

24 Feb


Please don't mislead people. There's no teaser today.


Guys can I remind anyone that politics have no place here. People do not come hear to talk or hear about global stuff, but to play and enjoy the game. Please do not bring it to the forum. Plenty of places on the internet to talk about news.

Any such posts will be removed.

We have made no official announcement on servers of any kind. Unless it's from an offical channel like our news page it's unofficial or fake.

23 Feb


Peoples imagination mostly, as they aren't leak lists.


No chance 2 blogs in and today.


The F-4E was not as far out in front as the MLD was anticipated to be. There are situations where a new technology such as when radar missiles were introduced where multiple aircraft gain that new tech.

In the case of the MLD, R-60M was specifically withheld to first see how it did and exactly as predicted, it did not need them at all. Knowing this, there is absolutely no reason to give what is already the best aircraft in game new tech when unlike the F-4E, other aircraft don't also benefit as they already have the R-60M.

The two situations dont really directly compare.


When things level out more, or there are more additions, it will be reconsidered.


The MLD is currently the best performing jet in the game. There is no reason to further widen that gap by giving it even better weaponry.


There is absolutely no reason for R-60M to come to the MLD right now. So please dont expect it right now.


Votes have absolutely no meaning really. Only that we can see when certain discord groups obviously try to skew something when they disagree or if individuals are upvoting themselves with alt accounts.


I mean on any individual post, we can see spesifcally who voted what.


Your opinion is your own. Various creators have taken guesess in the past and been both right or wrong. I was simply clarify creators do not get access to anything ahead of time in any capacity content wise.

Also as a general heads up, even if you have separate PC / console accounts, the use of alt accounts in any capacity (posting/upvoting etc) is forbidden. We can see upvotes.


Guys, if we could please avoid the off topic and things that have been warned multiple times about before.

We don't want to take action, but if previous hints keep getting ignored, we will.

You don't need to get the last word in here. You can quite someone and post it in the relivant place.

And no "but they went off topic, I just responded" is not justified.


2/4. Friday we has Arizona, weekends tend not to have blogs this early on, Mondays are again often non publication days or lighter on blogs near the start, one yesterday and today is a national holiday. But things will heat up.

We do have some very spicy things to show ))


It's not just about posting the blog, but people also need to be present to monitor the comments etc. So not today.


Feb 23rd is a national holiday in Russia and several other countries. So most of our colleagues are away today. All news has been rescheduled for other days.


Seeing as that's one of the two blogs, yes


There's no blogs today, so you can give your F5 keys a break today.

22 Feb


We said last patch we are working on this aircraft. Hardly news. But nothing has been confirmed to come yet.


Other than Draken variants that would not have been close to other top aircraft, there was nothing else for Sweden to receive for a progressive forward step. Similarly with Japan, the T-2 was the next progressive step in their top tier.

For France, the next progressive step forward is not the Mirage 2000. That is moving a generation ahead and over a much more suited candidate that we have already said is in progress. Nobody claimed anything was "OP".

We dont jump from things like MiG-19 to the MiG-23MLD or Hunter F.1 to Phantom FGR.2.

There is absolutely no logical reason why we would go from Mirage IIIE to Mirage 2000 with nothing in-between.

Which you are free to discuss in the relevant places. Please consider this a final warning as you directly ignored the previous one and chose to carr...

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