

14 Jun

Goo-Goo-Man is correct. The forums are not the place for witch hunts, otherwise called naming and shaming. Posting a video or directing players to a video that directly tries to call out and identify a suspected cheater still constitutes as ... Read more
Originally Posted by Spawnbold
the standard version is the game, excluding the exclusive assignments, so it is NOT the full game!
sure they are not necessary, neither are sidemissions but without them it would not be called full game...
There are no new artificial barriers on what can be played with the Free Weekend. It opens up the full standard edition of the game but doesn't lock any standard edition content preemptively. Any content that was already exclusive to certain editions is still going to be exclusive to those editions.
Glad this all got sorted out. Thanks for sharing the solution, ABrokenGamer.
Free Weekend gives access to the full game for free... ...for the weekend.

13 Jun

I'm glad to see such camaraderie on here. I hope you're all as excited for TU4 as I am.
Seems like the central... conflict... of this thread has been more or less sorted out. Glad to see it. Good luck to the OP with the raid.

For those still hoping for more... While we announced a 2nd Raid at E3 there were some other ... Read more
Originally Posted by kinshade
We don't need more raids. We need more endgame activities that will engage the vast majority of players who don't care about raiding at all.

having raids in the game is fine, but should be the last and lowest priority.
Well then have I got some ... Read more
So long as the video doesn't violate forum rules, it can help a discussion to post the video you're referring to that way we're all on level ground for the conversation.

Even if the video is shown in another thread, if you're wanting to talk about a specific (but different) part of the same video, it helps.

Also, as always, please be respectful to your fellow posters. There's no need for friendly fire on the forums.
I can understand your frustration from a social perspective, after a certain value it becomes meaningless and your build is what's more important... However with the loot-based climb of the endgame world tiers, I'm not so sure if it's entirely meaningless.

Even just breaking down WT5, if the GS partially helps in determining the min/max curve for rolls... yes you'd have a chance at getting a GS 500 equivalent god rolled item on your first steps into WT5... But you'd also have a chance at getting a GS400 equivalent garbage item even if everything else you have is of generally higher quality.

Feels like it would exacerbate a lot of the problems people already have with gear drops and RNG. What has Gear Score done to ruin or worsen your experience so far?
Originally Posted by Maj.BumWhistler
Switch you skill buttons in controls from 'Agent skill' to 'Instant use Agent skill' clanmate told me about it today. Headache free skills.
Thanks for the tip, Maj. I know some people who definitely don't need this info.
Does simply walking there cause a blue screen? What are you doing when you get the crash? Also, please head over to Ubisoft Support to submit a ticket and they can help try to find a solution.
Glad this all got sorted out. Thanks for the assistance everyone.

12 Jun

Hey hisui, these are the English forums. If you've got a specific technical question, please head over to Ubisoft Support.
Despite the wide variety of of topics being mentioned in this thread... There was the E3 teaser for Episode 3 as well as some information for Episode 1.

As for the second... Read more

09 Jun

Here's the direct quote from the announcement article:

Event Closing—June 6th to June 13th. If you have leftover keys available, be sure to use them now, as the event uniform can only be obtained until this period ends! You can use your unspent keys, as well as purchase additional ones to get all the Dark Hours event apparel.

Post Event—June 13th onward. All items from the Event Cache are moved into the standard Apparel Caches ...
Read more
Alight, let's take a second to regroup and look at this topic, because it is one I'm personally surprised to have seen so (relatively) little discussion about:

Early/Ease of Access to the Gunner Specialization.

What are your thoughts? Will you be enjoying the perks of having it early or is it more bitter than anything else? How do you feel about the challenge pathway to getting Gunner/cosmetics?
Let's please move forward with a more respectful, thoughtful, and cooperative conversation.

08 Jun

Alright. I'll be closing this thread now since it's just a lot of confusion and trolling the now absent OP.

07 Jun

Can you please elaborate on the specific frustrations you're having or aspects of the game that you don't like?
Very cool. And thank you for including photos!! Thanks for sharing the getup!
Originally Posted by elkyri
Only dead fish go with the flow.
What a fun little phrase. I like this.