

10 Sep

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Agreed. What the game tries to do is keep your corpse in frame as well as the spawn location you're selecting, but that's never been super clear. You could draw a line from your corpse to the spawn location to make it more evident, but that could create confusion in other ways. I'll throw this in the backlog and see if UI can take a look at some point.

05 Sep

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We're actually going to bump this playtest back to 2pm PT so that we can address a zone crash that happened during yesterday's playtest.

04 Sep

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by radarsneerss

This screenshot is from me, what i don't understand is why this GM considers using an anvil to drive vehicles into biolabs is exploiting, but doing the same with other methods isnt.

Also if i remember correctly, the devs have confirmed using anvils for this purpose is fine.

As far as i am concerned this is either horroble communitcation on DBG's part (not informing players that something completely common and happens every day is a bannable exploit) or admin abuse by the person who did this.


Hey, looks like there was some confusion around what we consider an exploit. Using ANVILs in this way is fine. If we wanted to prohibit it, that'd be on us to create and enforce some no-deploy zones there. I just spoke to CS about this, so there shouldn't be an issue going forward with this type of behavior.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ItsJustDelta

On the theoretical concept of adding this to tomcats, is it possible to tie the effect to a new upgrade that'd go in the same slot as missile lock range/reload speed/lock aquisition speed?

It is, and was something we talked about. We figured we could always expand this concept to other weapons as an alternative to the flat stat-boosts you see in that slot currently, if the concept worked out well. That's why these rockets fire a barrage of four, instead of being a clone of something else. Since it has a different feel than other weapons, it'd still have uniqueness to it even if we were to strip the Havoc effect away, or make it available to more weapons. Not to say that that will happen, but we are definitely leaving the option open.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 0verkillgaming

Would it be possible to cap the amount of health a vehicle receives per second or implement diminishing effectiveness for each additional repair tool added? I think this would solve a lot of problems.

The only way we can currently "cap" repairs is by limiting them to being done by a single person, which isn't fun or teamplay oriented (and was done as an extreme case for Valkyrie rumbleseats.)

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Making them A2A rockets was originally considered, but I figured we'd hear more whining about more A2A lockons being added than dumbfires being added. So honestly, I have no problems changing them up if that's what people are mainly concerned with. It'll still be a new weapon of course (tomcats are strong enough in their own right and don't need a flat buff, and there are monetization and directive vectors of adding a new weapon,) but adding an alternative to them would be nice.

I already have a mocked up A2A version of them, we can get it to PTS at some point and you can let me know what you think.

30 Aug

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Vindicore

Out of interest did I miss any major ones in my list?

similar time to point from spawns for attackers and defenders (old towers fail this with A point in the tower)

infantry cover from aircraft/vehicle spam around point

hard to camp spawn rooms

vehicle terminal able to be destroyed by attackers to prevent defenders pulling vehicles (old Biolabs fail where defenders could pull a vehicle and knock out Sunderers at the base of the energy lifts)

attackers should not have to turn their backs to the spawn room to move to the capture point (Tech Plants still fail this)

I'd say you hit most the overarching beats.

In addition to your last note, you should try to keep spawn rooms off the lattice attack lines altogether so that players who don't know any better don't park Sunderers right next to spawn rooms, and that getting to the Sundy spots feels natural when rolling up to a base. An example of this done wrong is a base like Jaegar's Fist, where the po...

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    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You may have missed when I mentioned this, as it was a long stream. But the intent of the stream was not to create new bases, or alter them drastically. We were targeting flow issues and cleanup, and the community was chiming in for fun. As /u/Vindicore stated, there are specific guidelines you typically want to adhere to. The example of Jaegar's Fist is that the spawn rooms are in a bad location, and needed to be moved to the other side of the base. We'll have more time for experimentation in future updates, right now we're focused on making the Esamir lattice better, and correcting some egregious design flaws with the existing bases.

27 Aug

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by a_sites

Too soon.

Yeah, that's a later update.

03 Aug

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Bloodhit

Can we have NS weapons to have faction tilt for tracers and muzzle flash too? Since they are 3 different weapons per faction in data anyway.

NS infantry weapons are single weapon shared by all factions in data, so we'd need proper faction-tinting tracers before that gets changed. You might be thinking of vehicle weapons, which have a different set of issues and are broken out per-faction because of it.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 4wry_reddit

Interesting take, but it risks diluting faction flavor. In PS1 it was apparently a thing to collect other factions' gear, though.

It would be interesting if they were lore-wise considered 'illegal' or deprecated, and that the availability of other factions' gear was limited by availability and also by time, i.e. a rental of varying sets. This would keep things interesting/rotating, and give factions an impression of the other side.

This is one of the directions pitched for the Black market, rented cross-faction weaponry. You'd still want the weapon to have a faction tinge to it so that it's identifiable, along with tracers (and possibly muzzleflash) that tint based on the faction using the weapon. It's a lot of work, and may not be worth the effort, but the intent would be to add "evergreen" resource spend, alongside completeable directives and such that complement it. Honestly though, the point of Blackmarket currency altogether kind of gets outdated with the introduction of campaigns in the next update. So we'll have to see how that goes over before making any sort of decisions.

01 Aug

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for all the work you put in, Deringer. I can sympathize with where you're coming from, and I'm sure there's plenty more thought and emotion yet left unsaid. So far as the game is concerned, it'll be here if/when you come back.

28 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Not to spoil the fun, but AlleciaDawn is not a dev-run account and is not canonical with our lore, but I like what that person is doing. Reminds me of the old CorraDald account from years ago. Could be the same person for all I know.

21 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Have this fixed internally, will be in the next hotfix.

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Does it though. Does it.

20 Jul

16 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Think this might actually be from the Water Balloon. I'll look into it.

03 Jul

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

lol, I was hoping I could use it to get on the other side of you guys, but I don't have Safefall on that loadout and was too close when the explosion went off :'(

21 Jun

    /u/Wrel on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by le_Menace

Could you reduce the 'particle' frequency for the Ordnance Dampener? It's quite intrusive and difficult to see through.

Yeah, we can definitely make the visuals less intrusive.