

15 Nov


Originally posted by Talimwind

Frankly its a UI thing. Its not intuative that the other passive trees from the other classes are still available. It looks more like they are visable despite your choice.

One way is with visual effects, obnoxious but usually works. Have each mastery tree pulsate until you click them, then have each passive node on the first row pulsate until you hover over them.

This would clearly indicate that they are options available to you. Without needless handholding.

I also think that making a clearer distinction between available and unavailable skills and passives would help. Maybe make them fade out more or remove coloration. Except for the chain there is no way to tell the difference, and on first glance you can mistake it for a cool visual effect or even just part of the background.

It might also work if you have some sort of visual effect on the mastery tree UI that unlocks your passive trees, have it unlock one with a large effect and the others with ...

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I think I'm not understanding some of those suggestions because I think that it already does most of that doesn't it?


Originally posted by Talimwind

information on this is very sparse in game, i only figured it out by happenstance when i saw some build on the online tool using skills from multiple specs.

But yeah, its visualized in the tree as a chain going through the middle. You cannot get passives or skills past this point.

This kinda bothers me a bit. Every character you level has a large pop up that you have to manually close which explicitly says this information. On top of that, it is also clearly detailed in the game guide. And I'm pretty sure that each node also says what they require.

Edit: so I know how much hand holdy force tutorials suck but what's the alternative here? Writing it down in multiple places and forcing the player to accept it clearly doesn't work. Should I be recording my voice to come through in the tutorials?


They appear visually tracked under the event health bar as a total stack count but are applied any tracked individually.

Each stack of every ailment knows exactly what your or your minion's damage stats were when it was applied and it even remembers who applied each stack.

14 Nov


Hi everyone, we have a set price for the game in USD that has not changed in years and follow Steam's pricing for all regions. As others have pointed out we do have the option to deviate from the recommended regional pricing. I have no idea if this is something that was considered or not. It's really unfortunate that this situation is hitting the people of Turkey like this.

Due to the comments straying very fast away from the topic of Last Epoch, I'm going to lock this post but I'm not going to remove it right now as several people have suggested via reporting.

Edit: I'm not sure what y'all want here. I'm getting reports for leaving this here being bad and reports for locking it being bad. The constructive parts of this conversation have already been said so I think it's not useful to keep it going. I however don't want to hide the information so I don't want to delete it.

12 Nov


The game updates your save file every time you take an action that changes something which is recorded in the save file. So something as simple as moving an item one spot to the left in your inventory will trigger a save.


Lagon's beam picks which direction it's going to travel when his eye turns red. If you understand how it pick the direction you can move the other direction right then and it will just sweep away from you and you just don't need to worry about it.

It will always sweep to the side of center that you are standing. So basically, when you see the eye turn red, start moving towards the center and you shouldn't have to worry about it.

Best thing to do is just get a SC character there and practice the mechanics.

09 Nov


gotta share the final version when you make it

04 Nov


Originally posted by bm277

...and it max low rolled melee fire damage :'-(

RNGesus givith and RNGesus taketh.

02 Nov


Originally posted by TransitionEven6481

Devs confirmed that they will be reworking all ailments in the near future. You might want to stay away from ailment builds for now.

The biggest nerf coming to ailments is to the shred ones and it's not even that much. Ailments will still be good.


Each stack of each ailment has its own stats and actually remembers exactly what applied it.

Increasing your own ailment stats do not by default affect your minion ailment stats. There are some abilities which let you carry them to your minions like balista and manifest armor.


Originally posted by Kalashtiiry

Don't worry about it too much: they can't get lower than 0 nor higher than 75%, so value of 2% reduction would anyway lie somewhere between 2% More and 8% More. So if you really wanna compare value of 1 shock to anything else just get the lower of those two (that is, 2% More) and compare with it.

Enemy resistances are not bound by any rules. Unless otherwise stated, they all have 0 in every resistance category. It can be reduced well below 0 and it is possible to have one with way more than 75. I don't think we do this anywhere but it's not a rule.

01 Nov


Originally posted by atwork314

Come on Eyereen!

How have I never hear that until now?

31 Oct


Originally posted by darthpsykoz

Do you have an ETA on the next patch release?

Not yet.


Originally posted by Lwe12345

Are they leaks if they are purposefully shown by the developer

Not really, it's a bit of a running joke. Back when I started streaming, the game director would pop his head in sometimes to "leak" info without me knowing. The term kinda stuck and now I try to bring "leaks" every week.

All the big stuff also gets shown in showcases or devblogs on our forums too. It's mostly little teases for people who follow closely and little things like this are fun to share.

I will say that one of them this week is not what it appears at first glance.

30 Oct


Originally posted by Slydesdale

Agree that Slormancer is the sleeper hit these days. Starts off slow but damn it’s deep and hits all the notes we want in an ARPG. IF, you can get past the wasd controls and lack of story content. But hell, most people hate the story and want to map to begin with so…

Big ups for Slormancer!

22 Oct


Originally posted by Kalashtiiry

Goddamn, hope so!

No need to hope, it's confirmed.


Pretty sure that node was removed a few patches ago. Probably just an old build guide.

20 Oct


Originally posted by RefrigeratorPrize277


Umm maybe I'm asking too much, but is it have a more simple /step by step solution guide? to try to solve this bug. Idk where to find the JSON file and how to edit those categoryid or displayorder sequences

Sorry, I know it sucks but I don't have a detailed method for you. Modifying your game files is not encouraged and runs the risk of causing more problems. If you decide to give it a shot, make a backup before you try.


Originally posted by RefrigeratorPrize277

Found a forum post and someone linked a solution in commenthttps://forum.lastepoch.com/t/stash-tab-categories-bug/47062/6

Should i try it or wait for EHG reply?

Edit: LOL I can't understand a single thing in the solution fml...

known bug, that's the only way to fix it at the moment, we will be fixing it when we multiplayerify the stash next patch

edit: the other way is just to delete your stash file but that will nuke everything, gold, crafting materials, everything.

17 Oct


Originally posted by imapoormanhere

Right! Makes me think you had final say with the art for this item.

Ha! I don't have final say with anything artistic at all.