

23 Dec


There's a vendor recipe that converts a map from an old series to the current series. This uses specific mappings that we set up (each map converting to a specific type).

The Map Stash Tab had conversion functionality that would follow the vendor recipes rules until the resultant subtab became full. At that point, it would convert maps to another type at that tier.

When redoing the Map Tab recently, we realised that this behaviour is technically slightly pay-to-win, because it allows players who have paid money to get higher control over what items they get, compared to players who have to use the free vendor functionality. This functionality should not have existed like this and has been removed.

From the feedback after the patch, it's clear that players would like some form of this control to be available (or at least a more fair spread of maps as output). We're going to think about the best way to implement this, noting that if we do restore it, it'll be ...

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22 Oct


Originally posted by Inverno969

Didn't Chris tell you guys that every single Unique you make this league needs to be amazing?

This one is amazing at doing what it's supposed to do

12 Oct


Hi everyone,

I wanted to post myself to clear up some misunderstanding, because when our communication about new items is through bite-sized single sentences and pictures that are designed for easy sharing on social media, some explanation and context can be missed. This often leads to fun speculation by the community, but can occasionally lead to misunderstandings.

This league, we've been working hard at improving our communication so that we are more transparent about what to expect from future changes and what our intentions and thoughts are when making these changes. When we posted the Sacred Orb teaser earlier today, there was a strong reaction to it which is understandable given that we failed to provide enough context for how rare this item is. I am really sorry about that and I hope that I can clear things up by explaining our thinking. The senior designers and I have spent a lot of today going through your feedback and discussing it. We feel that this expla...

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02 Aug


Originally posted by Miad75

Now I check the trade with all the listings there appears to be four of them now. Since the odds are astronomically low for 32- (or even 16-)bit seed numbers, it has to be a bug with the seed generation mechanism.

Yes, the seed stuff is a bit bugged. We'll fix it so that the space is as wide as it should be.

This isn't as abusable as it sounds, btw. I'm not particularly concerned but it's good to fix.

28 Jul

26 Jul


Originally posted by tsHavok

Hi Chris, glad to see an update. I was wondering if we have to wait for 3.16 for the mana and flask changes or are these coming in a patch to Expedition? Thanks!

This week!


Over the weekend, we launched Path of Exile: Expedition! We've been really enjoying watching the community play through the new content and conquer the challenges that lie within. We have deployed many hotfixes and a restartless 3.15.0b patch so far, and have more coming! This post provides more details.

A lot of players have tried to derive our player concurrency numbers based on the data shown for Steam users, and have expressed concern that fewer people played this expansion than the previous two. To be transparent, the number is that 23% fewer players joined us at launch compared to our all-time record, and this is something we were prepared for. In addition to the normal variance between releases, we completely understand that Path of Exile had a lot of changes in 3.15 and this is definitely unnerving to some players. Thank you to everyone who has tried it out so far. We're really enjoying reading about your experiences playing with the recent changes.

Since re...

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24 Jul


This issue is slightly more complex than just displaying the quantities in your locker, because like all vendors, the Expedition merchants can pull currency out of your regular stashes (which may or may not be loaded at the time). Displaying a specific quantity may be incorrect because you actually might have more than that hiding away somewhere.

However that's no reason really to not have this feature so we'll just make it clearly display what you have in your Locker and if you put the artifacts elsewhere then they won't be included in the total.

Edit: turns out they don't pull out of the regular stash in this case (it was disabled). Either way, we'll get this display added.


Edit: We have lots of reports now, no need to send more in!

Hey everyone,

Hope you're having a great Expedition launch day.

We're still trying to fix this issue that a few players have been getting where monsters and characters sometimes don't play animations and just sit in their "T Pose". We have fixed the variations of this that we have been able to reproduce but aren't able to get the current one to happen on our machines at the office. Anecdotally it looks like it represents only a few players out of each ten thousand, so we're not optimistic about running into it randomly.

So that's where we turn to you for some help! If you get the issue, please put together the following information and send it through to EDIT: We have lots of reports now, no need to send more in!

  • Your Path of Exile account name
  • Your DXDiag text file (...
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23 Jul


When the explosion occurs that hits that Remnant, they apply to all monsters and chests unearthed by that explosion and all subsequent ones.


Originally posted by jwfiredragon

He takes his artifacts and offers you theirs.

So just to clarify: if you wanted to, say, trade Rog's artifacts for Tujen's artifacts, you would have to go through the player market, since this isn't a trade that can be done through the NPCs alone?

That's correct.

But if you're trying to buy something from Rog and you need more of his artifacts in a hurry*, you can consider using Dannig to get them.

*there's no time limit


I meant to clarify how this works during the interview but things moved on and I forgot to come back to it.

Each of the four vendors wants four types of runed artifacts, which are progressively rarer than the last.

Gwennen, Tujen and Rog will accept their types in exchange for their services.

Dannig accepts his type in exchange for a variety of things:

  • He will trade his ones at 1:1 for the other vendors' ones. You can do this an unlimited amount. He takes *his* artifacts and offers you *theirs*. The purpose of this is to help in situations where you are short some.
  • He offers some special deals of limited amounts of other vendors' ones at a discount. This is a reason to reroll his inventory
  • He can sell logbooks, rarely
  • He can sell the currency items that are used for rerolling the vendors. These are not traded 1:1.

22 Jul


Hey Reddit,

We've read heaps of feedback on Reddit over the last week, and wanted to address some of the topics that have come up a lot.

There has been speculation that I have personally been driving the balance changes to match my original vision for Path of Exile. There is a little truth to this, in that I want to restore areas of the game that were important but have been eroded, but almost every area of specific balance work is the product of a large team of designers working together for a long time to come up with solutions to problems we want to address.

We care more about making a good game than we do about vanity metrics like player concurrency records. I suspect this is because we're gamers first and businesspeople second. The direction Path of Exile was going in over the last year was breaking player records but wasn't really leaving us happy with our own game.

For more than a year we've been accumulating changes that we were worried about...

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19 Jul


Originally posted by Martoogh

Interesting do you believe that future manifestos will include these excerpts as well? Will it also be used as a way to clear up misconceptions that come about or more as a way to fully explain what was said?

In this case it was because we dived right in to discussing complex details and it would be pretty meaningless to someone who didn't pay close attention to what was said in the livestream. So we have quoted what was said for context.


In the livestream, I said "As you know, most interaction with monster behaviour is essentially bypassed if you're using an extremely effective movement skill." and I think this was misunderstood. You can still get out of the way of monster attacks just like before.


Note that it includes some excerpts from the livestream script for context, so while the total is 6660 words, you have heard some of them before.

15 Jul


For each release, we went through the content we introduced and estimated either how much power it gave characters (Mastercrafting or extra Ascendancy points, for example) or how much faster it let characters find items.

It's certainly subjective. But even with ballpark values, it shows the compounding effect of players having far more ways of stacking up damage (or getting to that damage) with each release.

14 Jul

03 Jul


Originally posted by Moethelion

Just don't promote the teaser, if it doesn't show substantial league content. When you put a date on something, people expect something to happen. Put the date on the reveal (like with this teaser), but don't put a date on the reveal of the reveal, if it's nothing more than exactly that.

You're right.