

04 Jun

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BillyFromOuterSpace

Last November in 24x7's Discord we were told that Construction would be getting looked into by Drew and that he was aware of builders concerns - this included taking another look at structures, walls, repair values, modules etc. Drew was adamant this would be a thing and to be patient. Not long after the instant action podcast released a segment where Drew talks about it. Nick Silva also told everyone during a Dev Stream we would be getting a Construction Facelift after the "December" period where Drew got to look into it.

Time passed and as we begin discussing it in Discord around January - Drew said some REALLY unprofessional things to not only myself and others in Discord's gen chat but to my members in private messages as well. Stuff that would get you a vacation or a word with the boss in any other industry. This time again we were assured Construction Facelift was still a thing.

So here we are now...nearly 7 months later and still no Construction Facelift. If ...

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In December, we tried to open up some time for personal projects. Drew had some construction tasks he wanted to look into, but very little time was left for personal projects given our heavy workload, so many of us couldn't get to them. I can't speak to what Drew discussed with you, but there are no plans for taking another sweeping pass at construction at this time.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BillyFromOuterSpace


u/Wrel It's been nearly 7 months since we were promised a Construction Facelift from the Devs via Discord, Dev Stream, Podcast etc. DBG has avoided the question multiple times when asked on the stream when you would follow through with said promises.

How about giving us all here some insight as to why Construction has been ignored? I could just start posting Drew's Discord comments and/or private messages he sent to people in my outfit via Discord...which besides being a PR nightmare for DBG won't solve anything.

Construction got its facelift already, not sure what you’re on about.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Looks like you're in a region that's cut off. Currently, most spawns are disabled there. This is getting fixed in the next update though.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by karadinx

)Pop % not Pop#

Severe underpop (10% vs 60%/30%) has also been causing spawn lockout. From what I understand it’s because they are keeping people from being “farmed” or something.

That's incorrect.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LordMcze


Might be important information for you guys since OP found a way to fix the bug. Possibly a step in replicating it.

Thanks for looking out, I'll add it to the bug report.

03 Jun

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Fixed in the next update. Until then, set your "Graphics" quality to Medium or higher, as /u/SirCypherSir mentioned.

02 Jun

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 3punkt1415

First of all, thanks for this post, its good info, and people were waiting for it.
Can you sai something about the Elysium Spawn type? Why did the binding option got removed? It makes building a base completly usless when i can not spawn there once i left the base for what ever reason.

We don't have the ability to check for matrixed spawn points with the new system at the moment, but we'll try to get it online in the next update, along with some more lenient rules for construction bases in general.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Bil0wan

Full Spectrum banner is gone as well, and that in pride month :/

If I had to guess, it's probably impacting all unlocked common pool banners. We'll take a look on Monday.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Will look into it, thanks for the report.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by mooglinux

Please do reenable that. I think per-faction population caps would prevent problems with not being able to reinforce an imbalanced fight, and removing reinforcements needed has shown how big a problem that actually is.

Agreed 100%.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mustarde

It's not that you've misdiagnosed the problem, it's that you (in the initial version of the post) were sticking to the idea that we shouldn't let you spawn in those fights because it would become a pop sink and take away from balancing the rest of the front line, and you were going to consider penalties to those attackers in the hellzerg.

My assessment of the new system and battle flow is that even with reinforcements needed still in, the system WAS working well to distribute pops and improve fight quality. The offensive spawns to help spool up fights was great, and the inability to spawn hop to overpop a fight was also very reasonable and limited that defending advantage.

The tone of my reply was that you had an entire paragraph on the subject but concluded only small tweaks were needed. I would challenge the hypothesis that these pop sinks would ruin the distribution of players along other fights. I also think when you state "That means relying mainly on squadp...

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My assessment of the new system and battle flow is that even with reinforcements needed still in, the system WAS working well to distribute pops and improve fight quality.

I think the main thing Reinforcements Needed was doing well, and was certainly under appreciated until the last update, was that it was dumping people into regions as they spun up, which started evening things out the population before hitting that 96+ threshold.

It's an easy change to make to turn the system back on, I can do it without downtime on Monday. We do still need to get it to work with the new spawn system the right way, but that's not to say it can't remain on through then. As you're getting at with your posts, the system did do more good than harm.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tecknojock

Is it intentional that attackers cannot spawn at cutoff territory? I know defenders aren't supposed to be able to once a territory is cut off, but neither can attackers, which sorta defeats the point of cutting off a territory.

Not intended. I'll take a pass at it for the next update.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CatGirlVS

So now you have to get roped into a zerg platoon and mute all the voice spam if you want to keep spawning into a 96+...

More likely is that we'll want to go the other direction, where we're more harshly penalizing players in imbalanced and overpopulated areas, even while in a squad.

I get the goal here is to make more fights, but do you want to do that by practically outlawing the game's unique selling point?

So now you have to get roped into a zerg platoon and mute all the voice spam if you want to keep spawning into a 96+...

If you're already at a fight, you can respawn there, which in most cases would mean pulling an ESF and bailing above the hex as we've been doing for the past 6 years, so I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Mind elaborating?

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by VinLAURiA

Cool, sounds like that'll solve the main concern in this thread.

It's not a silver bullet, but it'll help, for sure.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Bil0wan

I think the misunderstanding here is that many people, myself included, read the above paragraph as "well its a drawback but that's how it is" and not as "we wanna do something about this issue"

Good point, I'll restructure that paragraph and the one following it to be more clear.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Vindicore

Soooo is there anything in the pipeline to fix this? Reinforcements needed reworked?

Reinforcements needed reworked?

Doesn't need a full rework, just needs some tuning to play nicely with the current spawn rules, as mentioned here.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by caligs

Shouldn't the maximum capacity be calculated per-faction rather than globally?

Mentioned this in another comment, but something similar to that will likely end up in the next tuning pass.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by VinLAURiA

It sounds to me like the issue other comments are describing is that all factions in a region contribute to - and have to contend with - the same single population limit. Why not just have separate limits for each faction, so that one going to 96+ doesn't prevent the other(s) from spawning in?

Why not just have separate limits for each faction,

Something similar will likely be in the next tuning pass.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mustarde

I was on board and having a great time until this week when you got rid of reinforcements needed. Now I’m frustrated watching AOD or SKL barrel down a lane without adequate resistance and now the system sucks again. I understand the high level thinking here, but it’s not playing out well. And these big zergs will avoid each other, just like years ago with the initial VP system of touching warp gates with a hellzerg.

What I hate the most is when I make the effort to fly to the hellzerg to try and stop them, now I know no one else is coming, and all I can do is try to farm these people from the spawn room without hope that we will get more reinforcements, balance out the fight and potentially save the base. Sorry wrel, I’m not with you on this one. Being back reinforcements needed.

Come on, Mustarde. I literally had an entire paragraph on this.

That said, there are certainly drawbacks with a maximum capacity threshold, and we've seen them manifesting here and there (more so with the most recent update.) The main one being that if a fight is imbalanced when it reaches that threshold, you’re not going to get more reinforcements from the baseline player because they’re being routed elsewhere.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Norington

I don't know, I feel like a 'spawn anywhere unless your faction is hugely overpopping' philosophy might be the way to go from here. So basically the current ruleset without the hard cut-off.

Easier to understand, less frustrating and will still spread fights out a lot more than the previous system.

Having said that, the current system is already a huge leap forward. I have a lot less downtime than before and there are more small-medium sized fights to find. Especially being able to spawn onto sunders in enemy hexes across the map, really helps keep fights balanced.

Easier to understand, less frustrating and will still spread fights out a lot more than the previous system.

I wish that were the case. Players tend to glom onto the biggest fights they see on the map, which is the main reason you're seeing a bunch of complaints surrounding not being able to spawn into overpopulated regions. The result of absolute freedom would be less fights overall, worse framerates, and a bad experience for everyone involved.