

17 Oct

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone!

Re-opening this thread as per @ReimerhArts’s request.

If you’d ever like to ask that a locked thread be re-opened, feel free to post a request in the #support section and myself or one of my colleagues will take a look for you.

It’s also fine to create a new thread and include a link to a previous discussion - and for cases where the previous thread has a lot of outdated information, that would be preferable.

16 Oct

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the report!

I believe the bug here is actually that the game never shows a number higher than 20 when displaying the number of points invested into a base class. We’ll get this fixed up. :slight_smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moving thread to Bug Reports.

14 Oct

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Soul Cage was one of the earliest models we posted concept art for - and it immediately proved to be a hit with the community! Our upcoming update, Patch 0.7.4, includes a visual update for these bearers of the damned. Today we’d like to give you a sneak peek!

Some of you may remember this concept art;

Soul Cage concept art.jpg680×777 104 KB

We’ve replaced the glass cage on the Soul Cage’s back with one which looks much better - and it is now possible to catch a glimpse of the poor unfortunates who are trapped within;

But that’s not all! The Soul Cage harnasses the souls in its cage to fuel a powerful necromantic ability. If you dam...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is indeed working as intended (thanks @Elgareth!).

I’ll speak with the team about whether we could improve the UI to make this clearer.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Some things I would check in this situation include;

  • Are the files in the Windows Recycle Bin (or other Operating System’s equivalent) ?
  • Could your anti-virus software have quarantined or deleted the game’s files?
    • The program likely has somewhere you can review recent activity.
    • Additionally, it should be possible to check which files - if any - are quarantined.
  • We have a support article which may be useful if you play through Steam.

If the game truly was remove...

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13 Oct

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

No worries!

Glad we got to the bottom of it. :slight_smile:

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’d thought this might be the case. :slight_smile:

Could you please try editing the file to read ‘PlayerLights = true’ and see if that helps?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you please upload your graphics .INI file as an attachment to a post in this thread?

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry to hear about this!

Please upload both of these as attachments;

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the report!

Could I please ask for the make & model of your keyboard?

11 Oct

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The account you’re posting from doesn’t appear to have a game license associated with it. Are you installing the current version of the game or one of the old pre-alpha demos?

Moving thread to Technical Support.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

As we continue to release content patches there will be a growing number of unique items, passives, legendary items, and specialization tree nodes which support potions - increasing your number of potion slots, the amount of health potions restore, and their chance to drop.

A year from now you might be buying a unique belt with 8 potion slots from the Bazaar, or playing a Runemaster build that causes rare enemies to be guaranteed to drop potions if they were killed by one of your runes. The potion rework wasn’t all that long ago - and in some ways I would liken potions to a skill which does not yet have a specialization tree. The core concept is available, but is currently stunted due to the limited ability to invest into it.

The more consistent and powerful we make potions, the less room we leave ourselves to create exciting items around them or to have skills and passives meaningfully interact with them. We want your characters’ builds to improve potions in different...

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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Feedback Corners: A Redux

Welcome to our first #feedback-corner of 2019!

The idea behind the Feedback Corner format is to provide a brief summary of feedback we have received on a particular topic, and to then explain how we will be addressing that feedback. The somewhat similar #dev-blog format differs from this in that it concentrates on our own plans - often serving as an introduction to something not yet implemented.

This Feedback Corner pertains to potions. Earlier this year we pos...

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09 Oct

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


Just wanted to drop in and say that we have since ruled it out being an issue affecting all Macs with AMD video cards - a Mac with a Radeon Pro 555 was unaffected when we sought to reproduce the issue. As noted by my colleague above, we do believe we have identified the cause, and will be implementing a solution for it as soon as possible.

I apologize, but we will not be publicly disclosing such information.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you please post a log file so that we know how many patches the Launcher is attempting to download and apply? The file will tell us the current version of your game client.

Depending on how out-dated your current install is, I can’t rule out a reinstall potentially requiring less disk space, due to a quirk of how updates are applied. If you would prefer to install and update the game through Steam, this support article may be helpful;


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    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the post!

As something not being implemented yet isn’t technically a bug, I’ll move this to #feedback.

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the post!

As something not being implemented yet isn’t technically a bug, I’ll move this to #feedback.