

27 Oct


ATLIS II did not have Thermals. This was proven by documentation submitted via this bug report:

You will need to submit a full report with documentation and evidence that supersedes all of this information if you believe you are correct. However this video is wholly insufficient to prove anything.

As for the Jaguar GR.1B, it is a GR.1A modified to carry the TIALD pod. Which is represented in game correctly as an upgrade module.


They are random as people have already pointed out.


Suggestions are always welcome. Right now at least its not planned.


Devs have been flat out working on the major and bugfixes for that. We haven't had any minor updates this week.


Simply a bug. It was removed from the ALTIS pod as it didn't have it, but also came off the TIALD pod too by consequence. Its been restored already.


Answered already here:

Currently, it still being decided what the initial launch loadouts will be. Its possible it may launch with R-60M or it may launch without it and be added later. Its not final currently.

As mentioned above and in the previous topic. Its not yet final or fully decided.


What about them? They are inferior aircraft and as we already explained, added because the MiG-23M was the bottom of its BR. The MLD is a much better aircraft.

As I said, its not final yet if it will or wont on launch and even if it doesn't, it doesn't mean they cant be added later.


All weponary additions are subject to balance.

Its possible the MLD will launch without R-60M and then they could be added later if called for. But it's not fully decided.

26 Oct


The German MiG-21Bis-SAU was a modification of the Bis which added some navigational avionics from the MiG-23.

The two are distinguished by the additional antenna on the SAU.




There is no delay to the event or update.

Not with the current update, thats for sure.


M47 helps to gap fill and the SPAAGs also came from player suggestions. Japan doesn't have many options when it comes to SPAAGs we can practically add.


Can't forget the Pink Lynx for the whole gang ))


Type 74 variants and the ST-A3 were some of the most consistent suggestions we had since the launch of the tree.

They were definitely asked for.


Comparing Russia to Japan is a pretty bad example as Russia has far more jets than Japan to add. As for Sweden, they are now pretty much the same as Japan now in that they have most of their top aircaft for the current generation and won't get anything better for some time.

We are indeed working on new content for Japan, but it's not this update. The EJ Kai was a fairly substantial addition last patch and can receive upgrades over time to it's weponary.


I think Granby enthusiasts will be content ))


At least to my knowledge, it's not planned for that Spitfire. But those perfect rockets will be worse than the ones it has already.

Feel free to submit a historical report and we can pass it to the Devs to consider as a suggestion.


No. Lockdowns didn't impact us much last year either.