There is no new Russian / Soviet MBT this patch.
For the 3rd time today
Put that on my tombstone at this rate.
There is no new Russian / Soviet MBT this patch.
For the 3rd time today
Put that on my tombstone at this rate.
GR.1 never had these flares. Its an error that it has them on the dev server. They will be removed.
Between majors, we have a whole host of events and other ongoing activities. There is no game that actively bombards information 24/7 all year round about its upcoming content. We deliver plenty of dev blogs ahead of time and also often in-between too.
Just like the F-105 situation here? Its clear we are working on it, but with no promise at all that it will come or will be in any upcoming update, yet look at the outcome of that.
Thats about as transparent as it gets and as you can see for yourself right here in this topic, "disappointment" that its not comi
We provide information on what actually is coming in development blogs. That is information we can share and are ready to share.
We are not going to start confirming, denying or even speculating loosely on what is and is not in the works because the same handful of people jump to conclusions, make assumptions and then get disappointed when things we made no mention of coming soon or gave any sort of confirmation on dont come.
The majority seem to understand its best to wait for dev blogs.
We provided the factual basis. Those aircraft that were leaked were NOT guaranteed to come this update. We made that very clear.
This policy does not disappoint more, only those that ignore everything we say, make their own assumptions and then disappoint themselves when nothing we have said has lead to that.
We explicitly said, several times, things being in the files are meaningless and
should not
be taken as something is coming soon or next patch. This was made clear several times.
Any assumption that it was is purely down to personal assumption and not factual base. We are not going to deny each and every single vehicle thats ever been in the files, datramined or leaked every single major update.
Nobody is being blamed here, but any disappointment is purely self created. We set up no expectations that any of those vehicles were coming this patch.
We have made no mention of the F-105 coming this update.
Again, things being in the files is not an indication it's coming soon or otherwise.
As I've already said, any missing equipment should be reported with proper sources. Asfaik it's not due to get them currently.
Because nobody has ever got angry when we don't / can't implement something or in a given timeframe before /s
Even just before the announcement of Italian Helicopters people were already throwing the "GaIjIn LiEd To Us" because we mentioned in an Interview over a year previous they were in works to come.
That's not even a full roadmap, just a mention and it causes that sort of outcome.
We had loose roadmaps previously and as we explained they simply create more issues than solve. Even when we have talked about our immediate plans in the past and previously s
The better answer was there is no need for your comment at all. You are well aware of how this topic works.
My job is to respond here and keep things in check and on topic. Not just to answer for your benefit, but for everyone. You know this well enough. You also continued to keep the discussion rolling after several conclusions.
This is now the end of the matter. Continuing to do so will result in a warning being issued.
Except those that keep taking the topic off subject matter when they know its both been discussed and concluded before and has more relevant places for when you wish to "bring up" the discussion.
An AI carrier has no relation to the development of any nations playable Navy. Otherwise we would already have 6 carrier models.
Just to be clear so you do not set yourself or others up for unrealistic expectations.
This is not a wishlist topic.
Again, this is not really about domestic national significance. But historical relevance to the game and the vehicles we have.
A carrier was needed outside of NATO for obvious reasons and the most applicable, famous and relevant Soviet one was the Baku class. Important for both the Ka 29 and Yak-38, one of the stars of the new power update. Given the size of the Russian player base in comparison to the French, its also another very clear reason.
Every nations carrier fits the criteria for being historically significant in their own respective ways. That wasn't really the point.
The Carriers we have in game are the most significant for the vehicles we have and players interest. Nobody said more French Naval Aircraft are not planned ahead. But right now they are not here, so the need fo a French Carrier at the moment is far less than Ark Royal for example, which is why it was selected.
Right now, there is no need for them, so the ones that had the most need and relevance were added. This was all explained and d
For 98% of the playerbase, its a runway on the water. We recently updated carrier models with 3 brand new modern carriers for the 3 biggest nations they most apply to in game.
They were more for random battles and thats more a suggestion for the French Test drive. French Jets have operated in reality from both British and American Carriers.
Ark Royal is both historically significant and there are lots of aircraft in game relevant to that generation of Carrier. Compared to just the Etendard and F-8 for France.
It has a choice of 2.
We don't need individual models of every nations carrier.
We have been working on some of the most requested machines and filling the gaps of technology (Like the ITO Crotale) as far as possible
1) ITO was actually planned for France first and then later decided to give it to Sweden because we already have Finish vehicles there.
2) F-8 (France) is not a copy paste, its a unique model from the F-8E family.
3) It was directly asked for by the French community:
4) Its coming at the same time as the US F-8E.
5) Not sure what relevance French Navy has to do here, I was talking about French Naval aviation, which the F-8 is apart of. Not off topic discussions.
Again, this is not really a bug discussion. Please feel free to report any issues you have experienced and we can check it out properly.
Not really sure what fixes you are referring too. If you are experiencing issues from todays changes please be sure to report them.