

15 Nov

Good day!

Really cool update for you today in version on the beta branch. I know I'm uploading another beta build but the last build had some nasty issues. I wanted to submit this as a beta again so I could get some help testing it out before pushing to production. This time around I'm only going to focus on making sure this build is stable so I can move it on over to production in the next day or so.

NOW, what's in this build? I've essentially done a huge pass on the art of the terrain. You'll notice that there's an added tilt perspective to blocks. This is to make the world fit in with the rest of the game art.

Also, there are several new blocks for you to build as well as three new brick types to build with.

OH, and if you ever had trouble understanding what is on the layer your camera is... Read more

13 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Taiga is the correct word for the forested biome which you see most often. There are desert, voidland, and tropical biomes for you to check out as well. The only reason there aren't more biomes yet is that I haven't gotten to implementing them. The three that are next on my list are plains, marshlands and tundra.

11 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ya, the Tavern has issues at the moment. I'd suggest ignoring it for now because it's so broken. Sorry about this.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The overworld map interactions are largely unfinished. Migration is the only one we've managed to implement so far. We have plans to add invading, trading, and scouting to the map as well. :)

10 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We still have to implement the temperature systems in the game so it's going to be a while and I can't really give an exact date. Early next year hopefully. The Ardyn are also to be implemented before the Tundra biome.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey! Glad you're having fun.

The current beta version of the game fixes a bunch of combat related oddities similar to what you're describing. Once it's on the production server, maybe that will fix things for you.

As for subterranean races, the Tomek are exactly this. Though, they farm crystals and grow explosive fruit on the backs of giant beetles. Their most hated enemies are the Nequhtli, a rat-like race that also lives underground. I'll be fleshing out a lot more underground stuff when I get to implementation of the Tomek. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Interesting! Feel free to send me the save and I'll take a look. Could just be some weird backwards compatibility bug from getting newer versions of the game but I'm just guessing here.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In the room edit window you can designate what food is put in their animal enclosure. Should be able to specify those foods you have.

As for having animal specific kibble, that sounds great! I'll jot that down. :)

08 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
When you have the room menu open, there's the room overlay on the right. You can add/remove settlers manually by opening the room edit button beside the 'A' button.

Items are spawning on the roof because you need more space in that room. Try building some containers to put items in.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Bedrooms are automatically occupied by settlers that are a family. Sounds like only two of your settlers for that one room are a family. The other three settlers will need their own rooms if they are all single. You can also manually assign settlers to rooms if you want them all to share one. This is done through the room edit window. Though, they won't really like this after a time.

As for the uniforms, I'm not really sure why they wouldn't equip anything. Did you properly assign the uniforms to their professions? They'll only go get items if they match the profession tied to the uniform.
Hello all!

I've just uploaded to the beta branch. This fixes a bunch of issues related to combat but also adds a new UI feature, health bars. The default has health bars display when in combat, below full health, or when SHIFT is held. There are some handy settings in the settings menu for you to change how and when health bars are displayed. Check it out.

As well, enemies will try to get to your settlers if there's no immediate open path by digging or breaking down obstacles such as doors and walls. Should make things a bit more interesting!

OH, and before I forget, dehydration/starving will now not immediately kill your settler but degrade their health. It's only when they reach 0 hp that they will die.

Here are the notes:
-Fixed a bug where entities may not attack when given an attack order.
-Fixed a bug where hold position orders could only be applied on the same z level as the camera.
-Fixed a bug where issuing a tame order ... Read more

07 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you on the beta build? I introduced a fix for this in the beta build (

05 Nov

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There are a few times. Usually when I'm sleeping. xD

04 Nov

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Use the 'Deconstruct' job in the Jobs menu.

02 Nov

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They should be able to.

01 Nov

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok. So the issue is that the material, in this case Iron and Tin Ore are both in a dungeon waaaaay underground in a dungeon that you don't yet have access to but have discovered. The blueprint shows that it can be built because the material is technically discovered. As soon as you open that dungeon or find iron/tin somewhere else, they'll do those smelting jobs.

I'll work on making some notifications to let you know when materials are inaccessible for later builds.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We have plans to.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmm, sorry for the issue. I'll take a look as soon as you send it over. Cheers.