

22 Jul

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

¡Un nuevo evento “Al rojo vivo” recién salido del horno!

A partir del 23 de julio a las 12 PM CEST un personaje de tu elenco podrá reclamar los siguientes objetos con el botón de “Al rojo vivo.” En esta ocasión, el evento durará dos semanas y trae una variedad de recompensas dependiendo del día:

Sábado, 23 de julio

  • Cofre de 3 objetos de combate x1
  • Cofre de selección de esquirla de acabado x3

Domingo, 24 de julio

  • Cofre de selección de apoyo de acabado x1
  • Morral de selección de piedras de guardián x6

Sábado, 30 de julio

  • Cofre de 3 objetos de combate x1
  • Cofre de selección de piedra de salto de acabado II x2

Domingo, 31 de julio

  • Cofre de selección de apoyo de acabado x1
  • Morral de selección de piedras de destrucción x3

Estos objetos podrán reclamarse una vez cada sábado y cada domingo entre las 12:01pm CEST y las 11:59am CEST, cuand...

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21 Jul

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry about the silver loss :frowning: We appreciate the reports and can confirm this gem is currently missing. We are tracking a fix for the next weekly update!!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the reports – we’ve been pushing back and forth with performance issues the past few weeks, so all of the details are always helpful for investigation.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you, this has been flagged as a known issue and will go out for a fix!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Alrighty, this has been flagged as a known issue! We are aiming to have it fixed in the next weekly update. Appreciate the reports as always.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Let me see if I can track down additional information on this

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

I can pass this along and see if it is possible to implement

20 Jul

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héros d’Archésia,

Nous sommes conscients que certains joueurs du serveur Trixion dans la région Europe Central peuvent rencontrer des problèmes de stabilité et de déconnexion du serveur, et nous travaillons actuellement à résoudre ces problèmes.

Si vous êtes déconnecté du jeu, sachez que nous travaillons également pour nous assurer que les billets de retour pour les personnes touchées sont livrés le plus rapidement possible.

Merci de votre patience !

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Helden von Arkesia,

Wir wissen, dass einige von euch auf dem Trixion-Server in der Region “Mitteleuropa” Probleme mit der Serverstabilität haben. Wir arbeiten daran, dieses Problem so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.

Für den Fall, dass eure Verbindung zum Spiel unterbrochen wurde, braucht ihr euch keine Sorgen machen. Wir arbeiten auch daran, den Betroffenen schnellstmöglich Re-entry Tickets zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Vielen Dank für eure Geduld!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Héroes de Arkesia:

Tenemos constancia de que algunos jugadores en el servidor Trixion en la región Central Europe están teniendo problemas de desconexión y estabilidad del servidor. Estamos trabajando para resolverlo.

Si te desconectas del juego, descuida porque también estamos trabajando para dar tickets de reentrada lo antes posible a todos aquellos jugadores afectados.

Gracias por vuestra paciencia. (

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, unfortunately this was removed as it was a mistaken addition, I apologize for any confusion this caused

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heroes of Arkesia,

We are aware that some players on the Trixion server in the Europe Central region may be experiencing some issues with server stability and disconnections, and we are working to resolve this now.

If you are disconnected from the game, please be assured that we are also working to ensure any re-entry tickets for those affected are delivered within a timely manner.

Thank you for your patience!

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, we totally understand this new system is not ideal, and I apologize for the impact that it has on real players because a 3 day lock is understandably frustrating. Unfortunately at this point in time it is extremely necessary; but doesn’t only fight off gold farmer bots, but also people who are attempting to commit fraud within the game – these are all things that are highly damaging to the game, which means for now clamping down on them is unfortunately the priority… It is a “lesser of two evils” situation, but please know that we are aware of the bummer circumstances that come with it for now.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this report – have seen a few reports of this already and will make sure it is being tracked.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving this to the bugs section of the forums, this is a weird one for sure! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: (emoji picked specifically)

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This event specifically targets characters item Level 1302 and 1370; I understand the desire to obtain more rewards, but the event is specifically designed to advance characters through this range of item levels, which is why it is labeled as a character “express” event.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This event specifically targets characters item Level 1302 and 1370, as was announced several weeks ago. If you are above this level, you will not be able to use the event as it is designed to advance characters through this specific range of levels.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nothing has been censored; unfortunately not all skins have been developed for use by every class at this point in time, but players have shared that they want more skin options so we are making them available for those that we can.

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

This was edited in the patch notes today to remove the second bullet point; apologies for any confusion!

19 Jul

    Roxx on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re always listening, but these things can take time and adjustments. Thanks for your patience!