Considering the Leclerc S.1 was already one of the best tanks in game, adding a second is a strong enough addition, let alone any new shells or armour packs at the moment. Hence why for the moment, S.2 is not getting anything extra for now.
Considering the Leclerc S.1 was already one of the best tanks in game, adding a second is a strong enough addition, let alone any new shells or armour packs at the moment. Hence why for the moment, S.2 is not getting anything extra for now.
Yes, otherwise it was a waste of time to start them?
Im not really sure what you expect to be as a "large" update, because really it seems like people expect constant 30-40+ vehicle patches which are very exceptional and generally only when we launch a new tree or branch.
This update is absolutely huge from what it changes in graphics, interface, hanger, effects and lots of other things.
Vehicles are not the only things that are important.
We never said it was coming or even planned?
P-51C was added last patch.
Does not really help with what missiles, how many, what the pylons look like etc etc. Its a rather poor document.
Forwarded to the developers for review.
We will forward it one last time unless new sources can be presented.
Relative control.
The source you just provided states that the MiG-21PFM was the variant capable of firing the weapon which is exactly what the developers have told me.
The point is, its not the Bis. PFM is a separate variant. We already discussed it with the developers and passed on those sources. They don't counteract the further sources, including the ones you just posted that show the MiG-21 did not have the same guidance radar that PFM variants had that lead to the ability to fire X-66/Kh-66 and thus wont be introduced on this MiG-21Bis variant.
The source you just posted here confirms "That left the MiG-21PFM as the only possible delivery vehicle for the Kh-66" which is exactly what the developers have said. So im not sure what the issue is now?
We dont plan to do this, as it would have no armament at all this way.
This is not a bug. This weapon could only be carried on aircraft equipped with PFM level of guidance radar similar to that of the Fireflash on Swift F.7.
The developers have already revived this situation and confirmed that our MiG-21Bis could not fire it. Only the variants such as MiG-21PFM could.
Those people that perhaps don't care to much for historical accuracy, don't read Q & As and would not be very happy that their premium P-47D got a FM downgrade and for those that play sim, a much harder time seeing around them.
This way was the best way of not downgrading anyones current P-47 purcahse whilst still offering the historical one. The old one will just become a collectors item.
This is not a bug, Italian Leopard 1A5s had LWR whilst German ones did not.
Its been fixed.
There are and these were in the past and we wish to avoid them as far as possible. This is one of those cases where its avoidable.
Explained why here:
Well in that instance, it was really an upgrade, hence why it was fine to replace one with the other. In this case, replacing P-47D with the D-16 RE would be a downgrade in most respects.
For you personally yes, which we understand. However this was the best possible outcome for all owners without causing potential issues with those who would be offended we "downgraded" their purcahse.
We decided not to change the current model as it could be seen as a "downgrade" both in terms of its flight performance and the fact that a Razerback is worse off in sim. So everyone who currently has the aircraft will keep it exactly as is. Those that would like the new one, have the option to purchase it.
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