

28 Sep


You created a thread regarding the current BR changes. We had an official topic for those changes where you can leave feedback. If you just want to discuss BRs in general, the system that surrounds them or anything else that's not feedback, that's exactly what this topic is for.

Creating a second topic to split and segregate the discussion does not help. Hence why your topic was merged.


Topics merged into existing discussion topic.


See below

These "handful of players" were not the only ones playing the machine and it's had an upward trend for several months, contributing more to the need to raise it.

Whilst they did indeed contribute. It's the same why I and many others contributed to the Buccaneers both going up because every player contributes to the dynamic BR system. They were not solely responsible.


The remaining F-86Fs are all moving to the same BR. The A-5 is not performing even closely to those or the CL-13.

27 Sep


This is not correct. The vehicle in question, for the last 4-5 BR reviews has been on the upper edge of its BR range. Its also had a considerable number of flyouts by more than just the users than those that claimed it it was them. Its had a constant upward trend since before the F-86s were moved down to 8.3 (which is why it was not moved down at the time). So its a little bit overexaggerated to say a singular squadron are solely responsible. Contributed yes, but as does anyone that plays a vehicle very well.

In the end anyway, the standard F-86s and MiG-15Bis family also have been on the upper end of their BR, so in line with feedback to bring them all into line, they will be moved up and the CL-13 Mk 4 increase held off for the time being so we can monitor it further until the next pass.

22 Sep


The PFM does not have the capacity to mount, nor the radar to fire those missiles in question as we have already covered. The airframe was physically different. Different canopy type, mountings and radar.

The F-5A being added for the export event represents a model offered with export upgrades as there are no such limitations on the airframe and as the event suggests, is an exported plane. A skin is also included of the Y-5FA, so several options from that which were tested are also included.

We have also specified this in the event article:


Yes confirmed.

@magazine2add it to the list


Italeri themselves or your local stockiest who holds them should be able to get them for you.


We too have already done that ))

I have yet to build mine but I got them all for completion.

They all come with some in game bonus codes.

20 Sep



The speed for AGM-12B / C and AS.20 in the game is calculated based on the parameters of the thrust and fuel mass of the rockets.

The explosive mass calculation is explained here:

19 Sep


Repair costs are calculated on a vehicle per vehicle basis. The cost is based on what the specific vehicle is earning in the hands of players.

A higher repair cost is an indication that the vehicle is performing better on average in the hands of French players, than German.


Italy was the only nation at top tier that did not have AIM-9J/P / R-60 on any of its top tier jets. Without them, they would have been left far behind for a long time. The comparison is not the same here as Japan has both the EJ and EJ Kai.


over 19 months ago

It still was not back then.

18 Sep


Allow me to confirm its happening


Had the pleasure of seeing the Frecce Tricolori display a few years ago. A very nice livery


On September 18th & 19th, the Italian aerobatic team ‘Frecce Tricolori’ will celebrate its 60th anniversary!

The most experienced pilots in the Italian Air Force go through a difficult selection process to join the famous team. More than 20 challenging aerobatics for a half-hour performance are known to many aerobatics fans around the world. The Frecce Tricolori group is one of the national symbols of Italy!

Until 12:00 GMT on the 20th of September, destroy 30/15/15 (AB/RB/SB) enemy aircraft flying the G.91 pre-serie and get the “Frecce Tricolori” camouflage for this aircraft!

Discuss it here!

17 Sep


Having already warned once,

Inventing a rumour is not on topic. Next time will be a formal warning.


I understand exactly what I said and what this topic is about. We have had them for about 5 years now (at least it feels like).

I have a feeling that it is yourself that does not understand what this topic is about or how it works. There are no rumours or grounds to be discussing such vehicles now. You can do so in many other topics.


Indeed it is. When there are actual rumours or grounds to base said rumours on.

"I wanna talk about MiG-29" is not a rumour. You can do that here: