

01 Nov

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Sometimes they get overwhelmed doing other things. If you disabled all other skills, do they still not work there? If so, feel free to send me your save and I'll take a look. Here are instructions on how to do so:
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I've just uploaded today's new update featuring some cool critters. The build also contains a ton of extra items in addition to a handy entity highlighting tool which outlines all entities and shows their profession icon above them.

Entities should now appear on the map every few days whereas before you'd only get a few early on in the game. Keep in mind they will also leave after a certain amount of time if you don't tame them.

Speaking of taming, you can now tame every animal in the game and all entities can now fight. Want a Crab army? Sounds good to me. Want Rats to be your legion? Rad.

Here are some quick notes on the behaviours/benefits of the five new animals:
Dogs - Will seek out stealthed baddies in your settlement.
Sheep - Produce Wool daily.
Rats - If not tamed, will eat food and seeds in the settlement.
Snoots - Haven't given them anything special yet, but they will apply a poison once I add alchemy as a profession.
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    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No prob!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hold ALT to place things in the air. That should let you put the roof or additional floors above.

28 Oct

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So glad you like it. Thanks for the lovely words. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ha! Hilarious. Thanks for letting me know of these!
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There should be a butcher job in the jobs menu.

25 Oct

Hello! Happy Friday.

Just a quick announcement that I've moved the changes from the beta branch to production. Again, this update is not backwards compatible. Apologies for that! Working on mitigating the amount of times I have to push a non-backwards compatible build out.

The changes for this new build include:

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24 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The number and cross on the blueprint indicate how many of that blueprint you can build + what have already been placed. In your case, you have several dozen placed. Let's say, 40. If you can only build 35 because that's as much as your current materials can provide for, you'll have a negative amount (35 - 40 placed = -5). The red cross is there to tell you that you're going to need more materials to build more + finish all the blueprints you have already placed.

22 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Looking at your game, you just need to disable skills for your Stone Mason. Right now, they are too busy building other things. Namely, they are busy working at the forge and building the wood roof you've got. If you designate one or more settlers to just do stonework, they'll focus on building your stone-based blueprints. :)
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Can you send me your save file so I can take a look? If so, here are the instructions:
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are the settlers not building anything stone? Or is it just the button that shows the red x?
Hey everyone!

This is a quick announcement that I've uploaded version to the beta branch which fixes a few bugs that have been found from last week's update.

Note: This update has not been uploaded for OSX users yet. Apple has a new notarizing process that I'm currently figuring out. Hopefully this won't permanently slow down OSX builds but this is my first experience with this added step. Will try to upload that build as soon as I can.

Here are the notes:
-Fixed a bug where the loom, spinning wheel, and tanning rack could be rotated.
-Fixed a bug where props weren't being tagged properly. This caused certain scenarios to not replace names in dialogue.
-Only archers and warriors will train at the barracks now.
-Fixed a bug where destroyed training dummies weren't rebuilt.
-Fixed a bug where tiles were appearing as not visible black squares.
-Fixed a bug where the stone carpenter's table wasn't working as a requirement for the ... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, dang. Thanks for letting me know.

20 Oct

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I'll be fixing this one soon. Thank you!

18 Oct

Hello fam!

I've uploaded the latest beta build which has a bunch of cool new additions. Sadly, I goofed and made a coding mistake which makes it so this build isn't backwards compatible AGAIN. Ugh. Apologies. I know losing your settlements sucks. Next time I'll be more careful about backwards compatibility.

As for what's new, I've added Tailoring and Leathworking as professions/skills. And you can also now build the Clothier and Tannery rooms which open up some jobs related to those. As well, you can now butcher animals using the Survival skill. This will collect meat, bone, and hide (if the animal has a hide) from the corpses of entities. I'm going to work on migrating animal herds for the next patch to help make butchering/leatherworking more of a viable resource.

Also, I've added in a new function to the build/plant menus which lets you filter blueprints by name/room. To use it, hold SHIFT and type out either the name of the blueprint you'd like to see or ... Read more

15 Oct

14 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hmm, ya, that's not a bad idea. I'll look into implementing something like this. Thanks!

13 Oct