@fernandoleusin @dal3d3nt0n420 I forwarded this issue on the development team along with your save files and they were unable to reproduce the issue and your save fil...
Read more@fernandoleusin @dal3d3nt0n420 I forwarded this issue on the development team along with your save files and they were unable to reproduce the issue and your save fil...
Read more@fernandoleusin @dal3d3nt0n420 I forwarded this issue on the development team along with your save files and they were unable to reproduce the issue and your save fil...
Read more@code_yellowv Thanks for the video Roy, I have forwarded this on to the development team to investigate.
@hawke0325 Thanks for the video, I have forwarded this on to the development team.
@hawke0325 Thanks for the video, I have forwarded this on to the development team.
@hawke0325 Thanks for the video, I have forwarded this on to the development team.
@murqtkrc Thanks for confirming this, I will forward it on to the Assassin's Creed Valhalla team to investigate.
However as no other players have experienced this and the game crashed before the quest was completed then it's possible that they will be unable to reproduce the issue and therefore work on a fix.
@virtualawesome Thanks for the information, I will forward this on to the development team to investigate.
@virtualawesome Thanks for the information, I will forward this on to the development team to investigate.
@murqtkrc Thanks for clarifying this. When you say that it kicked you out, did the game freeze or crash?
@theeelf Thanks for the update. Are you able to provide some images of this please.
@caue_guion Thanks for providing a list of issues you are experiencing in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. We do appreciate you reporting these to us, however, could you please ensure that you create individual posts for each issue. This is easier for support agents to reply to, and it is also useful if other players experiencing the same issue can see those posts and can also comment on them. This gives us better visibility on the number of players reporting and experiencing those issues.
I would also recommend checking our ...
@caue_guion Thanks for providing a list of issues you are experiencing in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. We do appreciate you reporting these to us, however, could you please ensure that you create individual posts for each issue. This is easier for support agents to reply to, and it is also useful if other players experiencing the same issue can see those posts and can also comment on them. This gives us better visibility on the number of players reporting and experiencing those issues.
I would also recommend checking our ...
@murqtkrc Thanks for the videos provided.
So I can see that you are experiencing two issues. The issue with the mystery 'Saint Faith' is a known issue that is being investigated, we have created a megathread for it.
Regarding the other issue with Goneril. I can see that the quest is still active on the map but that she appears to be dead. There is also a strange sound on the video.
Can you confirm if you killed her previously and if the quest showed as being completed and t...
@bielik01 Can you please provide a video or some screenshots to show this and to show the location on the map.
Does the horse icon also appear on the map to identify that as a stable that can be used to change your horse and raven?
@bielik01 Thanks for reporting this.
To confirm is Hati still not showing as being owned in the store? And is the web tree still showing as being available to purchase from Reda? Can you also access Hati and the Web tree in game?
I can confirm that settlement packs appear to be moved to the 'Property' tab in the store if one of the items from the pack has been purchased from Reda. Can you check there to see if the Modern Day settlement pack is there.
@bielik01 Thanks for reporting this.
To confirm is Hati still not showing as being owned in the store? And is the web tree still showing as being available to purchase from Reda? Can you also access Hati and the Web tree in game?
I can confirm that settlement packs appear to be moved to the 'Property' tab in the store if one of the items from the pack has been purchased from Reda. Can you check there to see if the Modern Day settlement pack is there.
@bielik01 Thanks for reporting this.
To confirm is Hati still not showing as being owned in the store? And is the web tree still showing as being available to purchase from Reda? Can you also access Hati and the Web tree in game?
I can confirm that settlement packs appear to be moved to the 'Property' tab in the store if one of the items from the pack has been purchased from Reda. Can you check there to see if the Modern Day settlement pack is there.
@hawke0325 Thanks for the video provided. If possible could you record the video on your PS4 using the share button and then upload it to YouTube and share the URL link here in this thread?
Could you also make a full list of the armour missing from the transmog as you mentioned there are others missing too.
I have reported this to the Assassin's Creed Valhalla team to investigate, but if you could provide another video and a full list this will help with their investigation.
@hawke0325 Thanks for the video provided. If possible could you record the video on your PS4 using the share button and then upload it to YouTube and share the URL link here in this thread?
Could you also make a full list of the armour missing from the transmog as you mentioned there are others missing too.
I have reported this to the Assassin's Creed Valhalla team to investigate, but if you could provide another video and a full list this will help with their investigation.