

20 Jul


The Elder Scrolls Online v1.28.2.0 fixes a couple game crashes, several fixes and improvements involving Tales of Tribute and other High Isle content, a fix for an issue that caused training dummies to report inflated DPS values, and more.

We have also refunded any Champion Points spent in skills that received cost changes with the High Isle update to fix an issue where you were unable to spend or adjust points in those skills; you’ll find details on this below. Please note, however, there is a known issue some of you may run into if you do a partial respec which could lead to some UI issues. Relogging should fix any issues you run into, and we are currently planning to hotfix this early next week. The size of this patch is approximately 989.71 MB//1.04 GB.

... Read more

18 Jul

Thanks all, just confirming we're aware of this and are actively investigating.

The Elder Scrolls Online v8.1.1 activates the Undaunted Celebration for testing this week and also includes several fixes for dungeon content, a few item sets, and more. Please note we are still discussing potential adjustments for combat balance and you can expect to see some of those changes beginning next week. We encourage you to continue providing feedback in the official PTS feedback threads in the meantime. The size of this latest patch is approximately 178MB.

[*] New Features / Updates / Big Changes[list]
[*] Undaunted Celebration Event Testing[/list]
[*] Template Updates
[*] Fixes & Improvements[list]
[*] Chapters & DLCs
[*] Combat & Gameplay[list]
[*] Combat & Abilities
[*] Companions
[*] Itemization & Item Sets[/list]
[*] Base Game
[/list... Read more

The Elder Scrolls Online v8.0.8 fixes a couple game crashes, some smaller bug fixes related to Tales of Tribute or other High Isle content, and a fix for an issue that caused training dummies to report inflated DPS values. We have also refunded any Champion Points spent in skills that received cost changes with the High Isle update to fix an issue where you were unable to spend or adjust points in those skills; you’ll find details on this below. The size of this patch is approximately 118MB.

[*]The Shrine of Stendarr now has proper messaging for those that use it.
[*]The flying horseman of Gonfalon Bay has been located and grounded.

Quests... Read more

13 Jul

Hey everyone, just a heads up this issue should be fixed in Monday's PC patch. Thanks for your patience!

11 Jul


What kind of hours is this?
Everybdy is at work at that time?

This is a different time (and day) when we normally stream, yes. For today's stream, we needed to work around personal schedules for those participating so this was the best we could do. This is not a permanent change and we will continue to try sticking with the usual Friday at 4pm for other streams.

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v8.1.0 and the Lost Depths DLC! This DLC continues the Legacy of the Bretons storyline and introduces two new 4-player dungeons for you to explore, along with several new item sets, collectibles and furnishings for you to obtain.

The Update 35 base game adds a number of new Rewards for the Worthy item sets and furnishings, and you’ll also have the opportunity to test the Update 36 prologue quest. As mentioned in the Update 35 combat preview, we have been also been working on improving accessibility to the game’s combat by increasing the duration of outgoing ability effects.

Please note that in this update, we have recompiled... Read more

06 Jul


The Elder Scrolls Online v2.33 (PS4) / v1.15 (PS5) fixes a number of issues within High Isle including quests, Dreadsail Reef trial, Tales of Tribute, and even made a few changes for the popular Petrified Oaken Loop Lead. We also fixed a few game crashes, un-fixed a fix we made in Update 34 involving emotes and props, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 822.7 MB.

[*] Fixes & Improvements[list]
[*] High Isle Chapter
[*] Combat & Gameplay[list]
[*] Combat & Abilities[/list]
[*] Base Game

The Elder Scrolls Online v1.28.1.0 fixes a number of issues within High Isle including quests, Dreadsail Reef trial, Tales of Tribute, and even made a few changes for the popular Petrified Oaken Loop Lead. We also fixed a few game crashes, un-fixed a fix we made in Update 34 involving emotes and props, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 1.31 GB.

[*] Fixes & Improvements[list]
[*] High Isle Chapter
[*] Combat & Gameplay[list]
[*] Combat & Abilities[/list]
[*] Base Game

The Elder Scrolls Online v8.0.7 includes several fixes and improvements involving Tales of Tribute – including increasing the Club Rank experience gained from completing daily quests – along with fixes for several quests, achievements, a couple game crashes, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 131MB.

[*] Fixes & Improvements[list]
[*] High Isle Chapter
[*] Combat & Gameplay[list]
[*] Companions[/list]
[*] Base Game

28 Jun

Thanks everyone, confirming we're aware and investigating.

27 Jun

Hi everyone, just following up to let you all know the previously-mentioned hotfix is complete on all megaservers.

24 Jun

We recently discovered an exploit involving Tales of Tribute where performing certain actions would guarantee a win by forcing your opponent to forfeit. We are working on a hotfix for this as quickly as possible, which we are currently planning to publish on Monday. In the meantime, we have banned several game accounts that were found to have clearly abused this exploit in extreme excess; we have not banned any accounts that may have unintentionally encountered this bug.

Please note we will be keeping a close eye on game logs, and any players found to be abusing this exploit until the hotfix is published is at risk to be banned permanently.

All players who were banned have received a message from our Customer Support team. Any players who have questions about a ban or would like to appeal the decision may contact us via this form: https://help.elders... Read more

23 Jun

Hi everyone,

While all the aforementioned backend work is still ongoing, including sourcing the new hardware for PC EU and console megaservers, we did want to share a couple changes coming to PvP that will be going into Update 35.

First, we’re implementing some tech that will allow us to easily activate special Battleground weekends, without requiring any server downtime to start or stop. The plan will be to feature a single game mode over several days and also grant 25% increased AP while participating.

Outside of these recurring Battleground features, we’re also planning to increase the amount of XP you can earn doing various types of PvP activities within Cyrodiil and Imperial City including killing monsters and other player characters, or completing quests in these areas.

We look forward to testing everything out in the next PTS cycle so we can officially kick these off once Update 35 launches.

21 Jun

Thanks for the info! We'll work on getting this issue fixed.
Did you happen to be in Castle Navire? If so, there's an open issue where some NPCs will unintentionally cause you to get bounty which we'll be fixing in a future patch.
We accidentally forgot to include this in the patch notes initially (guilty...) but just added a write up to explain what we added and improved for HDR! For visibility, here is what was added to the patch notes just now:

HDR Improvements
We had previously made improvements to our console HDR implementation by adding a new hue-preserving mode (Default), but it lacked proper settings for configuring it to fit your viewing environment and display and the “HDR Brightness” slider never functioned properly. In Update 34, we’ve addressed this by adding several new configuration settings:
[*] HDR Scene Brightness
[*] HDR Scene Contrast
[*] HDR UI Brightness
[*] HDR UI Contrast
These allow you to adjust the brightness and contrast levels of the game and UI independently, and to what best fits your environment.

Additionally, we have refactored and fixed the old brightness slider and named it “HDR Peak Brightness.” ... Read more
Hey everyone, unfortunately it seems this feature didn't make it into the update, but we're working on getting it added and will let you know when it will be available. Apologies for the mix up here.
Hmm, it appears to be 5660 on our end. Are you able to post a screenshot or a cell phone pic?

Ok, so closing application and restart give me:

1. 2 separate in game mails telling me my Summerset & Morrowwind collections are here (but with no attachments…pity, as I’d had them previously).

2. No new entries in ‘notifications’ of new additions to collections

3. One dark chivalry crown crate

4. When I check collections I find the emotes, mount, costume, style and pets…

Still missing:
3x high isle treasure maps
2 x double XP scrolls

Thanks for this! Just to confirm, the Treasure Maps and XP scrolls would be in your inventory and not your Collections. Did you double check there as well?