

12 Sep


We cannot force players to play nations or vehicles that they have no interest in. We encourage a wider scope by special videos, articles and more. But it is down to players to choose for themselves what they are interested in and want to play.

One of the best things about War Thunder is the depth and scope of vehicles across the board to cover as many interests as possible. Players have the freedom to chose from 9 full nations and many different types of vehicles.


Events are generally always announced at the earliest possible time that we can.


There is only so many they had, so many we can viably add and so many we can even get information on in a reasonable period.

Many of those nations actually made their backbones out of foreign nations machines, which are equally as important to those nations as they are to their nation of origin.

We always have more domestic vehicles in plans or in production for all nations generally.


All vehicles in game have their repair costs calculated in the same way. If a vehicle costs more, it means it is actually earning more. Its not to deter people, but be a fair reflection of what the machine is actually earning and to keep the in game economy correct.

Vehicles like the Tiger and T-34 are always going to draw the most players. Minor nations vehicles are in general less popular and the ones but can often be just as good if not better. This means they are able to earn and perform very well and thus have a repair cost that reflects what the vehicle is actually making.

As explained above, they are not here to block anyone from anything, but be an actual reflection of what the vehicle is actually earning.

Leclerc is the least popular of the 4, but generally is played better than the other...

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We are constantly working on more unique, domestic and indigenous vehicles for all nations and many have been added in the past.

Unfortunately its never really going to change the fact that you are always going to load into a battle and most commonly Leopards, Abrams and T-Series tanks because they are and always be the most popular. The same holds true for Phantoms, MiG-21s and many other aircraft too. They are and always will be popular and globally well known machines that the majority of the player base want to play.


Perhaps I should have clarified, the report remains open internally. Meaning it has not been rejected or closed off.

A report meeting the initial forwarding requirements does not mean it is going to be be implemented. It still needs to be checked internally by our consultants before they then pass to a designer to implement if its decided.


This was asked just a week ago.

If we had something new to share, we would.

10 Sep


This video does not show its actual air to ground capabilities. Firstly a single video itself is not sufficient and the fact they have locked onto a target whilst stationary on the ground thats a short distance in front of it does not really prove too much.



Please restart the game and download the latest version, they should have been fixed.


It is not something we have any ability to do on consoles. Its a technical and platform limitation.

Please submit all bugs here so we can properly process and investigate: and-xbox-series-xs/


Proof of that capability would be needed, as the Russian reporter has already explained. "Its the same as the AGM-65 in X way" is not much.


The two have no relationship whatsoever.

09 Sep


Because the Mirage IIIC and E were planned within that timeframe and come before the F.1.


This is a pretty broad and open question that's more for a developer.

The short and sweet is:

1) Vehicles are picked significantly far in advance based on our general plans, player interest / demand, information availability and viability and then placed into a rough timeframe.

2) Vehicles are then researched as far as required (Museum trips, books, archives, etc)

3) Development of the vehicle with the artists / 3D modelers


Often that's what people dont understand when it's like "gib this" or "you could have just added X easily".

These vehicles are not made in a matter of weeks. Not even counting the 3D modelling, there is often many months if background research, trips, book sourcing and much more that goes into it all.

08 Sep


Im not sure if you didn't read the second part, but there were already aircraft in game that could have a lead indicator. The Viggen is not the only one. None of them have it.


Not at all. SRAAM was only tested on the Hunter F.6 and Harrier. It was never exported or put into production.


No aircraft have a lead indicator in game. When several could have the capacity to do so or did previously.


The Italian F-104G has only been in game since yesterday and up until today had only AIM-9Bs, which is worse than whats offered on the Chinese G and Japanese J.

From today however both the Italian G and S both get AIM-9J. So we will be monitoring their performance closely.