

27 Aug


We have no information that the Italian F-104G ever used it. It's not linked via any source.


As I said it needs proper sourcing. This is a random extract. It needs the front cover and proof it's the correct version. As well as evidence of the pods themselves.


You can bug report whenever we have a Dev server. You will need to provide properly sourced information that shows the Ja 37 variant spesifically had them. As all of our current information shows that it did not and only later variants did. We are open to new sources however if properly backed up.

But the images already posted in this thread a day or so ago are not enough and need proper sourcing. It's not clear what variant they are for and also 2 rather basic drawings are not enough to model the pods.


A-5C would like a word with you.

26 Aug


Its not the only jet in the update. Thats for sure.


Its far deeper than just the method of guidance. But its clear to see where your opinion stands.

Nothing to do with this topic. Please take the discussion to the correct place.


The two bombs are worlds apart. The fact Fritz-X is guided is about all thats similar. The GBUs of this type are entirely new.


When you stop asking questions you know have no place here. American aircraft are doing just fine right now.


As I said probably several hundred pages ago. Neither of these aircraft are the subject of this chat. Both are off topic and can be discussed in the aircraft section if you want too.

This is not the place.


Since none of them have any fighter, bomber or actual offensive capacities no. Its literally on the verge of impossible (but im not gonna say that word) you shall ever see them in WT.

Ju-52 is in the CDK because its a single player / mission map asset from long ago.


Just to say, these sort of statements are never a good idea to base your expectations of an aircraft on.

We all remember "Lightning F.6 intercepted Concorde / U-2" and "could outclimb an F-15".

A one time achievement for sure is a cool feat for the aircraft, but dont base your entire hopes on a singular claim for

24 Aug


Every one has been different depending on the update. The aim is to tease. Not show everything up front.

23 Aug


Thread on 30 min cooldown. Off topic spam will be removed.


We haven't actually denied practically anything yet really.


We are 4 blogs in. As you know already:


Not in this major update. Its not planned for now.


Monday is the first day back after the weekend for almost everyone. Also consider we need to translate everything into every language supported and not just RU and EN.