

01 Oct


Originally posted by Diniz91

Thank you. It warms my heart that not only it was noticed by our beloved devs but it was also something that you are willing to try to improve.
It may be a bit long but here goes my feedback:

As it was mentioned on this post, colorblindness is a bit confusing. People that are not colorblind have issues with some colors. Colorblinds have issues with one or more type of colorblindness.

I have been told that i had Protanopia, which is basically problems with green-brown-red. This is the most usual type of colorblindness and among all the people that are Protanopia, some have issues with green-brown, others with brown-red, and so on. This brings the question as to how can a Protanopia option be useful to everyone that has Protanopia if they don't have the same issue?
I myself have issues with green-brown-red, but i also have problems with pink-blue-purple(this is why i struggle with the protanopia option, when i choose that setting blue-purple become way more...

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Thanks for the input. I agree that the BEST way would be to allow customization, but the scope of what I'm looking for here is adjustments to what currently exists. Larger scale features like full customization won't happen in the short term; they require work from multiple departments, they must be prioritized vs. all existing scheduled work, etc... I'm capable of improving the colors that are already there and getting those changes into players hands in the short term, and I'd like to do so. Unfortunately, I'm not colorblind myself, and the folks here that are seem to be OK with what is there.


Originally posted by EZMickey

Does heavy ammo have any different properties to other ammo types?

Heavy ammo tends to hit harder within it's weapon class (smg, sniper, assault, etc...) but has more pronounced bullet drop and lower velocity.

30 Sep


Thanks for the feedback. If yourself and other colorblind players are willing to provide feedback/direction, I can make adjustments to the current colors for a patch in the near future. I'm including a link that details the current base colors that we use. If you want to suggest adjustments, I'll see what I can do. I would only ask that anyone providing feedback only do so for the columns that match their own particular type of colorblindness. Anyway, here's the image:


Originally posted by Sargent379

How much is the slow down effect anyway? I recall Fortified legends not taking slow effects.

Correct that fortified legends do not get slowed down. The slow down hits pretty hard but wears off very quickly. There's also a few seconds of debounce where you can't be slowed again.


Originally posted by Girayen

Pretty sure one of the devs confirmed it was all the bullets however I don't have a source rn.

Source here, level 4.

All bullets have the same slow down behavior, and always have.

24 Sep


Originally posted by mc_stormy

Totally totally, yeah. I understand 100% what you're saying. :|

Well, I can try to explain a little:

Imagine that when a player takes damage, we have a "flinch" animation that we play. Imagine you're lagged and you shoot a player; on your client you predict that you hit them (based on their position relative to your gun). Keep in mind that the server doesn't even know you've fired a bullet yet, so you also predict their playing of the flinch animation. If your client didn't do this, any followup shots might appear to hit the enemy on your screen, but might miss on the server because the server played the flinch, which changed this position of the enemies hitboxes, meaning your bullet passed an centimeter from their head instead of hitting it. That's an example of something that has to be predicted and played in sync on the server and the client. Now imagine we have 3 flinch animations instead of 1, and we want to choose one at random to play. To do this, you need to use a deterministic random number generator so that the client and se...

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Originally posted by Oxbivious

If you watch streamers playing youll notice that they will get prediction errors in almost every fight.

True. We erred on the side of caution with the prediction error icon, so a lot of the prediction errors that you see are false positives. This one doesn't fall into that category.


Originally posted by Honor_Bound

Just out of curiosity, is this issue something that could likely be fixed by increasing the server tick rate from 20?

Nope. The issues tend to be caused by things not being calculated the same between the client and the server in prediction. For example, some of the previous hit-reg issues were caused by the client and the server calculating IK poses differently. That can be caused by something as simple a slightly different code path being taken in a function, to a more fundamental issue like some piece of code incorrectly generating a non-deterministic number for a random value that is used by another part of the prediction code.


Originally posted by Hieb

Yeah it was probably due to that (though normally with that icon I experience rubber bandy movement and it was fine), though that's a problem in and of itself considering packet loss happens near constantly with 16+ squads alive, unless everyone lands in their own corners of the map.

The prediction error icon is definitely related. That icon appears when we detect a mismatch between what your client predicted would happen vs. what the server determined actually happened. Here, your client predicted your EVA-8 rounds hitting (hence, the fountains of impact sparks), but for some reason the server thinks the shots missed. Unfortunately, the icon doesn't tell us WHY the prediction error occurred, but I've forwarded the video to QA to see if they can help find a repro. Over the past months we've found and fixed a number of prediction error related issues, but clearly some still remain.

16 Sep


Originally posted by MrVideoFreak

R301 fires question marks?



Originally posted by iamJerbear9

because they added a little bit of random recoil so it wasn't lasering at sniper range. only gun in the game with randomness.

Nearly every gun in the game has some minor amount of randomness within their overall fire patterns, and has since launch. You can see this in training by firing full magazines at the wall while NOT making any corrections for recoil. Examples linked:

11 Sep


Originally posted by kill-time01

Can I have something confirmed or denied please? I read some where and it "Seems" to be that all ammo types have the "same drop" regardless of the gun shooting them.

IE: Light will have "x arc" always, so p2020 will have the same drop over range as the g7? and heavy/eng also.

Pretty sure its bunk but people hold on to this a lot.

No, the guns have different muzzle velocities.


Originally posted by kill-time01

My typical snipe misses are around the 200-300 mark with the long bow 4x -6x scopes. The tracer drop off is either at their feet or on adjustment of what I "See" I over shoot by some inexplicable margin. Happy to go test this out.

Not ruling out that you haven't encountered a bug, but in local testing I cannot reproduce this at all. You can see results for a 500m test here. I also tried both the 4x and 6x at 200 and 300 meters with accurate results.

10 Sep


Originally posted by CubanOfTheNorth

Is the ping necessary when the scope should tell you the distance to target? Or could that also be bugged? (Not personally having this issue, just wondering)

For the optics that do that, that should be fine, as long as you're adjusting your aim to the mildot after range finding but before firing.


Originally posted by DeadpanLaughter

Wait, really? This explains why I have so much trouble using the scope. At 200m the 200 mark never lines up. I always have to be between 100 and 200. Is there some way y’all could make this easier on the users? If anything, just adding to the scope what it is zeroed to? That way I know for certain the center is meant for XX meters.

If the 200 isn't lining up that's a bug. You can verify if it's working or not by pinging a location, checking the reported distance, lining up the mildot, firing, and checking the impact point vs. where you pinged.


Originally posted by OrlandoMagik

Another issue with the snipers is that you guys have decided to make the center zeroed at 50m, instead of 100m, with the first mil dot being 200m, so you have this f**ked up 150m not evenly rounded zone of confusion between the center and the first dot.

That's a good point. The 50m had to do with the ranges that engagements actually tend to take place in Apex, and the exaggerated velocity and drag of the projectiles (there are reasons for that too, but they're outside the scope of this discussion). The combination created instances where targeted headshots at average engagement ranges (generally far less than 100m) would pass over the head of the target, due to the upward trajectory required to zero at 100m.

That said, I believe at some point we increased the sniper class weapon projectile velocities, so it seems worth revisiting the zero distance. I realize that user adjustable zero distances could also help resolve this, but it's a pretty meaty feature to add for a type of gameplay (long range sniping) that isn't really how Apex tends to be played. (that doesn't mean it's completely off the table)


Originally posted by weeenusaur

Can we get a clarification on what actually happens there?

Projectile has a velocity, the velocity is modified by gravity and drag. I think the calculations are done using Runge Kutta 4, which is pretty standard in games.


Originally posted by deXrr

The thing that causes problems is that the game is very selective about what realistic (if exaggerated) mechanics it acknowledges: It has the progressively worse drop, but the bullet velocity is always constant, which is sort of a mindf**k.

EDIT: Apparently my data about this is off. See Respawn response below. (The point from the rest of my comment stands, although I am now unsure of what exactly is the culprit.)

This also leads to the rather insane case where you have to lead people who are no more than a few meters away from you with shotguns and SMGs, because instead of having their bullets start out fast and rapidly lose speed over distance, the game averages the two extremes and has them move like softballs all the time.

> ...but the bullet velocity is always constant

For the record, this is completely untrue. Where did you get such an idea?

Edited for clarity; quote shortened to relevant portion

13 Aug

18 Jul


Originally posted by myriadic

sorry, but i have one more unrelated question, if you don't mind

are rings pre-determined? if so, do you have a ballpark number of possibilities? do ranked/unranked get the same ring combos?

i've started taking screenshots and have 14 rings...just don't want to waste my time if it's truly random

It's random, but there are some validity checks on the final locations, meaning there are some places that the ring can't end.