

10 Feb


I'm not sure what relivance this has to either the post you quoted or this topic as a whole for something that could and should have been a PM or myself or any TM who are happy to assist with any report related issue.

However to answer your question/statement, we don't just have volunteers processing reports but also developers and QA staff too. We moved to the new bug reporting platform based on community Feedback that the previous forum based system was too restrictive and hard to follow. So we made the process simpler, easier and open to anyone with a Gaijin account.

The side effect of that however is we have seen a 2500%+ increase in the number of reports created. Many of which are spam, rants, non-bugs or a plethorea of other matters. This even with a massive increase in the number of people handling reports both in staff and volunteers positions, the sheer number of increased reports is a problematic issue.

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They already did. This was the F-16 ADF which made it into the last patch.

09 Feb


We don't publish internal commentary on suggestions passed for consideration.

As the name suggests, they are passed on for the developers consideration. Not to be answered as there are far too many topics for that.


My answer covers that. If it was the focus of the previous update, it's not likely to be the exact same main focus point.

We haven't had a single blog yet, so it's far too soon to be expecting "this update is going to be mostly about X".


That was the focus of the previous update.


Naturally we have plans for new attackers, as with all types of aircraft. But as to when / where they will come, it's too soon to say.


We are always expanding jet lineups for all nations where possible. Israel also just received a new top fighter in the previous patch.

Our biggest priorities right now are those nations that didn't.

08 Feb


Too soon to expect any confirmatory information on the next patch right now (outside of when the blogs start rolling).


Its a tad too soon for anything on the next patch yet.


The report itself would be updated directly if there was a change.


Its not really contradictory at all and that might be hyper analysing things a little. The F-4EJ Kai upgrade was something that was 100% set in stone planned for the previous patch.

What Mike said is also entirely correct. We were/are working on a Rank VII premium which made it (F-4EJ ADTW) and a Rank VIII and it was a matter of when they were ready. The Rank VIII was not however "planned" to come for certain in the previous patch and as Mike said, it will come when its complete and ready. Worth also noting that the F-16 ADF for the USA and Italy were also not "planned to come" directly in the previous major, but as BVV said on the stream, it was possible that it would make it if it could be finished in time. Which they were and also why my previous answers of "no nation will get more than 1 Rank VIII this patch" changed. Because that's what was planned to happen. But we had some last minute surprises that were finished in time.


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Changes to ranks are always possible. However we don't have any spesific news on this vehicle for now.


Premium / event vehciles rarely chnage rank and BR is not necessary tied to rank.

07 Feb


Ammunition is added by the developers based on balance considerations and at their own discretion. They are not based solely on historical availability or use.


The only thing planned last patch for Japan was the EJ Kai receiving AIM-9L and becoming the new Rank VIII.


This is not a bug report, but a discussion topic.


Naturally there is always something (s) awesome for me ))

This would not be dependent necessarily on a major update but if it has been correctly reported and if so when it can be verified.

06 Feb


Dont make me do it..

05 Feb


Yes if it is specifically a feature for that aircraft / bombing computer system. As I mentioned, the system as is currently is intended and considered not a bug. However we wont block the passing of any historical reports as suggestions for consideration.

Im not sure how much relevance this question has, but generally some time in advance naturally as we need to be acquainted to what's coming for blogs, dev server, feedback, questions and other reasons.