

22 Oct


Hello! I understand the discomfort of having your aiming settings changed. The changes in this patch were enough that the aiming settings would have pretty different with your saved settings, so we reset the default with the changes for a clean slate, so you can adjust it from here to be the best settings for you. Again, sorry about resetting your saved settings, I understand the frustration.

21 Oct


Originally posted by vRudi

Excited to play floor is lava!

Same honestly


Originally posted by Cipher20


Lmao, this is even more unfair than what I expected. Base console users don't even get the choice.

For reference, here's minimum vs maximum FOV in Battlefield 1: https://redd.it/6i3fb4

High FOV is a massive advantage, allowing you to see much more area than people with low FOV.

E: Oh yes go ahead and downvote me because you love playing at a disadvantage, am I right? Look at that picture again. The grayscale area is what your opponents see, the colored area is what you see. Fair?

Makes no sense destroying the level playing field with this nonsense. But "muh FOV slider".

Just wanted to put this here as there is a lot of text in the patch notes:

Developer Notes: As we’ve communicated in the past, we’re committed to making this feature available on all platforms. The slider will be available on PS4 and Xbox consoles in a future Title Update coming in November!


Originally posted by SpabRog

I’m not sure how I feel about the health regen thing, I feel like waiting for the 3rd party might be strong, but I’m willing to try anything. Def a shake up to the meta. Experimentation could be stressful but it could help the game in the long run. D tap looking good lol

Appreciate your willingness to try it out!


Originally posted by Dernima11

FOV? Amazing. Thanks dev. Too bad I'm on PS4 standard.. I'll have to wait a bit more.

Thanks for your patience! :)


Originally posted by FINDTHESUN

This is a brilliant and much needed update, thank you and keep up the awesome work ! With this approach and perseverance Hyper Scape will triumph!

Thanks for the positivity :)


We are releasing Patch v2.1 on all platforms tomorrow, Oct 22nd at 9:00 AM EDT (1:00 PM UTC).



A new exponential aiming curve has been added for controllers and the behavior of the other curves has been improved. The three aiming curves (classic, linear and exponential) now use the same speed / top speed settings. We also fixed some issues where the diagonal speed was sometimes different between vertical & horizontal speed, which should increase the comfort when aiming.

This comes with new aiming settings to customize your controller:

  • Horizontal extra speed
  • Vertical extra speed
  • Horizontal extra speed (ADS)
  • Vertical extra speed (ADS)
  • Extra speed delay
  • Extra speed time
  • Extra speed delay (ADS)
  • Extra speed time (ADS)

We also added an outer threshold (dead zone) setting that should fix ...

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13 Oct


Originally posted by zach343434

Thank you for the response and also thank you for the game mostly. The only thing I really have to add to this is, I do not believe the player retention rate will go up UNTIL you have solos AND faction wars along with squads as your main playlist. This also means that can’t happen until you guys implement crossplay for consoles and release the game on steam. These should literally be your teams #1 priorities ASAP. A lot of us more dedicated on the sub have a hard time not understanding why these things aren’t top. And if they are, we just aren’t getting the feeling that they are. The arcade modes and LTMs are great every now and then and can take the place of faction wars as the third slot for that given week. Then the long term plans (as in early next year) should be to add a whole other realm to this game with an arena branch featuring TDMs and capture the flags (or crowns), domination etc... this is the blueprint for the perfect hyper scape... not seeing steps leading to these t...

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In our Where Are We Going we outlined the top focus for our team at the moment. Both crossplay and deathmatch games are mentioned there and continue to be a focus for the team. We'll do our best to keep you updated on when possible on what we are focused at and where we are!


Just to state it - this tool is IMMENSLY helpful for getting bug reports to the development team. It is a direct way for us to monitor incoming bug reports and get them in the right hands.


Hey everyone,

I appreciate the feedback here. There's a few topics, so I'll try my best to cover them all. As mentioned in our Patch 2.0 notes, the changes made to the playlist are to better manage our player community without splitting them between too many playlists at once.

For that, we have squads mode + an arcade mode. This week's arcane mode is Duos mode, which has been an often requested mode. I'm seeing both the excitement for this mode across the channel, and the feedback presented here. I 100% understand the downside viewpoint here on having squads + duos as the option, and appreciate the feedback. The pairing of these two is something we can evaluate on our side to make sure we are presenting the best experience.

We have a few modes lined up still this season for the arcade mode, including solos and floor is lava, that will replace duos. If duos isn't your speed, let us know how you feel when the modes are rotated!

Now, for some of the o...

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09 Oct



You can refer friends to the game by creating a link for them or inviting them through Uplay here >> https://referral.ubisoft.com/hyper-scape/

There are a few rules, to get the reward they need to play 3 games after being referred. Additionally, you cannot refer someone who has already played more than 3 matches.

08 Oct


Love the idea :)

You may be interested in part of our Where We Are Going post:

Game Modes

Our core game mode, Crown Rush, can be quite unforgiving, so we want to provide players with a variety of formats in terms of activity and match size. This will start with introducing respawn systems in the game and "deathmatch" style game modes.



Thanks everyone for putting together such great feedback. I love seeing thought out and well articulated feedback!


We have seen feedback on both being strong. We are discussing it with the development team, as well as looking at the game data.

Player Ranking System / Game Modes Playlist

We understand the frustration with the recent playlist changes. We love Solo Mode too. Right now, as mentioned in our Where Are We Going, we are focused on making su...

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I don't know, I believe in you!

We have seen this bug before, thanks for reporting. Going to take this time to also plug our new community bug reporter tool :) - https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/hyper-scape/communitybugreporter/

07 Oct


Hey everyone, just wanted to clarify that the game is not designed specifically just for hardcore competitive players. In fact, in our Where Are We Going post, we outlined that new player/casual players are one of our focuses moving into the forward. We want the game to have a place for all types of players. We are actively listening to feedback from the entire community to help make the game the best it can be :).


Thanks for the support everyone :) We are 100% commmitted to continue working on the game to make it the best it can be.