

23 May


Originally posted by jaokait

Is this fixed in the patch tomorrow?



Originally posted by zeppin

Someone just disconnected in the game, leaving behind no loot or kill credit. after patch is up.

Like I said, it will be fixed in the patch after this one. So in ~2 weeks probably.

22 May


Originally posted by CulayTL

Hackers gonna hack... More fixes are being done on the topic of spotting.

20 May


Originally posted by ShizukuEnju

It is wierd how people instead looking at the focus of the video, keep criticizing how people play their game... I am genuely disappointed that our community is filled with those self-absorbed people. I think battlefield is a game that allows many play style. People could be try hard and take out PIAT, MMGs, AP mines and also grenade launcher to harass your enemy and ultimately contribute more to the team as well as using those dot sights to gain most benefit over enemies. Some people could have take whatever they like and play casually, like using panzerfaust, using iron sight for all guns, etc. Anyway, it is my own business on my weaponary choice and my own business on how to play with my game. To people who would, again, judge how you should use piat to spam explosive, please STFU, downvote me and leave me alone. The ONLY message I would like to express via this video is theres a bug that you will stuck between dead and alive. Thank you.

The bug will be fixed in the upcoming patch :)

18 May


Originally posted by _CorporalHart

Thanks for your hard work, but can you explain what this means? If the issue is fixed now, why wouldn't it be in the next patch? Is there some sort of review process that each game build needs to go through on each platform before it can be released?

It just sounds to me like you guys are working on a lot of stuff, but it takes forever for any of it to come out.

We have a tight schedule for all the patches with dedicated time for testing. This means that non-critical changes can't be made to a patch close to release. It drastically lowers the risk of introducing new bugs but at the same time means that bringing fixes live take a bit longer. It's a trade off, but personally I think the balance is right.


Can you please make more quality content like this?

17 May


Originally posted by ColtenCunningham

Oh the video is completely random! If you slow it down there isn’t any dynamite on the gun what so ever. So I imagine I may have just struck a bug that put me in a previous dynamite damage zone idk man! I don’t even care the first part of the title isn’t related to the video. Bugs don’t upset me really just makes the game more interesting.

Yeah they can be kind of fun sometimes especially when it's this random....

Well thanks for sharing, and the good news is that this bug will be fixed in the upcoming patch.


Originally posted by ColtenCunningham

They added the revive after a vehicle on purpose, it was in the patch notes.

Very confusing video to watch, but I think he's right.

There is a bug in the game where you get killed if a vehicle you used before gets blown up, hence the kill happening with dynamite. I guess you knifing the floating (!) pak at the same time is a coincidence.


Originally posted by leaftree_

Excellent well done, will it also count as a kill by any chance? I've been seeing a lot more disconnecting downed enemies recently

The scoring will be fixed too.


The loot not dropping has been fixed already, it won't be in the next patch but probably in the one after that.


I wish we had time to implement a 'high five' button


Originally posted by Hayt_

Was this happening on PC as well or just console? I'm curious because I hadn't noticed it on PC. PS: I love Firestorm but I hate what it does to my Score Per Minute even when I have a good run. Any chance of splitting that from other MP?

This is happening on any platform.


Originally posted by GlintSteel

Finally we get response after so many post like these :D

As a bonus I also fixed parachutes not rendering beyond 200m, will be in the same patch


I fixed loot not dropping already, it didn't make it in time for the upcoming patch, but it's likely going to be in the one after that.


Originally posted by Wurm_Pis

Is this also getting fixed? /u/lytlb1t

Also, when is the next patch? It's taking very long to get bugs fixed. I feel these things should get fixed as soon as possible rather than waiting for content patches.

It's being investigated, sadly it won't be fixed in the next patch. We patch roughly every two weeks, so the next one is expected to drop in a week or so.

16 May


So many clueless enemies to shoot, I'm jealous!

15 May


Originally posted by Dr_Z0idberrg

Here are a couple bad examples. Fix your game! Iove BFV and Firestorm but I swear I'm seeing stuff like this more often all the time. Annoying

The first issue looks animation related, I'll forward it to the right person. The second one is a connection issue, notice the red icons on the right side.



12 May


Originally posted by DealSulis

Are you sure he's dead on the server ? Same thing happened to me, I was able to shoot but it was not dealing any damage. After having fun confusing my ennemies and allies, I had no more ammo so I was about to leave, but my squadmate medic revived me. I was dead for 5 or 10 minutes but apparently still revivable, althought a lot of medics ignored me so maybe only squadmates could revive me.

Yeah the server really knows he's dead, hence the weapon dealing no damage. The soldier is in a weird state where the client keeps sending events but the server is rejecting most of them them. Some get through, like the weapon firing, but won't have any effect.