

01 May


ah this is probably my fault, I'll take a look at it - should be fixable, no promises though

23 Apr


Originally posted by Cobalt1027

Gotta say, it's always really cool to see devs pop in here and explain things like this in detail. Thanks for the in-depth explanation, much appreciated <3

No problem! I enjoy being able to talk through thought processes and design decisions, so it's nice being able to pop in every now and then and answer questions.


Originally posted by Xerxes457

Was there an iteration of Stoneplate that worked similarly to lifeline passives, meaning if a tank went down to a certain threshold of HP, they get the big shield?

Not that we tested for S14. However, I did make Mantle of the Twelfth Hour in Wild Rift as a Lifeline tank item before I left WR to come back to work on League. Based on my experience making that item in WR, I believe HoT effects usually serve the tank space better than shields for Lifeline items for a number of reasons, not least of which is that it gives tanks more power in prolonged engagements (again, similar to Jak'sho vs Stoneplate where core tank patterns are best supported by long-term power rather than concentrated momentary power - the shield is much more temporary than the heal).


I removed Stoneplate for several reasons:

  1. Tanks only have space for one capstone item in a non-mythic system. Jak'sho has a much stronger theme and is much more in line with the tank fantasy (become more durable if you can survive for a while), so Jak'sho was chosen for this slot over Stoneplate.

  2. Stoneplate's active in its most recent form was anti-burst, which is at odds with the general structure of tank builds, particularly with the changes for S14. We wanted to make tanks more durable across the board (which we did, by ~7% slower time to die in champ combat for tanks) which removed some need for anti-burst tools - if you're just tankier at a baseline, this naturally makes anti-burst tools less relevant and therefore less deserving of a spot in the shop.

  3. Stoneplate's shape required it to be heavily teamfight bound (via the %resist scaling per enemy) in a way that was low-satisfaction and overly biased lategame tanks towards only...

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13 Apr


It does. Shadowflame works like this:

  1. Who is dealing the damage? It only checks damage dealt by the holder (this includes their pets and other things like items that are sourced back to the originating champion).

  2. What type of damage is being dealt? It only proceeds if it's magic or true damage.

  3. What percent health is the enemy at? If they are below the threshold, it crits, dealing the increased damage.

It has some other hidden rules, like not applying to summoner spells, but Liandry's damage would fall within these, since it deals magic damage and is being dealt by the Shadowflame holder.

All of that having been said, I would say Liandry's Shadowflame Yorick is a...bold choice.

29 Feb


Cryptbloom was designed as a Void Staff alternative. This led down a pretty linear path:

  1. We don't want an item that does more damage than Void Staff, so it probably should have less pen and/or less AP.
  2. We can give it other stats if we want to fill out the stat profile. Haste makes sense here since by the time I was working on Cryptbloom I knew that there was going to be slightly less haste in the rest of the system (no mythic passives, nerfed haste boots, no 30 haste items, etc.) and we were willing to accept AP champions getting some of that haste back with a damage tradeoff. But HP was also something I considered, though I never actually tested that version.
  3. In keeping with #1, we want an effect that doesn't provide any damage, because we don't want this to compete with Void in terms of raw damage output. It also probably shouldn't be pure stats since that's what Void is, so it wants some kind of unique effect. Given the above reasoning, it shoul...
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21 Feb


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

I did it Reddit, soraka e tick rate up. This is huge for cancelling pyke hooks and stopping people flashing out of it (esp after hrglass)


Thanks /u/endstep, I have been asking about this bug on and off for like 5 years


15 Feb


Originally posted by gaenakyrivi

if you’re gonna buff aatrox cause of tethers, where are the karma and leblanc compensation buffs. they’re clearly the ones who will get impacted the most, not aatrox.

This is completely unrelated to tethers, and is attached to another bugfix in this patch.


Originally posted by LeagueofSpreadsheets

Aatrox's tether didn't change, the rioter who made the change actually used the method that was already in the code for Aatrox's tether to fix all the other tethers.

I used the same underlying piece of tech but not the same code. Aatrox's W uses a specialized setup to account for the abnormal shape (and also attaching the tether to a point rather than a unit), whereas every other tether is effectively a circle attached to a champion, so I wrote a new script for the other tethers that's a lot simpler since it can assume a lot of things (e.g. it's always two units being attached and the area is a circle).

08 Feb


Originally posted by ExplodingFistz

You seriously need to make more videos like this! I am in game dev and hearing your tech talk is music to my ears.

Thanks very much!


Originally posted by Foucz

Will this fix soraka E letting people flash after zhonya ends ?

This is unrelated to Soraka E, as Soraka E is not a tether. This change only addresses tethers.


Originally posted by MazrimReddit

Related in tick rates, can you make soraka e properly silence people, they can flash out of it especially after hourglass because the tick rate is so slow. It also doesn't cancel pyke hooks on low ping

I can take a look at Soraka E but no promises, as I believe the issue with that is a very different one than the tethers (to my knowledge, both are tickrate related but in a quite different way).


Originally posted by NapalmGiraffe

Hey Endstep! Thanks for the video. Quick question- is there a chance that champs who used Armor and MR shards (Galio, Malphite, etc) are being looked at for slight compensation buffs on their passives for the lack of damage from those runes? I noticed in my recent Galio games going into Akali and not being able to double MR shard was very noticeable in both my survivability (w reduction scales off MR too) and passive damage for trading.

It's possible, I recall when we were working on them there was discussion around things like this. I'm not up to date on whether there's still followup happening or not though, that would be on the Live pod which is more Phreak's area.


Originally posted by x_TDeck_x

Honestly very cool. I expect Leblanc to be hit the most but I still kind of expect it to be relatively minor.

One that I'm very curious about if it even applies in this context is Varus R spread. I feel like quite often the spread doesn't break even when you're pretty significantly out of the spread circle

I believe Varus R uses a different system but I'll take a look at it later today and see if it could be improved


Originally posted by acloudfullofrain

TLDW; In short, on live servers, tethers sometimes fail to break immediately when flashed out of due to server frame checking. Now, with the implementation of area checking, they break instantly, which slightly nerfs champions like Karma, LeBlanc, Nocturne, and Morgana. Compensation buffs may be considered for affected champions.

good summary, thanks

07 Feb


Zac Q tether range change is part of a larger set of tether changes, it's now an edge check rather than center check. This PBE deploy has a bug where the initial check on Zac Q is still center rather than edge but that will hopefully be fixed in the next deploy. (Also the tether changes are only partially on PBE, and subject to further changes).

edited for clarity

06 Feb


Originally posted by FrankTheBoxMonster

Bit of a messy patch data wise but I think I got most of Rek'Sai (also to whoever moved the string table, you got me, -2 minutes of my life).


Now let's talk about the Malignance change (or rather, non-change, as the tooltip merely got updated to convey its live functionality).

Malignance is currently being told to never trigger on damage that contains the BasicAttack tag. This is currently preventing the item from working with Warwick ult (who does actually have a serviceable AP build) and Viego ult (much less serviceable but will become useful for this discussion).

Both of these spells are tagged as both BasicAttack and ActiveSpell against their primary target, with Viego being simply ActiveSpell against his secondary targets. This means that both spells will normally apply all other spell effects to the target without issue. Malignance instead ignores them both purely for having the BasicAttack tag. However, ...

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BasicAttack exclusion on Malignance comes from original testing without it where a number of cases were technically correct, but violated expectations. For example, should formswapper attacks in their alternate forms create Malignance pools? What about if they have damage attached to their ultimate swapping like Jayce R? Without the BasicAttack exclusion it's hard to intuit why Jayce R > AA can trigger Malignance but Elise can't trigger Malignance at all (or even decide whether Spiderlings should have the ultimate tag or not). The current version is the set of rules that generally aligned with people's expectations (though I agree there are some cases in the current ruleset that aren't the most intuitive - at some point I might revisit and see if there's not a better ruleset out there that matches player expectations closer than this one).

If it were designed to exclude pet attacks that's a whole separate tag that, as mentioned, could easily be excluded (and there's no int...

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Originally posted by Etonet

Is Malignance only changed for Eclipse or for other procs like electrocute as well?

Malignance's damage was originally not tagged properly (didn't have the "proc" tag) which is what caused it to count for Eclipse. The tag is fixed in this patch, meaning anything that disregards proc damage will no longer register Malignance damage as a contributor.


It does, but as with all crit damage modifiers on Shadowflame, it only applies to the bonus damage from the crit, not the original damage.

So if you deal 100 magic damage and it's amped 20% by Shadowflame to 120, Randuin's doesn't decrease the entire 120 magic damage, just the 20 bonus being added by Shadowflame. In this case Randuin's would reduce the damage to 114.

31 Jan


This is a bug we're aware of, it is purely visual however - the gameplay works, but the visuals on the healthbar don't always properly represent the status of the shield. We'll hopefully have a solution for this soon regardless.