

21 Jul


All of the issues reported by aizenns via reports have been fixed:

Likely you just need to refresh the page. If I've just posted for example and you click the "View latest's posts" for example, it might not be green,


Its really not surprising or uncommon for a historical related issue on a very niche vehicle that has limited reliable information on from one of the nations in game that, historically, has significantly less source material to work with by comparison to other nations can take as long as this one did. As I mentioned above, its not simply about a case of making a historical report and a fix can immediately be made. Naturally the better and clearer the information is, the faster that process can be. Its also not helped if there is conflicting information, which then requires more review and digging to filter out all possible conflicts and narrow down the actual credible material. Once everything is then fully confirmed, the 3D model work or any other visual based work then has to be scheduled into our content development, with the relevant artists and developers for correction. Which again, is not a case of drop everything and its done in a week or so.


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Hi guys

We appreciate your patience and contributions to this topic. We have addressed a number of RAM / Memory leak issues over the past few weeks, however we are also aware some of you are mentioning still experiencing them. We are focused on resolving this issue as far as possible for everyone effected.

As @VonarianTheGreathas already directed, your Clog and Dxdiag files are the most important and most helpful and significant files to keeping the developers updated on this matter and ensuring as many fixes are deployed as possible.

Thanks again for your efforts


As I clarified in the line afterwards:

Much of the information on these vessels is scarce and very often requires in depth review and analysis before we can fully confirm if an issue is indeed an issue. Since then, every actual report forwarded on the T-51 has been resolved and fixed. Including the matters mentioned in this topic,
which have lead to the resolution of the issues mentioned within and the new vessel coming this battle pass.


aizenns made a number of excellent and high quality posts, topics and reports over their time as a frequent forum user and reports like this are exactly why they were asked to join the Technical Moderation team at a later date. Much like how I have today welcomed @VonarianTheGreatonto the Technical Moderator team, due to their much apricated support of the community and technical matters. aizenns was however not a Technical Moderator at the time of making this thread and has since forwarded a significant number of naval reports, many of which have also been fixed and resolved since.

You will however note that this was not a bug report, but was a resource gathering topic. Much of the information on these vessels is scarce and very often requires in depth review and analysis before we can fully confirm if an issue is indeed an issue. Since then, every actual report forwarded on the T-51 has been resolved and fixed. Including the matters mentioned in ...

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Stay tuned to the news. We will cover full details in the BP article.


All FM related reports have been fixed and resolved some time ago.


Bit too early to ask / say at this time. We don't announce our events or the contents of them ahead of time like that.


There have been a multitude of historical changes for non premium vehicles based on historical sources that have resulted in a reduction of armour, performance, weaponry capabilities and other factors in the past. This is not the first time and we have always been clear that if a vehicle is wrong and the correct information is located, we will always strive to correct it.

Premiums are a slight further complication depending on what the correction is, however as grom mentioned, there have been cases where thats happened too. Such as the Italian M60.


You are purely looking at the aircraft from an "on paper" level in terms of its characteristics alone in comparison to other aircraft. We have explained many times before that the on paper performance of a given vehcile by comparison to its peers it's not the main factor that decides a BR at all.

Vehciles BRs are changed/based on how they actually perform in game and how efficient they are in battle. Currently speaking, both the Mirage F.1C and CT are not at the bottom or lower level of efficiency in 11.3. When an aircraft falls to the lower or upper end of its BR bracket, that's when a change is generally consdiered or when the statistics show a huge anomaly. Over time, vehciles find their comfortable BR and level out in the correct place. Such as the Mirage IIIs now.

As for repair costs, they are again based on the real time economic income of that particular given aircraft now with relative comparison to its pee...

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20 Jul


You may well have no issues at your given time of play, however decompression requires a 24 hour round the clock compatibility in all regions with expansion of BRs to be able to support it. Several other factors are involved such as vehicle population within a given bracket and possible queue combinations.

We are well aware of some peoples desires to see higher BRs, however the desire to see it does not always align with the practical and realistic possibility of it being something viable to do at a given time.

This is however now deviating from the subject matter of this topic.


We have clarified before that multiple values, factors, biases and statistical elements are considered and reviewed within the process. However the developers do not wish to disclose all of the details of exactly how things are calculated down to specific levels. Those details have never been disclosed. So I'm unable to provide more information on the matter, further than what I have already provided.


We are working through all top rank aircraft (and eventually helicopters) prgressivly with each major update. Unfortunately I cannot provide spesific timeframes for what aircraft when, but there will be more and more reworked every update and of course, all new aircraft have it from the get go.

19 Jul


We currently do not have any information linking the F-1 or F-104J to any countermeasure pods fitted or tested to these aircraft series. Aside from the possibility of the AN/ALE-41K pod at least for the T-2, but this requires further information for that aircraft and evidence for the F-1. In the case of the F-5C receiving countermeasures and the Italian F-104S/G receiving AIM-9J for example, there was direct evidence pointing to the variant being capable of retrofitting and installation.

This is not the case for either of these aircraft, aside from some sources suggesting some crews may have installed a one time chaff release in the airbrake chamber of the F-104J. But this is very much a loose and unviable case.

We do however of course welcome any further information or sources via reports either on the CBR or the standard historical section.


No news to share on that front at the moment. As always, we will publish a full news post when the time comes around again.


Not too long to wait )))


The M247 HEAT warhead was deemed as compatible with the CRV-7 and thus was added in game. All of the other Warheads that could be fitted are not combat effective (gameplay wise) against the type of armour or conditions the aircraft would face, hence why the current HEAT one was added as its more useful than any of the other options would be in game. There is a suggestion open already for some of the other options to be added, but thus far all the information on them points to the fact they would be worse from a gameplay perspective than the current rocket warheads.

As always, if you have any further information on any of the other warheads that says otherwise, we would be happy to forward that onto the devs for their consideration. However it was fully intentional to add M247 as all data the developers have point to the conclusion its like any other warhead compatible with the Hydra-70 / FFA. The other warheads would be a gimmick at best with the c...

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18 Jul


If you have any more research available on this, it would be apricated.

The only information we currently have on Gazelles being tested (Aside from unguided rockets in the Falklands) is F-ZWRI, which now resides at the Newark Air Museum. This early variant was tested with HOT launcher tube test racks, as well as some other weaponry during its lifetime by Westland at Yeovil for the British military services:

Currently F-WTNA also appears to be another promising connection as it was displayed at Farnborough and several other British air shows when Westland and Aérospatiale were trying to promote the vehicle.

There are also several sales brochures and other media items that reference this, however it requires further review.

There are other options also, however so far they remain too obscure really for consideration. Such...

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