

06 Jun

Originally Posted by Syncope-83
I could go on about various other aspects of it I'm enjoying but I'm trying to keep this short. I am looking forward to properly drilling in to it and doing a bit of min/max'ing So yeah... if, like me, gearsets have never really been a thing for you, give it a shot, I'm finding it to be a lot of fun. Hopefully you will too
Couldn't agree more. Thank you for sharing a detail account of your experience with the OD set.

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05 Jun

Once you get to the point where the Black Tusk invades DC, Control Points will frequently and consistently become captured by the enemy. You can recapture these points to get gear, blueprints, and other loot. The points can stay captured for longer by donating supplies and resources. Keeping them under friendly capture means you'll have more control in the area and an extra spawn/fast travel location for a time.
Your feedback is much appreciated, especially as the PTS continues onward. Just a reminder to keep it civil and constructive, please. I've enjoyed reading what you've all shared so far.
Just as a quick correction for the OP...
NPCs can’t be suppressed when deploying a Drone.
In the future when discussing the patch notes, especially the actual text, please include the entire note so as to avoid this kind of misunderstanding.

Edit: The nuances of this note have been discussed by some members above me. Thank you!
Originally Posted by Caurlann
Yeah, I missed those little buggers.
I want to get this engraved in stone.

Glad to hear that the drones are back in proper form.
Moderator decisions are not a topic for public discussion. If you have a question or complaint about decisions made regarding specific posts or threads, you are more than welcome to privately message me for a conversation instead of creating a thread that very clearly breaks forum rules.

So, yes, I will be closing this thread now.
I'll be locking this thread since it offers no meaningful commentary on either the game or community other than just, "forum wars are fun to watch."

Please try to use the forums for constructive or interesting discussion instead of empty threads that clog up the actual discourse. Thank you.
I'll be closing this thread since it has been a toxic flamewar almost since the very beginning. Please try to discuss the game while being respectful to your fellow forum members. Name calling, insults, belittling others, etc contribute nothing meaningful to the conversation and only serve to derail the thread. Also, just so it has been said, no, the Developers do not want to kill this game - nor are they trying to.

Thank you!

04 Jun

Quick reminder to respect people's playstyle choices and preferences. This same conversation has happened in countless other places and there are almost as many closed threads circling this topic.

No one is out there trying to ruin the game, and everyone wants to see the game do well and be fun to play. We just all have different ways of thinking that is done.
The Hunters are weird bunch. They might not show up because a step was done slightly wrong or because of a bug, and because it can be different for every person, despite the platform, it can be very difficult to discern what is caused by slight human error or technical error.

Please keep sharing any instances of weirdness - but also please make sure that you are completing the puzzle for the Hunter as properly as possible.
Hey everyone. There are currently no plans to extend the Apparel Event. That said, the event concludes on June 13th so you've still got plenty of time. But similar to the first one, when it's over - it's over.

When it comes to the RNG of getting keys from FPCs, it's just RNG being RNG and confirmation bias being confirmation bias. Same with DZ Caches.

Here's the full article for you reading pleasure.
Thank you for the tip! Hope this is able to help someone out!
Glad this all got sorted. Thanks for the thorough replies, everyone.
Thank you for the info. Any additional specifics about what Hunters you're...well... hunting is always appreciated!

03 Jun

I appreciate all the detail provided here by everyone and the various videos. Thank you very much for all the additional info.
There are definitely pros and cons to games being online only. One benefit is the uniform maintenance for all players simultaneously so no one is playing an outdated edition. As for servers shutting down, we announce maintenance times on our Twitter days beforehand and post again when they're about to happen. For non-maintenance server shutdowns, I advise you reach out to ... Read more
Since this thread is... sort of completely devoid of an actual conversation or actual content or even a real topic I'll be closing it.

Feel free to talk about the game however you want so long as it is within the boundaries of the forum rules & code of conduct.
What is the bug you are running into in these particularly specific instances?
Hey Yksir-, this is an issue that is still being looked into, but a fix is in the works. Thank you for keeping us posted.
Originally Posted by Lord_Roody_Poo
Hunter fix did nothing for me.. I still have all 12 masks and only 7 keys.
The patch should allow you to re-do the problem Hunters again. This gives you a chance to get the Key by solving the kill riddle to get the Ivory key.

Originally Posted by cn555ic
Where is skill buffed? I don’t see it on the notes. Where did the guy who posted this get this from??? ...
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