

20 Aug


Originally posted by zach343434

100% Ubisoft. Idk why they keep asking and keep reading this sub and seeing the same things over and over again and barely addressing or paying attention to them? I literally have problems with all of this except I don’t mind the hex and my lobbies on Xbox are pretty damn full. Everything else tho needs fixed ASAP. The game being out for a week is long enough when they failed to come out with a console beta that would have had them with a polished game upon release. Ppl address them with these same problems day in and day out and they never even address them but make posts like this over and over asking for feedback. We are giving feedback expecting fixes. Not giving feedback to just give it again the next day...

Hey! We have commented on console aim, console FOV, audio glitches, and hexfire. We appreciate all of the feedback on these topics, and they are discussed here daily. While we're sure these topics will come in this feedback too, and that's completely fine,- The purpose of this survey is for more general feedback on the game overall, and a chance to bring in a formal way other ideas that could improve the game. We are on this subreddit every day (and our other channels) absorbing all of the feedback, and want to make sure we are listening to as many voices on as many topics as we can be.

19 Aug


Originally posted by Dead-Sync

Thanks for setting up this thread Arcane.

Bugs aside, I really enjoyed the mode and I'm happy it exists. Thank you for adding a mode so quickly into the game's lifespan.

That said, I think Hyper Scape has incredible potential stepping outside of the Battle Royale space. While Faction Wars is different than Squads/Solos, it is still Battle Royale at heart: A closing map and "wipe and you're out".

Since Hyper Scape is a very high skill cap game, this can make it difficult for some more casual players to enjoy the game especially if they spend a lot of time as an echo. Even though you can come back at any time, moving around as an echo is admittedly less fun than being in combat. Unlike the Squad/Solos modes, you could also potentially be dead for longer in Faction Wars, as in those other modes it's easier to be wiped and start a new match.

This is by the way, a testament to one of Hyper Scape's most incredible strengths: the moment to...

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Thank you very much for the detailed feedback! I truly appreciate the thoughts you have here, and think a lot of them are very interesting.


Originally posted by radxwolf

I see the appeal, and I think it’s valuable for players to practice movement and shooting in a lower pressure environment, but i personally prefer to pacing in the crown rush modes.

Thanks for the feedback! What exactly about the pacing of Crown Rush do you enjoy over Faction War?


Hey everyone!

We are very interested in any and all feedback for Faction War- so please let us know your thoughts! We are aware of a few bugs, and while that is important, please know we are specifically interested in this thread on feedback such as: what you enjoy, what you don't enjoy, do you enjoy the mode overall, what elements do you specifically like, how would you improve the mode, etc. Thanks!

External link →

I can't believe you've done this lol. Thanks for the report and amusement!


Quality suggestion, thanks!


Originally posted by 6QTEJ

Is that a play on the Bernie “I’m once again asking for your financial support”?

Thanks for replying btw sick game just bought the battlepass

yeah it is lol


The loot is mostly in the buildings with the yellow barricades on windows and doors. Make sure to break those and then you'll find some cool stuff! If they are already broken, it probably means someone has gone through it.


I am once again thanking the Hyper Scape community for being great :)

18 Aug


We have seen this suggestion before and have let the team know about it :) Thanks for the suggestion!


Can confirm we are aware of and are still investigating this issue actively. Thanks for being patient as we look into!

14 Aug


I love this! Amazing job!

13 Aug


We are actively investigating this issue. If you are still experiencing this issue, please contact support.ubi.com who can help troubleshoot it and also help gather the information we need to investigate it further.


Thanks for your kind thoughts!


Glad you are having so much fun!


Congrats that's awesome! :)