

31 Jul


Originally posted by Hanakocz

Do I get it right that the water going green is just graphical thing, while the tile is technically still same? So with pollution disappearing, water turns back to normal?

Yes sir.


Originally posted by motdidr

considering they're using the pollution value in order to do the interpolation it should be dynamic based on the pollution's value.

Exactly this


Originally posted by Misha_Vozduh

Is something like in this picture (fff 340) still planned? The current version doesn't look like that at all and tbh I'm having trouble telling hat's new/different on that pic.

What do you mean still planned? The screenshot is from Krastorio 2 https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Krastorio2 the FFF describes how the movement speed modifier caused some desync iirc


Originally posted by morhp

I love it, but I would prefer some other color for polluted water. The green doesn't look quite right, it looks either like algae (which are a sign of pollution, but mostly pollution with nutrients like fertilizer or manure) or like comic-radioactivity.

I think it would look better if it were more on the gray/brown/black side and not as extreme. Maybe like this. (Left side is clean, right side is polluted.)

Maybe it should. :) I'll try it. The problem generally will be to make it look nice with concrete and other terrains. I really didn't want to have it gray and come closer to concrete that way. The expressivity is also nice, that it's really dirty.

But we'll give it some more thought.


Originally posted by Pike_27

I don't really like the look of the polluted water. The difference is too stark. We don't ever put waste on it, our pollution is only on air, so there is no reason for such a drastic change to happen. If only we had some kind of subproduct we had to get rid of...

Will there be a way to turn this effect off, besides pollution itself? I really hate how it looks, and I would rather not have to look at my world with such a difference.

Edit: I would not mind if it was a subtle change. It is way too drastic, the contrast is horrible right now.

You can disable the water shader - "Show animated water" in graphics settings.


Originally posted by CorrettoSambuca

The polluted water is really genius.

Pollution really has no effect on game appearance right now; the decaying trees are barely noticeable anyways and they typically get cleared out soonish anyway. Having that green dirty water near your powerplants will surely make a difference.

One small gripe I always had with the game is that there's no incentive in playing "green"; even in deathworld the solution is not less pollution but more firepower.

Krastorio, with its air filtering, actually gave me enough of an excuse to go green that for the first time in my life I had efficiency modules in beacons - not to save power (beacons eat too much of that) but to save pollution.

As a mod I think Krastorio does it excellently, but I really dislike the message it gives "oh yeah if you pay your eco tax, you are not causing any pollution as a result".

BTW using efficiency modules in miners make a huge difference early on.

28 Feb


Offshore pump redesign V453000, Albert

As one of the last entities which do not have high resolution graphics, the time has come for the offshore pump.

The offshore pump is practically a 1-tile entity, but they must have a 1 tile gap between each other. It is also the only entity placed on a water tile at the moment.

When we changed the way how terrain to water transitions work, we moved the offshore pump to be placed on the water tile. This can result in the pump drawing over terrain in ugly ways.

With the redesign, we took the oppourtunity to move the offshore back onto land, and additionally the pump checks a 2x3 tile water area in order to be buildable.

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