

06 Mar


Originally posted by Aldubrius

How do you use dungeons to skip parts of the campaign? Is there some reward that lets you skip quests or something?

When you finish the dungeon, continue on and walk out instead of warping. You will be deposited several chapters further in the campaign than you started.


Originally posted by DruffilaX

I did test it with every function in the game but none of the buttons on the side of the mouse work in LE on my side for some reason

Sorry, I've seen this report before several times and every other time it was because the person needed to look to the right very slightly. I'm wondering if that's the problem here.


The chapter that is set in Majelka is the final chapter currently in the game. There will be more added later.

As for alternate leveling routes, as you play the end game, you will get dungeon keys. These can be used to unlock dungeons which can be used to get powerful rewards at higher tiers or also be used to skip sections of the campaign as your are leveling an alt.

Once we add more of these dungeons, you will be able to curate many different leveling experiences.


Originally posted by DruffilaX

I actually did try it

I just thought it doesn‘t work in LE like it doesn‘t in some other games but if it works for you then it‘s weird lol

DudeDid you check every button in the row for that function?


Originally posted by BlakkHitman

So the character I’m playing now wouldn’t be able To play multi? I’m basically practicing before the 9th then if I play now?



It's not official yet but we are aiming for 11am CT.


It's not official yet but we are aiming for 11am CT.

05 Mar


That little into bit is a great set of starter advice.


Yes, we don't have an ETA on it but localization has begun.


Removed for being a duplicate of so many topics recently.


Originally posted by ExDoublez

Thanks for the swift response, i was thinking something that would still adhere to the rules of the item factions. maybe we could earn guild tokens (that you use to deposit or withdraw?) by playing while in a guild or achieving certain things.

tying it in with the gameplay through challenges or fees could work too.

after the team's ingenious item factions idea I am sure you guys can figure out a sick system, I am just here to say its a pretty big thing for most people as its the biggest social aspect of any arpg in my personal opinion (I would argue more than multiplayer but eh)

We looked at several guild related systems when we were designing the item factions and we found major exploit cases in all the solutions we considered. I don't expect it to be solved.


A guild stash would severely undermine the item factions framework. With the current plans for item factions, we do not anticipate adding a guild stash. This isn't a hard no but something extremely large would have to change before we considered adding it.

As for a guild and guild chat system, that's in the probably category. We would like to have something to include along with it that's more than just a guild chat but that might end up being enough. If we get enough feedback that it's wanted, we are more likely to move it up the priority list.


Originally posted by Enter1ch

Am i still able to play Circle of Fortune as a multiplayer mode?

Can i trade items which are droped while my friend was in the same game? Like it was in diablo 3 RoS.

CoF is unfortunately being referred to as SSF mode. You can play CoF as a solo character if you want but it is not required to do so. We encourage CoF players to play multiplayer.

The D3 style gifting system is largely unaffected by the item factions and is still included. The only difference is that if you are playing as CoF and someone else in your party is MG, any items that you gift them will still have the CoF item requirement so they would need to switch to CoF in order to use them.

04 Mar


Originally posted by tillkrse

Here are some of the the most recent patch release times:

0.8.5 released at 2:00pm EST

0.8.4 released at 2:00pm EST

0.8.3 released at 12:00pm EST

0.8.2 released at 2:00pm EST

0.8.1 released at 1:30pm EST

0.8 released at 1:14pm EST

u/ekimarcher correct me its wrong. I saved it when someone else did comment it under an other post.

I don't know what they are but those look like they could be accurate to me.


No, we don't have a set time yet. It will likely follow historic patterns of morning North America time so we have the most staff scheduled to be available for support for the most time after launch.


As soon as we decided to have instanced loot, we thought of this and while we aren't quite ready to add it, I think it is something that will eventually make it in. Possibly not quite exactly like this but something similar.

03 Mar


Originally posted by Space_Croquette

If this page can be updated that would be incredible as you will have I think a lot of new players that will look for this info for sure without wanted to be too much spoiled oder have to look at a YouTube pseudo guide of 20 min that goes too much in details.

If you update it let me know 😉


We won't be updating it before 0.9 releases. It is on the list of things to do though.


Originally posted by Space_Croquette

Ohhh 😮 that's really nice.

Yes something exactly like this!

I have no idea how up to date those videos are but in case they are old it would be nice to have maybe an updated video with maybe 10 more sec showing 3 or 4 more skills exactly in the way you see it in those short videos!

Thx a lot !

Ah yes, as the other person said it is a bit out of date. The general theming and style is pretty consistent though. I'll be honest, it was late and I guessed at the url, I didn't actually check the site.


Weirdly enough, this is kinda exactly what the main website class page is.
