

22 Feb


We do not need to open up a massive gap in the Japanese tree with nothing viable to replace it with.

Please do not necro a 3 hour closed off topic that's already been concluded, ignoring all the topic redirects at the time.

Regardless of its performance, radar or whatever weaponry pre-set, by manufacture and operator designation, its a 4th generation aircraft and we would not skip straight to that given there is an obvious and more suited candidate before it, which we have already said we are working on. If you want to further express your opinion on the matter, feel free, but please use the relevant and appropriate areas. This is not the place and we dont need to revisit already answered and concluded topics.


Already in game:

7 years on and its still often the same people asking


Comes up every topic somewhere just like the F-22 and Su-57 ))


You could just wait for the blogs and find out exactly whats coming this patch


We are two blogs in. Too soon to be rounding up who gets what.


We haven't made any announcements in this area for this patch. The previous question was about graphics overall.


We have had two blogs

But ok, no F-35 if you really want a denial.


We generally always have graphical improvements every year with new features, developments and tech. So as always, stay tuned.


Please don't re-open a discussion yet again, when its not relevant to the topic.


We don't have any news different to share from the previous Q and A answer on strategic bombers.


You are entirely free to share your personal opinion and nothing is taken as personal, all I've asked is that it be taken to the correct places and not just further derail this topic.

As others should also be doing:

Multiple nations lack a jet that's directly comparable to the MLD / F-4J on paper. Not all nations have direct equals. As we have said multiple times, there are plans in this area for those that are possible. Its not limited to France.


So repeating personal opinions that have been long established, mentioned in other topics and to which we have already responded to clearly.

Lets get back to the topic at hand please. Plenty of places to take these discussions without further derailment.


Mirage 2000 is a generation 4 aircraft as per offical classification, both by manufacturer and operators. We only have generation 3 in game currently. So it is a generation ahead. Regardless of whatever technicalities you wish to argue out that on. That is a fact.

So we can remain on topic please.


Not every nation makes a direct counterpart that includes all the features of another nations aircraft. It doesn't mean you skip a generation ahead and claim that's "competitive". Not all top aircraft can always be direct matches to each other.

Its only ever used or mentioned these days conveniently by people trying to justify more paper / incomplete vehicles and ignore the fact it was added in 2014.


Caught you with a random off topic post then


MLD is third generation.


Mirage 2000 is a generation ahead and not equal to anything current. Im not sure why you would expect a jump from Mirage III to Mirage 2000 as that's nonsensical.


Mirage 2000 is a fourth generation and ahead of everything current. Perhaps best to not set false expectations on things way ahead of current French tech too.

Nothing lazy about it, just those sort of jumps are never made and should not be expected at all.