

11 Apr

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Was planning on doing a separate thread, but hopefully you don't mind this being in here instead.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, and you can also post feedback on the forums here if you prefer: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/containment-site-playtest-feedback-thread.256461/

Saturday and Sunday playtest feedback forms are now closed.

18 Mar

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Could you message me your IP, please?

You can type "what is my IP" in Google to see.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey there.

Think this post outlines a lot of issues correctly, and there's some agreement from our side as well. The long and short of it is that we're stretched thin. You all feel it, too. Updates feel more rushed, missteps are more common, and the dev team is stuck in a reactionary state, instead of the proactive development we'd all feel more comfortable with.

Both Andy and Justin filled key roles on the team, and their departure was abrupt. Despite doing as much as they could to distribute that workload and bring others up to speed in their field, losing people in those roles means that their responsibilities fall to others. To that end, the same level of responsiveness or support shouldn't be expected, because... well... that's why there are people in positions dedicated to that.

Ultimately we're trying to take some time to re-center as a team to break the cycle. This started with sliding some of our priorities and timelines around to help create more s...

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31 Dec

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zani1903

Fully agree.

Both bugs aren't rare either. They happen multiple times, not just per week or day, but per hour of gameplay.

Anyone using a semi-automatic weapon, or even bolt-action weapons is warping all over the f**king place and it's quite shameful that a bug this impactful on gameplay has been allowed to stick around.

Especially considering it's a 100% pure advantage to the """exploiter""", as they themselves don't have their screen teleporting left to right. And also that this isn't something you have to go out of your way to produce. This happens reliably, without you even being aware it's happening.

Hijacking the top comment to chime in.

The semi-auto strafing issue is currently our animator's top priority. Our animator started around summer-ish of this year or thereabouts. Having to take on an entirely new pipeline that uses older technology (Morpheme is no longer developed,) and deal with the mess that is our animation network, has taken some time. He's been ramping up for the past few months and is able to take on some of the more problematic tasks now, like the side-strafing issues.

Regarding the "without any recognition from the developers" usually comes down to missing when it was actually acknowledged, which for this particular issue, was quite some time ago. The med-tool/repair-tool issues have been in the game for even longer, quite a few years at this point.

We've solved a large list of long-standing issues this year, and 2021 should be even better for it, as part of our focus is revisiting a lot of what was "left hanging" due to lack of devel...

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29 Dec

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Been meaning to get to this. Can probably get it in for January.

23 Dec

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report. We did take a quick look at this one a while back, but couldn't get it sorted at the time. We can circle back around after the holidays and see what can be done.

04 Dec

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Got a fix in for the next update. Thanks for the heads up.

30 Nov

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Can hide than NPC in an upcoming hotfix. When Esamir gets some changes in Chapter 3 though, that'll probably be coming back with an exit that's a bit closer to the bridge/vehicle terminal to shorten up travel time to the capture point.

19 Nov

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by zani1903

The other 150+ weapons that haven't even received a single variant are crying in the corner.

We'll get there. It's been a little rough when we've got NSO to worry about, but once that faction's arsenal gets filled out, we'll be able to do cool variants for faction weapons, instead of needing to fall back on common pool stuff.

18 Nov

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey. We've gone more than 5 years without an NS-15M. I think we're overdue for a really cool looking and sounding version of one of the best common pool weapons in the game.

03 Nov

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 3punkt1415

Yea i tried that mission, and like, why should the tool made for infis not work with that mission made for infis. It is really stupid. On top of that, as a bolter you kill the targets more often yourself, and as long range sniper it is also not so desirable to spot everything since your char also makes call outs. Same goes for stalker.

Hijacking the top comment to mention that we've made the change over to Motion Assists internally. Should hit when Chapter 2 begins, if not earlier.

14 Oct

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Erilson

I see it as a great Halloween NSO shop or directive item, what do you think?

Would this be a moment for a bug to become a feature? Lul.

Bug? This is an actual cosmetic in the game now, my dude. We made new masks for NSO this year.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by malkonsento

I have the same issue. I made a support ticket, they essentially said to report the bug and hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

Send me your character names, please.

03 Oct

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

If something changed with Showdown, it's a bug. That weapon doesn't need any less power.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It's enabled again.

02 Oct

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheCosmicCactus

I'm glad we're getting Alert rewards back, they're a huge psychological thing even if you lose, as the consolation certs still help you build and improve for the next alert.

Are you saying you're axing the A7 currency entirely? Will the black market be purchased with certs then? Or are you saying A7 will only be available via missions?

Looking forward to future announcements and discussions. I personally am having a blast right now with the new content, even with the bugs and rough edges. Thanks for the hard work!

P.S. Pleaaaaase fix the plant spawning it's driving me insane

Are you saying you're axing the A7 currency entirely?

No plans for that currently, but it's something I've been mulling over.

A7 was originally intended as something we could give instead of certs and ISO as a way to, ironically, feel like you were getting more rewards from an alert win without harming the economy like I mention in the original post. It ultimately ended up not having enough supporting structure to make that worthwhile, however.

Campaigns actually fills the role A7 was originally intended to do, by adding a secondary reward path that doesn't bloat the main forms of progression. For the time being, A7 will be earnable through missions, and can still be discovered throughout the world.

P.S. Pleaaaaase fix the plant spawning it's driving me insane

This is an issue that we're currently working to fix. It seems like the raycasts we'd typically use for this sort of thing...

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    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BarberanF

Definitely fair points. It's reasonable to want to control the economy of Planetside 2, but I'm glad you guys are recognizing that it swung too far away from alert rewards, to the point that people feel forced into the Mission system.

Looking forward to the changes - if there's any people unconvinced that RPG actually has community interests in mind, this, alongside the campaign cost changes, should hopefully inspire some confidence.

Happy cake day!

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Oh, hello again. Thought I'd chime in before the weekend to allay some concerns.

There's obviously a lot of blowback regarding the alert reward removal, and it's totally understandable at this stage. Alert currency rewards were added in 2017 and increased a fair amount over the years that followed, so it's become the norm for a lot of players. That said, it does puts us into kind of a strange place with Missions reward-wise.

One of the goals with Missions was to not only provide more rewards to players in ways they have easy access to per session (especially for new players,) but also to have better control over our economy overall. We don't want to be in a state where we can't justify the creation of new content because of veterans able to instantly hoover it up with easy access to certs (I've seen your cert balances,) and we can't shower veterans with ISO because that's one of the better cert sinks we have access to.

Alert rewards definitely have issues, l...

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01 Oct

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Yeah, that'll be changed in a hotfix. Definitely more new players getting help now, but some trolly folks in chat as well.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by xPaffDaddyx

Nanite gain on esamir is bugged, I get 225 with membership and people without membership 150.

Does your faction currently own the Eastern Warpgate, or is it all Warpgates?