I can confirm that this is indeed the case.
I can confirm that this is indeed the case.
It’s planned, but I don’t believe it’s currently anticipated to be ready in time for Patch 0.8.
Thanks for the report!
Would you happen to have a log file from when this happened?
pours himself a cuppa
Alrrriiiiggghhhtty then.
At release, Last Epoch will support both offline-only, locally stored characters and online-only, server-side characters played in a server-authorative environment. Competitive aspects of the game (such as ladders) will cater to the latter. While we don’t plan to ever allow previously offline characters to be brought online, we are open to the prospect of allowing players to download a copy of an online character for offline play. This was an idea I initially had when considering how best to drive online players to try offline play (and also the reverse - online or offline, we want people playing Last Epoch as much as is healthy and responsible!).
We do not presently have any plans for hideouts, player housing, or guild halls. While some or all of these may be included in post-launch updates, they’re very unlikely to feature in 1.0. You will see other players who ...
Read moreWhile the discussion is valuable, it doesn’t benefit from a few people in entrenched positions arguing the other is wrong. Let’s put this one on ice and get back to it later.
While I can see the potential for some confusion there, I just wanted to clarify that we presently do not have a policy of renaming skills used by minions for that (or any other) reason.
This sounds like the game keeps using the same data stored in Steam Cloud without that data being able to sync. Do you shut down your PC normally? Do you quit Steam immediately after you finish playing Last Epoch? Could security software be interfering? If you disable Steam Cloud for Last Epoch, does this stop occurring?
When a skill is proc’d by your character and we don’t want it to inherit your specialisation tree, we cause that proc to instead trigger a renamed duplicate of the skill. Because minions and their use of skills (not) benefiting from trees is consistent, we don’t do this there.
Have you only encountered him in that form?
Are you sure?
Closing thread as there is not enough information for us to investigate.
Please consider including a screenshot or describing where zone-based issues are.
Closing thread as there is not enough information for us to investigate.
Please consider including a screenshot or describing where zone-based issues are.
Apologies for not responding sooner. This issue should have since been resolved in an update. Please let us know if you continue to experience this and we’ll take a closer look.
That one wasn’t my fault!
Thanks for the report!
This was corrected to only affect Firebrand in our latest update.
Moving from #bug-reports to #technical-support.
Please do provide the information requested by Llama8.
Moving from Launcher Bug Reports to #bug-reports.
Thanks for the report!
This issue should be resolved as of Patch 0.7.10c.
Looks like loot labels have been disabled.
The default keybind for this is Z.
Thank you for the report.
This issue was resolved in Patch 0.7.10c.