

08 Nov


If its a serious claim then it should be seriously reported. If not, then the claims wont be taken seriously.

And whilst they do take time, most of the issues are addressed.


A new MBT at its higher tiers is still a very useful addition to introduce.

We introduced the 1A5 because it was suggested for Italy but also used by the Germans too. So it made sense to introduce both at the same time. It was not a case of simply being an "afterthought" for Italy, but a primary consideration in its addition.

We have received no reports at all about the hull being incorrect for the Italian 1A5. As for the RWR, its modeled for the Italian one, just not on the 3D model at this present moment.

Italy also gets a domestic attacker aircraft unique for its air force, whilst also this year, having previously received another Centuaro variant to expand its Rank VII lineup with all this also on top of the fact its received a whole fleet tree release currently with 25 vehicles, on top of its Starfighter also fresh from receiving Sparrows, which many nations cant also yet bo...

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We dont plan to introduce new premiums. They are being removed from the store as they are not that popular.

Its likely they will return as GE Premiums later.


We are not refunding it. The purchased aircraft is not changing in any way and remains exactly as is for those who purchased it.


And there are also a sizeable chunk of people who purchased this aircraft, not caring for its history and dont wish to see their purcahse downgraded.

Its the same situation as with Panther II and King Tiger 105, they still remain in game for those that have them.


Indeed there is in the method of obtainment. But we have removed GE premiums from sale before and the P-47 is not an excpetion.

The current method is actually the easiest. Since nobody looses anything and everyone keeps their purcahse just as is.

Its precisely because of some of the feedback of this change that we are doing it this way now.


They already have a new BR that we dont yet have in game. 6.0. Right now thats their preliminary BR.

Navel's current population could not support any wider brackets than that at least for now. Of course that can always change in future just like it has most recently with tanks and aircraft getting a expansion, but its not a case of just widening them before its safe and possible to do so.


Its very rare we have a vehicle in game that is entirely the wrong model in the sense that correcting it to be historical actually is such a drastic change that it worsens the performance of the vehicle. We ultimately aim to never have to do it in the first place, but generally how have all cases resolved with the XP-38G last patch and now this one this patch. In the case of non-premiums, we can and still will correct them to be entirely historical wherever possible, such as the case with the F6F-3 when it was corrected to the F6F-5. With premiums, we are well within the terms and conditions agreed to by all players to change them in a similar way. However in the case of the XP-38G and German P-47, this option however is best for everyone as no product sold is downgraded and everyone keeps exactly what they paid for.

You could make this argument for every single premium, event vehicle and gift vehicle no longer available...

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No. Its a variant of something already hinted at.


Until we know for 100% that its coming, im not going to say just now.

Otherwise Reddit in 1 month will have another batch of "OmG sMiN liEd aGAIn" because things can change before they become a reality and im not going to say things before they are confirmed for sure now ))

For now, im simply saying there is something, thats not yet had a blog, been datamined (unless ive missed it) or seen by anyone yet that is planned to come.


The product you paid for (P-47D bubbletop) is exactly the same and will remain so. You loose nothing and nothing is taken away from you. All who have it keep it.

The new P-47 Razerback is an entirely new vehicle.


And it still remains true what I said. There is nothing more for the British this patch.


Allow me to crush your dreams


Its not. No idea where you got that from but ive already said no German F-4 this patch.


I dont think that matters to them ))


Likely this is the c*ckpit model artists and consultants had access to to take photographs and base it on.