

09 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It should show you the closest. I'll check to see why it's not. As for that ore/gem visibility issue, I'll be fixing this soon. That's def not supposed to happen.

Right now, workstations get checked before block jobs and that's why you'd see them start the workstation jobs first. I still need to implement functionality for them to prioritize looking at the two collectively. As a temp solution, you can set the priority to 0 for the workstation tasks.

06 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

04 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
What version are you on? Plants which do not produce fruits/vegetables would not be auto-harvested/planted previous to version

03 Jan

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Oh, and which version are you on?
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is the zone in a tavern or animal enclosure? Builds before v0.8.24.0 (beta) have a silly autozoning feature with those rooms which you can edit through the room editing window. It could be overwriting your custom zone.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok. Thanks for letting me know. I'll take a look.

29 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes! I'm trying to come up with a better way of managing this. It is intentional for them to be easy to destroy so that there is some way for you to pay for the experience gained. Otherwise, it's just free levels and that's less of a challenge in my opinion. ;)

22 Dec

Hey everyone!

This is a brief post to let you know that I won't be as active on the forum/discord or uploading any updates until the new year. I'll be away visiting family and I need to take a little break from development. I WAS going to move the beta changes to production before heading off on vacation, but it doesn't seem wise to do so as I won't be available to fix things while away. Plus, there are some performance issues in the beta that shouldn't make it into the production version and I want to fix those when I return.

Lastly, I wanted to wish you all a happy holiday and new year if you're celebrating that. Thank you for such a great year. It truly has been an honor to work on the game with this community. :)

All the best,


20 Dec


Real quick update to inform you all that I've uploaded a small build with fixes for the following:
-Ore not showing up on the mining overlay.
-Ore being visible when it hadn't been uncovered yet. Unfortunately, already visible ore will still be visible on saves pre- as they get saved as visible. Post- saves should be good to go.
-Incorrect item text showing when items were reserved via the inventory panel.
-Weeds will now have 'time to mature' displayed on tooltips.
-Changed shift increment to ctrl (plus added a special hotkey option in settings so you can change it yourself) in order to avoid overlays being hidden when trying to increment items by 5.
-Removed some debug logs which would occasionally drop framerate.



19 Dec

Hey friends!

This week's build,, is live on the beta branch. I'm hoping to move this update onto the production branch as early as tomorrow. This will depend on whether or not the build has any major bugs. If it does, I probably won't be able to get the update to production until after xmas as I will be away visiting family. Here's hoping this one is good to go. :)

This update fixes a large amount of bugs and adds some fun things to our good ol' Ancient friends. Namely, the Aeternum which is a new headgear item for them to wear which provides energy and magic skill boosts. There are seven for you to make. Four of which require newly added gems which can be found deep underground.

As well, I've added some voices and new portraits for them to slowly bring them up to the same level as Humans in terms of content. Oh, and I also added in three events for 'Unworthy' Ancients to appear and ask to join you. This is similar to the Human settler wave event. He... Read more

13 Dec

Hey all!

I'm running behind on today's update so I'm going to push it out until Sunday or maybe just hold onto it for another week. I'm currently in the process of adding some new things and they're taking a bit longer than usual. Plus, a few people have brought up bugs that I still haven't been able to look at and I wanted to get fixes for them into this build.

Here's a brief on some new things that I've added to the next update:
-4 new 'lodes' which can be mined for: Amber Opals, Sunrise Opals, Forest Emeralds, and Seabreeze Sapphires. These are found pretty far under ground.
-7 new 'Aeternum' items. Aeternums are a headband item that Ancients use to increase their energy as well as improve their magic skills. The new gems will be used as regents for the making of these. Ancients will start with the Fledgling Aeternum which is the second worst one. In lore, Aeternums were only given to Ancients that were permitted to perform the passage of immortality. Ther... Read more

12 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Great suggestion! I'll think of a way to add something like this.

11 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
That's not good! xD Next time this happens, can you send me your save?

If so, here are some instructions.

Helps me... Read more
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Is it the Tavern or Animal Enclosure by chance? Those rooms have some janky code that auto creates zones based on selected items from the room edit window. It could be overwriting your selection. I plan on changing or removing this feature all-together as it's super annoying.

10 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
What happens when you click it? Does it not take you to the location?

09 Dec

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No clue. Haha. Ideally, end of next year but I'm in no rush. I'm having fun working on it and it makes enough for me to live off of.

08 Dec

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Entities will avoid spikes up to a point (HA) but if they cannot find a better path, they will walk over them. Your settlers won't take damage but baddies will. So, it's best to put spikes at choke points you know the bad guys have to go through. Or you can build a pit with spikes in it and then have trap doors that lead into it. This will drop baddies into it where they will die from being impaled or starve to death if they can't escape but survive the fall. And, yes, you may see a zig-zag movement if you put spikes in a checker pattern.

07 Dec


    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Ok! I'll check this out. Thanks.
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Spikes - Damage any hostile entity that enters them.
Trap Doors - Drop entities on the first walkable (including spikes) block below.

Also, heads up, version has some fixes for these two props as they weren't working 100% before.