

11 Jul


There are more appropriate topics to discuss such vehicles without going too far off topic in the Mirage F.1 thread please guys:


During the time between the dev servers and launch, the developers are working on key bugfixes and finalising the update ready for release cross platform. The vast majority of issues reported on dev server are fixed before live. In the Winds of Change dev server section, there were 6 pages of reports forwarded. Almost all of these were resolved before release, making the open PUMA reports the minority left. Many of the PUMA ones required more time for validation and review from the developers and its not practical, realistic or possible to delay a whole major update because there are a few historical related reports open.

The reports remain open and do not close even if they are not resolved during a dev server. We have to manually pull old reports out and can do so on request as and when it happens. Its not possible to mass transfer all reports as they have to be done manually. Most cases things are resolved anyway so there is no need to pull them...

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10 Jul


This matter has since been reopened for re-examination.


There is not only one user spamming with regards to pings or other matters. It was not a direct claim against any one person, but a general warning for the topic, that it wont help or aid our ability to do anything or answer by spamming us with pings, nor will it increase any of us being likely to respond to a topic where our answers are in fact misconstrued to be further used against the matter. The assumptions within the screenshot were not correct. Again, whilst we can apricate that fustigation leads to an opinion and attitude forming, it was not what was said.

Unfortunately I do not have an ETA to provide for those reports, or indeed many reports of that nature across many vehicles. When a developer updates a report to be fixed conclusively we would likely relay that and similarly if it was closed, where possible we try to find the origin report and do exactly that. That is part of the reason for the new bug report pl...

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Most of these assumptions are incorrect, not how it was explained and part of the overall issue with the direction of this topic. I have provided several status updates on the reports linked to the fullest extent that is possible for us to do. Whilst we can apricate some reports not being resolved or concluded can be frustrating for those passionate about this vehicle, it does not mean the PUMA is being treated differently to any other vehicle that has multiple reports on it.

I have done what I can do here to provide an update to those issues based on the information that I have to provide.

Being fed up or frustrated, whilst understandable is not an excuse to then spam, twist statements and overall start directing the topic down a direction which is not going to receive any answers from any member of staff.

Once again, this i...

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Is is entirely wrong that anyone was lied too. Nothing I have said was a lie. I have only passed responses directly from the developers.

Something not yet being fixed or addressed yet does not mean anyone has been lied to. Having that sort of attitude or approach simply means its not going to be worth our time checking on matters if its going to be twisted into something its not.

That's incorrect. There have been other vehicles with more reports than the PUMA and I don't doubt there will be others after it. Sadly pinging me 24/7 also wont result in faster fixes as its not inside of my control. But the PUMA is not an outlier or exception here.

State applied to all. As you can see, they all remain open as per the last time I provided an update on them.

Dev Server sect...

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09 Jul


Unfortunately we cannot keep posting a rolling status update on every report every single time you ping me. Particularly when every time we do, its met with the same sort reactions such as:

Proving sadly its not apricated to do so and is in fact twisted into something its not. Spam pinging on a regular basis (as is quickly becoming the case in this thread) will lead to a warning.

There are reports open for many vehicles in game and many other matters across the whole game that are far older than any of these reports. The PUMA is not new or unique in this respect. We have 2000+ vehicles now and it simply is not possible to provide up to date status updates on every single reported issue across the whole game. Some reports may also remain open whilst further investigations are conducted, already planed / scheduled reviews within a specific timeframe or a myriad...

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08 Jul


Its not currently planned at this time.


This camo was a C.2 scheme, not a C.7. We only generally have skins for other variants on vehicles if that specific variant is not in game (F-5C with F-5N camo for example).

But if you find one for the C.7, feel free to make a suggestion:

This topic isn't really the place.


It's still currently planned, starting today

07 Jul


If you have information that the Milan had any form of RWR and have evidence to support that, as I mentioned above, we welcome reports on that. Right now however, the evidence points to it not having one.


Replays save time as we can check for any other issues within the session and review the matter in more detail. They also give us the detail we need for the session ID (as well as the clog). Including a replay into a report can be done in less than 30 seconds, but can save hours of time sometimes. So its always beneficial where possible. In the case of this issue, even more so.

Generally client is always fine (as we can get the session ID from that to get the server one too if we need), but it never hurts to include the server replay link if you have it

You dont need all the split down sections, just the base replay.

The report has been forwarded now.

06 Jul


Currently the evidence points to the fact it does not. As its missing part of the antenna array for the RWR to detect rear targets found on the Mirage IIIE. It has the front node, but no rear array.

But we welcome any reports with information specifically on the Milan.


Being investigated. However I cannot provide an ETA at this time.


Please provide the clog and replay in the report, then I can forward it


Repair costs are calculated based on the direct income of the vehcile in question as well as rank.

So if it's more than its peers on the same rank, that means economically it's earning more too.

05 Jul


Comparative gameplay tests showing fully upgraded weaponry under testing conditions to show the differences can be considered.


We don't exclude the possibility of removed store packs being returned as GE premiums over time. It has happened before in some cases.

29 Jun


It remains open but was attached to this report as they were both of the same thing (I cant see this report as its on the RU forum)


We haven't closed the report for this reason, and as I mentioned, the devs have taken a look already prior to us forwarding it to conclude it (currently) wasn't something we can pass on in its state right now. But as I also mentioned future changes or reviews to any of our modern vehicles have not been ruled out. The Ariete included.