, and you can always come back if you decide you want to.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you still have a Vern Powerpass, that could be the cause of this. But you know what? Happy Friday.

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This is because the paid power passes function differently from the free ones, and some code changes need to be made before we are able to re-enable them. These code changes are going in with the build for the August Update.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is correct! The 25% discount will be on paid power passes, not Royal Crystal purchases

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They are not tradeable, but you have nothing to worry about as it is compensation provided:

Read more
    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks – want to confirm that the team is aware of these issues, investigation has indeed shown they are specifically occurring on Asta as all of your reports have shown.