

07 Jun



Thank you for your report.

This matter is already known to the developers and is under review:


These missiles are currently not in game on the Phantoms for balance reasons.


Missiles not locking friendly aircraft in any mode outside of Arcade was not an intended function. In RB and SB it functions as it should which is any signature regardless of team.

05 Jun


None have functioning. But I believe this was regarding them not even being present on the model.

04 Jun


No source links the Mystere IVA to AS.20. Only AA.20.


She is a Beaut. Hopefully the slats will be resolved soonish.


The developers have the current gap in mind and are considering some possible candidates for the future.


This is all of the weaponry that was available to the German F-4F inside the current game limits.



This was only reported on Wednesday. It will need some time to be reviewed, confirmed and then corrected if it turns out to be correct.

03 Jun


Year of introduction is generally not how we go in terms of new additions. More the technological era and performance that dictates when they come.


A report on this would be helpful. Any evidence is apricated.

Whilst this report is still open, it requires further review. By intention it has always been 15G. The missile autopilot limits the missile lateral acceleration during the 1st phase of flight to achieve maximal launch range. So we use average maximal load factor to achieve the correct limit.

MiG-23MLD is a later variant and as with most cases, we usually start with the first steps. The combination of F-4 + F-5 and MiG-21Bis and MiG-23M has created solid starting point for Rank VII which


Certainly potential issues have been located with HE and shatter damage / effects. This has resulted in Destroyers being more enduring than intended, but with the refinement, it should be the middle ground.


At the moment, I don't believe any further are planned. However it may well be expanded over time.


The devs are currently reviewing the Volumetric changes to the hull and turret of Challenger 2. For the hull, there should be some corrections in the coming days.

The report was not accepted. It did not comply with the guidelines.


We have some reviews ongoing with HE at the moment in Naval Forces. Unfortunately thats all we can really say currently.


We are investigating some reports on specific missiles, but generally its not so much a case of any missiles being "worse" than before. Flares are generally functioning now as they should which to some might make them think their missile is doing worse.

Beyond that, im generally a bit unsure what it is here you are asking me to comment on. Without any reports, evidence and sources, we cant take escalations further without the grounds.


Hello guys

First, thanks for your feedback and patience. We understand the issues are serious and want work on these issues as far as we can. Our devs are already reviewing some matters and for others, we require a bit more information and most importantly, Clogs and Dxdaigs.

For those of you experiencing issues on PC, please be sure to file a bug report here (One issue per topic please):

Any other platforms can simply be reported in their respective bug report area.



Just a little bit of clarification on this, as these changes are in fact not Silver Lions.

They were in fact mission point reductions, which is used to calculate battle activity. This was done as ship to ship damage is now included in mission point and thus activity calculation, meaning vessels with slower RoF are now more meaningfully classed as "active" where they previously were not. Because of this, other activities that also count towards overall battle activity had to be reduced, otherwise overinflated activity would have occurred. These changes don't directly apply to reward


1.5x the stated limit from origin source is correct yes.

02 Jun


An announcement was made yesterday also after several weeks of dev server testing and dev blogs. On all of our social media platforms and sites, also ensured that promotion for the patch, and especially since yesterday the news that the update was coming today was very much a top priority.

Unfortunately beyond that, we cannot give any further notice given that the main website, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, launcher and even a post on Reddit to warn of the update today were all made.